Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 311 Peter Pettigrew was robbed\r

"Congratulations, Sirius, Peter Pettigrew was captured, and now you are free."

"Next, do you have any ideas?"

In a small bungalow.

Kate Lyle looked at the approaching Sirius and asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Sirius smiled happily, "I don't have any special thoughts. This is good. Not only can I watch Harry Potter, but I can also do some interesting things."

According to his agreement with Kate Lyle, he should have let go of his prejudices, hidden himself, and not troubled Peter Pettigrew.

At least not for a short time.

However, what happened today filled him with surprises and surprises.

He didn't want to miss such an opportunity, so he seized this opportunity tightly and grabbed Peter Pettigrew directly.

"Since you want to stay, then stay."

"As Harry's godfather, you have to bear a lot of responsibilities, and the danger Harry will face will be greater."

"The master, Peter Pettigrew, has been paying attention to everything that happens in Hogwarts."

"There are enough eyeliners here to get the message out without you knowing."

Upon hearing this, Sirius nodded and said, "I understand."

"Thunder magic is very useful, you have to study it hard." Kate Lyall reminded Sirius when she saw Sirius get up and prepare to leave.

"I understand, I will study hard." Sirius Black opened the door and prepared to leave.

"Professor Dumbledore." Sirius, who went out, looked at Dumbledore approaching, and called out in surprise.

At this time, Dumbledore's expression was a bit solemn, which made Sirius feel that something extraordinary must have happened.

So, after going out, Sirius followed Dumbledore to close the door, and stood quietly at the door, listening.

"Peter Pettigrew was kidnapped on his way to the Ministry of Magic."

"For this reason, the Ministry of Magic also killed two Aurors."

Seeing Kate Lyle, Dumbledore couldn't help but said immediately.

Kate Lyle was a little surprised when she heard this, but quickly calmed down again.

As Peter Pettigrew said, there are too many people trying to kill him.

But there were also many people who wanted to know about Voldemort's whereabouts, including the Death Eaters.

Because many people knew by now that Voldemort hadn't really died yet.

The Death Eaters are struggling to find their master and regain their dominance in the wizarding world.

So, those who kidnapped Peter Pettigrew must also be those of the Death Eaters.

"The Ministry of Magic, according to those people, tracked down the clues, found some people, and quickly took action, and discovered that the Death Eaters organization has hidden larger connections and more key people."

"The identities of these people are well hidden, and they can influence the operation of the Ministry of Magic. It is difficult for us to know which one is the Death Eater."

When Dumbledore said this, he felt a little helpless.

Death Eaters are so well hidden, and spread all over the place, no one knows who is the spy hiding around.

Unless the Ministry of Magic has enough trustworthy people and takes sufficiently violent coercive measures, it will be difficult to find out the people around them one by one.

"We have nothing to do with this matter. After all, we are just professors at the magic school, aren't we?" Kate Lyle said calmly.

Dumbledore nodded regretfully upon hearing this, and said, "Even so, a chaotic magical world will always bring greater casualties and destruction."

"We are not God, nor the great Merlin. Even if his underpants are removed, as long as there are still people in this world who are blinded by interests, there will be darkness everywhere. The light on us cannot drive them away. If you can work hard to train more students who shine, let them go out and make a difference." Kate Lyle laughed when she heard this.

Outside the door, Sirius already knew the general situation, so he left quietly.

Peter Pettigrew was robbed like this, which made him surprised and dissatisfied.

If he could, he wanted Peter Pettigrew dead, or tortured in Azkaban for the rest of his life.

If it weren't for Peter Pettigrew's betrayal, James Potter wouldn't have died, and he wouldn't have been imprisoned for so many years and suffered such great torture. ..

But now that Peter Pettigrew has been kidnapped, no one knows what will happen next.

Perhaps there will be greater dangers and conspiracies that will directly befall Hogwarts School, or Harry Potter.

Therefore, at this time, the more he couldn't reveal his identity, he had to secretly protect Harry Potter.

This was something he, as Harry Potter's godfather, could do and make up for as much as he could now.

"Don't be so sad Ronald, that's a f*ck Gus."

"Besides, he's very old."

"Taking advantage of the weekend, we can go to the town to have a look. There is also a pet shop there, and we can go there to pick a mouse as a new pet."

In the dormitory, Harry looked at Ronald with a sad expression, and said comfortingly.

Scabbers turned out to be a f*ck Gus, this result greatly exceeded Ronald's expectations, and made him extremely shocked.

The relationship of so many years has been ruined, how can he not be sad.

"Ronald, the old doesn't go and the new doesn't come."

"Believe me, before this, you have always had Scabber Mouse who disliked you, because he acted old and lazy, but in fact, he is very brave, and he is also a f*ck Gus." Dean sat On Ronald's side, he said with a smirk.

They had heard Ronald complain more than once that Scabbers was very old, and that he was a pet left by his brother.

In fact, Scabbers is really old.

"Haha, I agree with Dean, you should get a new one."

"In addition, I am very sure that your current performance is just a cover-up."

"Your heart is already ready to move, and you can't wait to get a new pet immediately."

"For example, replace it with a hawk that is as smart as Hedwig."

Xifei did not miss such an opportunity, and took Ronald to start the game without hesitation.

Neville smiled, looked at Ronald and said, "Ronald, you are not short of money at all, are you?"

Ronald had a smile on his face when he heard what everyone said, and he was a little proud.

Then he stretched out his hand suddenly, hugged Harry and Dean, pressed them on the bed, and laughed loudly: "Haha, don't know me too well."

"I've decided I'm going to buy a good Harrier Hawk. I've had enough of the guy in the family who is always lost and exhausted."

Hearing Ronald smiled, and laughed out loud, Harry and the others also laughed out loud.

Afterwards, slapstick laughter also came from the dormitory.

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