Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 155 The Sky Thunder Cloud Rain Curse\r

Build a magic circle, add strength, or release combined magic.

Before that, they had been practicing, but they had never actually fought.

The undead army that has not yet attacked in front of them gives them a chance to practice.

Malfoy and Hermione had never tried the combination of lightning and water magic.

But about the combination of thunder and water magic, Kate Lyle has taught it.

Heavenly Thunder Cloud Rain Curse!

An intermediate combination magic, thunderstorms from the sky, wherever it passes, the rain that falls is thunder.

To put it bluntly, rainwater conducts electricity, and the two are combined to cover a denser area.

The Dark Demon Dragon under the mountain was very quiet.

Mai Ding Johnson died, Heidi and Mai Ding Johnson were both exhausted, and they had no strength to resist at all.

Regarding the appearance of the undead, the Dark Demon Dragon is not afraid at all, and is not even worried about what the undead can do to it.

However, the Dark Dragon was somewhat interested in Harry and the others on the top of the mountain.

Although it can't see it, it can feel the change of magic power.

The strength of Harry and others is not strong, and even compared to it, they can be easily resolved at any time.

But at this time, they unexpectedly erupted with magic power that they shouldn't have.

The magic circle condensed under the feet of Malfoy and Hermione, and what they worked hard to build was a pentagram circle.

It will take time, because the two have not cooperated before.

The first attempt was cautious and full of anticipation.

ten minutes.

In a full ten minutes, after two failures, in the third attempt, he successfully built a pentagram array under his feet.

Seeing this scene, Harry and the others were extremely excited and delighted.

Malfoy had a smile on his face, full of energy.

Hermione grabbed her wand, took a deep breath, looked at the dense army of undead in front of her, and said in a deep voice, "Let's begin!"..

Malfoy nodded, and then, in the anticipation of everyone, he began to chant, saying: "Thunder elves hidden in the world, listen to my call, respond to the call of the water elf, and rain down thunder to purify the filth of the world Let's - Heavenly Thunder Cloud Rain Curse."

When Malfoy sang, Hermione also sang at the same time: "Spirit of water hidden in the sky and earth, heed my call, respond to the call of the spirit of thunder, send down the rain of thunder, and purify the filth of time - thunder Cloud and Rain Curse."


Thunder clouds condensed on the battlefield, the sound of lightning and thunder resounded across the battlefield, and the rain of thunder poured down, accompanied by dense thunder, venting on the battlefield.

On the Elven Ark, Grice and the others looked at the falling thunder and rainstorm in astonishment, but were soon horrified by the scene before them.

Thunder has righteousness, and like light, it has great restraint and damage to undead.

At this time, the gathered undead army was being purified and eliminated under the baptism of the thunder.

Harry and the others cheered happily when they saw the combined magic released by Malfoy and Hermione, which had such a miraculous effect.

"It's great, the thunder magic circle is effective." Edward hugged Forbes happily and shouted loudly.

"Luna, you don't need to stand alone to deal with these undead army." Carly said excitedly, holding Luna's hand.

The smile on Luna's face was very gentle, she nodded happily and said: "With the thunder magic, we are much more relaxed."

"In this way, we can consume and hold them back, allowing the dwarves to forge enough silver weapons to deal with the undead." Harry clenched his fists and smiled excitedly.

After Grice and the others were horrified, they showed joyful expressions.

"Thunder can hurt evil and filthy undead, and water can conduct electricity to produce higher coverage. These children are too smart."

North did not hesitate to praise the performance of Harry and others: "It's a pity that Hagrid went to help make silverware, otherwise, seeing the hard work of these children, I will definitely be happy."

"They are simply geniuses!"

"Nost, maybe we can set up an enchantment first. Although this won't last for too long, we have to learn from these children." Grice said seriously to Nost.

North nodded and said, "Yes, Grace."

It is a big project to release a huge magic barrier in a place as big as Asla, and all the fairies have to act, and it takes a lot of time.

The goblins are working hard to set up barriers, the dwarves are working hard to forge silverware, and Harry and the others are trying to purify the undead to delay their attack.

On the contrary, the elves couldn't help much at this time.

They have no arrows with silver arrows. They know magic, but none of them can release the magic that purifies the undead.

At this time, Princess Alice regretted that she couldn't help much, so she could only send elves to patrol as much as possible and pay attention to the situation on the battlefield.

The exposed undead were wiped out little by little. Although it took a little time, the Sky Thunder Cloud Rain Curse worked well.

The success of Malfoy and Hermione also inspired Luna, and Harry quickly helped Luna build a pentagram.

This effect is somewhat different.

The magic circle was constructed by Harry and others, but the user is Luna. The purpose is to lend their power to Luna, so that Luna can release powerful magic.

Luna stood in the middle of the magic circle, took a deep breath, grabbed the wand with a serious expression, and sang: "Spirit of Light, listen to my call, drive away the evil spirits in front of you, and restore a free soul—the holy light!"

The holy light erupted from Luna's body, shining condescendingly on the earth, and the undead army was being baptized by the holy light and thunder.

Under the baptism of double magic, the undead are being purified and dissipated with the world.

Within the enveloping barrier, David slowly raised his head, his eyes gleamed with red light, looking very terrifying.

In addition, David's body also began to release black air, and he stared at the army of undead on the battlefield, murmuring constantly.

Heidi on the side seemed to hear something, and looked at David wearily, astonished.

Because at this time, David seemed to be demonized, releasing unbelievable power.

In an instant, David broke free from the shackles of the water spear, slowly floated in the air, and stood up straight, his whole body was shrouded in black gas.

And as David stretched out his hand and chanted continuously, under the land of this battlefield, blackness continued to emerge.

More and more undead gathered rapidly in a very short period of time.

On this battlefield, I don't know how many people died in the battle. In the last two battles in Esladu alone, tens of thousands of people were killed or injured.

These undead are like endless, constantly being summoned.

But what makes people a little strange is that they didn't launch an attack, but quickly retreated, away from the place shrouded in thunder and holy light.

Harry and the others were happy that they could cause large-scale casualties to the undead, but they didn't expect that these undead suddenly ran away.

And they're pretty fast.

"Where are they going?"

"Why did you run away suddenly?"

Edward said very puzzled.

"Maybe they just want to escape from our attack range." Malfoy said in a deep voice with a wise light in his eyes.

"Then what should we do? If we can't buy enough time for the dwarves, Asla will be finished." Neville said a little frustrated.

"Our attack range is not far enough. However, water can conduct electricity. We should ask Grice and the others for help. As long as we release enough Clear Water Curse to create a vast ocean, we can also cause damage to those undead." Hermione said hastily.

Hearing this, Harry quickly said, "I'll go to Grace and the others for help now."

After speaking, Harry cast a flying spell on himself and flew back.

And at this moment, dozens of black gas in the distance, like a giant dragon in the darkness, attacked Malfoy and the others.

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