Harry Potter, Cedric Diggory, Draco Malfoy continued to play.

Beauxbaton and Telmstrong each added two more players.

Rita Skeeter, a reporter from the Daily Prophet, came to Hogwarts and interviewed and took pictures of Harry and others.

It took a lot of time. Rita Skeeter was as irritating and disgusting as the original work, and even wanted to add herself to the interview target, which made Kate Lyle a little dissatisfied.

Because this female reporter is so confident in herself that the topic of the question and the suddenness of the interview without consent are annoying.

In this regard, Kate Lyle had no choice but to let Snape act as a black face and drive the female reporter away, only to get some peace.

In the following time, Harry Potter and others attended classes normally.

The Hogwarts students had no complaints about Harry, Cedric and Draco representing Hogwarts, and they were full of confidence.

Students from Beauxbaton School of Witchcraft and Magic and Temstrong have also attended classes and conducted magic attribute identification in front of Kate Lyle.

In teaching elemental magic such as Viktor and Fleur, Kate Lyle still taught them from the basics, correcting what they had already learned, which was nonsensical elemental magic.

Moreover, the teaching speed will also be improved a lot, so that they can learn more knowledge in a short period of time.

But whether they can master it depends on whether they can put their heart into it later.

Finally, Kate Lyle encouraged them to continue to participate in the duel competition, which would help them have more practical experience and better familiarity with elemental magic.

Hagrid's humor, although sometimes boring, he is not stupid, on the contrary very funny.

In recent times, Hagrid has begun to pay attention to dressing himself, and the whole person looks cleaner.

Hagrid also found Kate Lyle and helped him expand his house, which made it easier for him and Mrs. Maxime to come in and out without bowing their heads deliberately.

Poor cooking skills forced Hagrid to take food seriously, and finally found a house elf who was proficient in food to help through Kate Lyle.

So, these days, Hagrid is having a great time.

Every day, no matter who it is, when they see Hagrid, they are all smiling.

And Madam Maxim also looked a bit shy, and even talked about interesting topics with Hagrid.

Although Igor Karkaroff often appeared in the elemental magic class, he would also walk around the castle, as if observing something, and then he could talk to almost every professor about a lot of topics.

Remus John Lupine didn't like Igor Karkaroff very much. He even saw Igor Karkaroff sneaking a few times.

However, he has no real evidence, and proves that Igor Karkaroff is doing something bad.

However, Remus John Lupine mentioned Igor Karkaroff and Snape to Kate Lyle more than once.

The two of them seem to be very close, and every time they meet, Igor Karkaroff's mood seems to be not very good.

He was obviously not someone to get along with, but he always came to him, which made Remus John Lupine very suspicious.

It was even thought for a time whether Snape and Igor Karkaroff were going to return to the embrace of the Dark Lord.

In this regard, Kate Lyle gave comfort and reassured him.

Back to the arms of the Dark Lord?

This is really not good news, at least for Voldemort, not good news.

The current Snape is very dangerous.

"Professor Kate, why didn't you choose me to stay in the competition and protect Harry."

After a week of hesitation, Sirius couldn't help but came to Jianju and expressed his doubts.

"Yes, you are a good choice, but it is up to the jury to make the choice."

"And you were the last one to show up, so they chose to choose according to the order."

Kate Lyle explained with a smile: "Actually, you don't need to worry that much at all. Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, and Cedric will work hard to complete the task."

"We have no way to keep it. Whether there are people with ulterior motives here who are secretly doing bad things." Sirius retorted.

"That was a test for Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy."

"Their performance has always been very good, Mr. Black."

After hearing Kate Lyle's words, Sirius fell into a brief silence.

Sirius also at least wanted to fulfill his duties as a godfather well when Harry lost his parents and his family.

Especially since these days, Harry has also been secretly looking for news about him.

"The first event in the competition was a dragon, which I saw in the Forbidden Forest and told Harry about it." ..

"I've been watching secretly for a long time. That guy Karkaroff thought he was hiding well, but he didn't find out. I've been keeping an eye on him."

"Hagrid, for love, also brought Madame Maxime."

"So, they all know, what the first project is."

After the silence, Sirius immediately told Kate Lyle what he knew.

"Oh, I've seen this one, but it's not surprising at all."

"Whoever wins the championship also means that the school will become more famous."

"It's an honor."

Kate Lyle laughed when she heard the words, she was not surprised by these situations at all.

It's just that, compared to the first project in the original book, the current first project is more troublesome.

Three fire dragons, according to the lottery, and will appear one after another.

The more he plays, the more angry the fire dragon will be, which means that the difficulty of the game will become more dangerous.

Kate Lyle believed that this was not a problem for the three of Harry Potter, but it might not be a problem for people from other magic schools.

In the evening, Harry found Kate Lyle.

"Professor Kate, I had a nightmare today. According to previous nightmares, there will be trouble in this competition."

Harry recalled the nightmare he had last night, and Trelawney's divination, which gave Harry a bad feeling.

Therefore, he needs to find someone to share his worries with and comfort him.

Kate Lyle raised her eyebrows, looked at Harry, and said, "Harry, have you forgotten what you said so quickly?"

Harry froze for a moment, nodded, and said, "I know, even if Voldemort is really standing in front of me, I will try my best to kill him."

Kate Lyle poured Harry a cup of tea, and reminded with a smile: "Do you still remember the gift I gave you? Although it is precious, its value can only be realized by using it."

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