Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 143 Attacking Esladu\r

Ganesh looked at the dead Borg with a gloomy face, clenched his fists and was very angry.

The dwarf army is already approaching them, if that's all, Ganes is not afraid at all.

However, if the elves and goblins are also involved, it will be different.

The magic of the elves and goblins is also very dangerous, and it is not something that half-orcs can deal with.

And the number of their Death Eaters is far from being comparable to that of elves and goblins.

Facing the constant approach of the army, this should have been commanded and faced by Borg.

Now, as the second person under Borg, he must take over such a burden.

"My lord, what should we do next?"

A Death Eater stood behind Ganesh and asked blankly.

"What should I do if there is nothing? Since they are here, let them never go back."

"We don't have as many wizards as they do, but we have enough half-orcs."

"It's not like we don't have the means to deal with wizards."

"Let the Orcs move and let them feel the horror of war again."

Ganesh came to the window, stared into the distance with a gloomy expression, and said.

The Death Eaters took action and organized an army of orcs.

It didn't take long to see the half-orcs of Esladu, under the organization of the Death Eaters, roaring, and the army of Death Eaters also gathered continuously and left towards the distance.

As the kingdom of the dwarves, Asla has relatively stable and safe fortifications besides the city built on the mountain.

The dwarf army is only 30,000 in number.

These 30,000 people are also all the fighting forces of the dwarves today, and they will go all out for this battle.

The goblins, under the leadership of Grice and Nost, brought 1,500 goblins, drove the goblin ark, and floated above the dwarves, full of fighting spirit.

On the side of the high elves, under the leadership of the princess of the high elf king, Lauren Alice, organized 3,000 high elf warriors to join the dwarf warriors in the grassland.

Gathering the forces of the three parties, the total combat power is 34,500, which is nothing compared to the 100,000 troops of the orcs.

However, Roy Sophie and the others were full of confidence against one hundred thousand orcs with such combat power.

Although half-orcs have a strong physique, the dwarves also have them, and they are more brave and good at fighting.

Harry, Malfoy and others followed in the dwarf army, looking at the neat army in front of them, they were full of shock.

Although they have participated in several battles before, this time, what they will experience is a larger-scale battle with more warriors.

"Before coming, could you have imagined that our trip would be so exciting?" Cedric asked with a smile as he flew in mid-air, looking at the army moving in front of him.

"We're going through battles that don't belong to our age group, and more than once."

"However, I can clearly feel how powerful I have become over the past few years."

Cedric's voice echoed in the air, and Harry and the others couldn't help recalling their experience during this time.

"No matter how powerful you are, you are no match for me." Malfoy said with a smug smile on his face when he heard Cedric's words.

During this period of time, Malfoy has also been tempering himself. What's more interesting is that Malfoy, Harry, and Neville have all been blessed by the female elves, especially Harry has been blessed by Queen Alice.

Because of the blessing, Malfoy, Neville, and Harry had a great improvement in magic and spiritual power, and they were directly promoted from junior magicians to intermediate magicians.

The same is true, Malfoy can now release intermediate magic with relative ease.

When Cedric heard this, he was so envious that he didn't know what to say.

Malfoy himself was already very powerful as a magic warrior, but now that he has advanced to an intermediate magician, it will be even more difficult.

Hermione, Luna and Kali felt very regretful and disappointed when they thought of the elf's blessing. ..

The small expectations in their hearts have not been realized.

On the outskirts of Esladu, an army of 100,000 orcs has gathered here, and everyone is restless.

Except for the orcs, there are hundreds of giant monsters tens of meters high, and each monster is holding a huge chain hammer.

The chain hammer is waving in their hands, and throwing it out will cause huge destructive and lethal power.

At the same time, this is also very dangerous for the goblins on the Elven Ark.

The Death Eaters stood on the city wall, looking at the gathered United Army with indifferent expressions.

Ganes stood on the high platform, looked at the army gathered in front of him, smiled on his face, and said, "Attack!"


The horn of attack sounded, and the already restless half-orc, holding a mace, charged without hesitation.

The roar of the half-orcs resounded throughout the battlefield, and the scene of an army of one hundred thousand half-orcs running up made the ground tremble even more.

This even more shocking scene made Harry and others even more shocked and more visually impactful.

"Spirit of Light, listen to my call, and bless the warriors who dare to challenge the darkness and protect the light in front of you, protect the light."

At Kate Lyle's feet, a six-pointed star array emerged, holding a white jade wand, a huge magic power emerged, and the holy light shrouded the dwarves, elves, and goblins who had not yet charged, and even Harry and others.

Under the shroud of the holy light, the aura of everyone on the dwarf side increased instantly.

An auxiliary magic at the level of forbidden spells was blessed on everyone.

William Thomas, who was hiding in the crystal ball, was shocked when he saw such a scene.

What kind of existence is this? It is simply too terrifying to be able to attach magical buffs to tens of thousands of people.

On the city wall of Esladu, countless Death Eaters were stunned by the holy light in front of them.

How is this going?

The range covered by this holy light is too wide.

Is that human being?

Ganes clenched his fists tightly, his eyes widened in disbelief and horror.

At the first moment, he thought that this was the magic of the High Elf King, but he quickly rejected it.

Because he knew that even the High Elf King couldn't do it here.

The same is true, Ganesh felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

The two powerful war machines collided in an instant, and as expected, the half-orc who rushed to the front was instantly killed by the impact.

At this time, the dwarves under the holy light stretched out to form a thin wall, but they blocked the orcs fiercely, preventing them from rushing in and posing a greater threat to the elves.

The archery of the elves is very powerful, and the magic power is also very amazing.

It is an important force for distant output, and it is also a key protection object.

Nature needs to focus on protection.

On the Elven Ark, the goblins, as the third layer of protection, constantly cast magic on the half-orcs below, and most of them aimed at those half-orcs with long-range attacks.

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