Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 351 Unexpected incidents continue\r


Harry Potter, who was trying to swim upstream and didn't know the danger was coming, only felt a pain in his abdomen.

When he looked down, blood had penetrated his clothes and seeped out, staining the lake red.

What made Harry Potter even more terrified was that Ginny's eyes were bloodshot, and she smiled very strangely and coldly.


When Harry Potter was unbelievable and terrified, Ginny shot out suddenly, and before he could react too much, the whole person quickly fell towards the water.

What's more, there are countless aquatic plants growing crazily, as if they want to entangle Harry Potter tightly and stay at the bottom of the lake forever.

Not only these aquatic plants, but Grindylow, who was supposed to be in a coma, also woke up one after another at this time, with blood red eyes, holding a trident, and making strange and cold sounds.

In just a short time, Harry Potter was entangled by countless aquatic plants, and the gathered Grindylow waved his trident, excitedly about to tear Harry Potter apart.

"Look over there, someone's hurt."

Who knows who yelled, and everyone in the stands was attracted to a corner of the Great Lake.

There, blood stained the lake.

Although it is not very bright, it is certain that someone has been injured.

The blood of Grindylow is not red.

It was the blood of those fish, even though it was red, but they didn't think that Harry Potter, Fleur, and a student of Telmstrong who hadn't landed yet would go out of their way to kill the fish in the lake.

Draco, who had already landed, frowned, looking at the lake, a little unsure.

For some reason, he had a feeling that there was definitely something to do with Harry Potter.

Dumbledore and the others in the jury had no choice but to stand up at this moment and pay close attention to the movements on the lake.

Kate Lyle's gaze was also attracted by the movement in front of her.

Magic flickered, and Kate Lyle's eyes flickered with magic.

Everything in the lake also disappeared from Kate Lyle's eyes.

It was also at this time that the lake began to boil, and countless bubbles flickered on the surface of the lake.


When everyone was puzzled, the lake burst suddenly, like a huge bomb exploded, and countless water splashed on the teachers and students in the stands.

The flames soaring into the sky caused the surrounding lake water to sizzling continuously under the high temperature, and the water vapor soon filled the entire lake surface.

This sudden situation caused some commotion.

Kate Lyle raised her eyebrows and waved her hand. The gust of wind whizzed by, and the mist that filled the lake was instantly blown away.

But before everyone could react, the surrounding area was suddenly covered in mist, and there were magical rays of light flickering.

Flames, wind blades, rain arrows, soil guns and other magic spells fell overwhelmingly towards the lake.

Things changed again, and the expressions of everyone present changed again.

Draco Malfoy's eyes became extremely sharp at this moment.

He saw with his own eyes, right next to him, that the warrior from Telmstrang suddenly took out his wand and cast the Earth Spear Charm into the lake.

"Damn it!"

Draco Malfoy flashed lightning, and suddenly moved forward, kicking heavily.

That person was kicked heavily and fell to the ground, piercing through the wooden board, and half of his body was stuck there.

"What are you doing?" Viktor Krem shouted vigilantly, waving his wand in horror when he saw his partner being attacked.

"He launched an attack towards the lake." Draco Malfoy stared at Viktor Krem and said in a deep voice.

Cedric also reacted quickly, and was on guard against Viktor Krem and the other participating warriors.

Hagrid transformed into a magic warrior, with a huge figure, he moved quickly.

"You brat, why did you attack Harry."

Hagrid grabbed a girl with huge hands, wanting to crush her to death.

Hagrid didn't do that, but he threw her out in an instant.

The girl fell to the ground, but her limbs were trapped by the sudden burst of earth elemental magic.

Ronald, Fred, George, Luna Lovegood, Neville, Sirius and others responded quickly at this time.

They didn't see all the people who shot clearly at all, but they still saw the direction of the magic release, as well as some people.

For a moment, there was magic flickering in the entire stands, and the battle was fiercely fought together in an instant.

Igor Karkaroff looked at the scene in front of him, standing in the position of the referee, without any movement.

But the weirdness at the corner of his mouth, even though it was fleeting, still caught Snape Severus who suspected him for the first time.

Kate Lyle flew out with a gloomy face, and shot again, the strong wind continued to disperse the smoke.

At this time, most of the water on the entire lake had evaporated under the flames erupted by Harry Potter, and the flames did not stop because of this.

Under the cover of wind and fire elements, he is still evaporating the water in the lake.

His face was pale, with endless anger shining in his eyes, and blood was still dripping from his abdomen.

In addition, in his hand, he was holding a person.

This person was Ginny, but she was already covered with scars.

In the stands, Ronald, who had already made a move and subdued a boy, happened to see Harry Potter in the lake, and his sister Ginny in his hand.

In an instant, the originally worried mood towards Harry Potter turned into anger in an instant.


Fred and George, startled by Ronald's yelling, searched quickly, and then saw Ginny in Harry Potter's hand.

They were stunned by the countless scars cut by sharp blades and the dripping blood.

How could this be?

Why is he doing this.

Time, at this moment, seemed to stand still, the battle also stopped, and all eyes fell on Harry Potter and Ginny in his hand.


Roaring angrily, tears streaming down his face, Ronald started to run across the stands to snatch his sister from Harry.

"Ronald, calm down."

Hermione on the side quickly stepped forward and grabbed Ronald.

Hermione was also afraid, and she couldn't believe the facts in front of her, but at this moment, she was even more afraid of Ronald rushing forward rashly.

At this moment, around Harry Potter, there were raging fires continuously evaporating the lake water. If Ronald rushed in rashly, he was afraid that he would be burned to ashes in a short time.

"Asshole, why?"

"Why didn't he protect Ginny?"

"My sister likes him so much, why didn't he protect Ginny well?"

Ronald cried and cried, Fred and George really wanted to take action, but they could only helplessly despair.

Remus John Lupine was lying next to a student under his control, looking at Harry at this time, his face was very ugly.

Sirius' face was even more ugly. If he could, he hoped to replace Harry Potter himself.

However, Harry Potter's injuries made him even more worried.

So, disregarding other people's thoughts, Sirius turned into lightning, ignoring the raging fire, and jumped into it.

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