Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 315 Holiday, Surprise\r

The end-of-semester exams are long.

One subject is tested in the morning, and only two subjects can be tested in a day.

Therefore, the end-of-semester exams take students a week.

On the last day of term, exam results will also come out quickly.

Harry, Ronald, Hermione, and Neville successfully passed Kate Lyle's test.

Although not every subject got an A, but in the eight compulsory courses, he still managed to get an A.

If they continue with such results, there is still a great chance to get at least seven excellent owls in the fifth grade common wizard registration exam, so the four of Harry are also full of confidence and expectations.

Percy had successfully graduated with a high score on the Ultimate Wizarding Examination, and had already made plans to apply for a career at the Ministry of Magic, such as Secretary to the Minister for Magic.

Fred and George also did very well in their Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations, successfully progressing to sixth form.

In addition, due to Gryffindor's outstanding performance in the Quidditch Cup, plus these days, Harry and Ronald made fewer mistakes and were no longer targeted by Snape, so Gryffindor Academy won the Academy Cup championship for the third year in a row.

Therefore, at the banquet at the end of the semester, red and gold decorations were hung all around, and Gryffindor's table became the most lively among the four colleges.

Professor McGonagall was so cheerful and smiling like a flower, which made her very happy.

It had been a long time since Gryffindor had received such an honor.

Not only that, but Professor McGonagall looked at Harry Potter with love, just like she loved Hermione who was smart and studious.

It seems that as long as Harry Potter is still around, Gryffindor will undoubtedly continue to win the title in the next few years.

Gryffindor common room.

Hermione, Harry, Ronald, Sirius, Ginny, Fred, George, and Neville sat here, sitting around the fire, talking about the interesting things that happened at the banquet tonight.

"Harry, I went to see Professor McGonagall this morning and decided not to go to Muggle research."

"This research, in the face of elemental magic, is completely meaningless. I even couldn't help but propose to Professor McGonagall to cancel this subject."

"Unfortunately, Professor McGonagall did not give me a satisfactory answer."

Harry heard Hermione's words, a smile appeared on his face, and he said, "That's not up to Professor McGonagall to decide, there is a board of directors in Hogwarts school, and things decided by the board of directors will be cancelled."

"However, I'm curious, haven't you already scored 320 points in the exam? Why didn't you learn it?" Harry immediately asked suspiciously.

Hermione said with a little panic and irritability: "You don't know that I've been driven crazy by that time-turner all year, I need to be quiet."

"So, I decided to teach him back and let me have enough time."

Having said that, Hermione paused for a moment, glanced at Ronald, then withdrew her gaze and said, "After all, in addition to studying those courses, I also need to receive training from Professor Kate Lyle, Madam Pomfrey's medical guidance, my Time is squeezed to such an extent that there is no other time to do other things besides eating and sleeping."

Ronald caught Hermione's gaze, with a silly smirk on his face, and said: "Hermione, I support you, you are already very good, you don't need to pay attention to Muggle studies, divination classes, these things at all."

"Ronald, shut up, your eyes are full of admiration, it's really annoying." Fred said dissatisfiedly patting Ronald on the head.

Harry and the others burst out laughing upon hearing this.

Ginny's eyes, while everyone was laughing, also looked at Harry Potter intentionally or unintentionally.

Hermione looked serious about this, and she didn't show her shyness inside. ..

"There will be a Quidditch World Cup during the summer vacation. Are you interested? Let's watch the Quidditch match together."

"Father should have free tickets. Of course, we don't need the money now, but there are free ones. We should accept them generously, shouldn't we?" Ronald said suddenly.

When Harry and the others heard this, their eyes lit up suddenly, and they all nodded excitedly, expressing their willingness to go.

Ronald clapped his palms and said with a happy smile, "In this case, we will make an appointment to watch the Quidditch World Cup together."

"Ronald, it's been forgotten, we still have one thing to do." Hermione looked at Harry, Ronald, and Neville, and reminded: "Our grades are very good, and we should fulfill what Professor Kate promised us. "

When Harry, Ronald, and Neville heard what they said, joyful smiles appeared on their faces.

A magic pharmacy store of their own is one of the dreams they have been working hard for. Is it going to come true now?

After hearing Hermione's words, Fred and George showed a bit of mystery on their faces, and then Fred said, "When will your potion store open?"

"How do you know that we opened a magic potion specialty store?" Harry looked at Fred with some surprise and asked.

"Because we also bought a store in Diagon Alley, we experienced the happiness brought by money for the first time. You can never imagine that the owner of the store that is about to go bankrupt, when we give enough Galleons , how excited, he simply regards us as the savior." George said triumphantly.

"Weasley's Weasley's, it's called 'Weasley's Weasley', and we've prepared enough, interesting, fun, and enough to entertain, and we're very determined that it will bring us great fortune .” Fred and George spoke together, one by one, speaking in a very tacit understanding, and interesting, Harry and the others heard a little funny, but they were also attracted.

"You haven't answered us yet, how did you know that we are going to open a 'magic potion store'." Ronald continued to ask after Fred finished talking.

"Of course I listened to what Professor Kate said, because of what he said, we were inspired and wanted to realize our dreams." Fred said proudly.

"Nice job, I am very optimistic about your little trick, I believe there are enough people who will be willing to buy it." Sirius has also seen a lot of things made by Fred and George, especially in that small In the workshop, there are all kinds of weird things, which bring 'surprise' and 'fright' to people.

"Our Weasley's Wheezes is just opposite the Magic Potions store, and we are friendly neighbors."

"So, how about we agree to open on the same day together?"

When Harry and the others heard George's words, their eyes lit up and a smile appeared on their faces.

Fred and George, this is a little surprise for them.

At least, this is already telling them that Professor Kate has already fixed the store as agreed, and saved them from worrying about the future.

How can this not surprise them.

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