Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 359 Dolores Umbridge's Order\r

Pierce Sinknes.

This is a thin, and somewhat serious looking man.

The former Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Magic became the new Minister of Magic after Cornelius Fudge was killed by Death Eaters.

Dolores Umbridge, a pudgy woman who likes to keep cats, is a guy with a dark mind and is also Cornelius Fudge's confidant, the position of Senior Under Secretary of the Ministry of Magic.

Pierce Thicknesse has a lot to do with her eventually being able to become Minister for Magic.

Now, Dolores Umbridge has been appointed as a senior Hogwarts investigator, forcibly intervening in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and focusing on the investigation of what happened in the second project of the Campus Tournament, and sternly declared that Hogwarts Inside the school, there are already hidden Death Eaters.

Is this going to take Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft under the knife?

Elemental magic school.

Dolores Umbridge broke into the School of Elemental Magic with ten Aurors, and immediately took out a roll of parchment with an arrogant and superior expression.

"Professor Kate Lyle, I am the Senior Undersecretary of the Ministry of Magic and the current Hogwarts Senior Investigator. Now I order you, please stop your teaching."

"From now on, the teaching of elemental magic will be subject to the control and supervision of the Ministry of Magic, and will be graded according to requirements..."

After Dolores Umbridge took out the parchment, she didn't care whether there were other students at the scene, or what Kate Lyle thought, and just said it over and over again.

Looking at the woman who appeared and the Auror behind him, Harry Potter and others were very surprised and puzzled.

However, when Dolores Umbridge read out various restrictions on the use of elemental magic, their expressions became very ugly.

The limitation of these means is also equivalent to the limitation of their strength.

"Restricting elemental magic?"

"Is she joking?"

"Why do people from the Ministry of Magic interfere with the teaching of the magic school?"

"The Ministry of Magic thinks it's a piece of shit, so it doesn't matter now?"

"The good Death Eaters don't deal with it, and even meddle in our studies. I'm very sure now, they are a piece of shit."

There were chaotic voices at the scene, and the fourth-year students from various colleges felt their strength, and after being threatened, they even launched verbal attacks angrily.

As for who Dolores Umbridge is, they don't care at all right now.

The same is true for Harry Potter et al.

Of course, they still maintain some sanity, and they think of something about the things in front of them.

Compared with Harry Potter and others, Sirius thought of more things, and he knew better what kind of face Dolores Umbridge was.

However, the current situation cannot be resolved by his words.

So, his eyes fell on Kate Lyle.

Kate Lyle also didn't expect that the first time Dolores Umbridge appeared in front of her, she wanted to stop teaching elemental magic, and there were so many restrictions when she continued to teach.

For a moment, a smile appeared on Kate Lyle's face.

"I don't care who you are, where you come from?"

"But this is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Ministry of Magic is not qualified to interfere with the school's teaching."

"Now, where did you come from, where are you going?"

Kate Lyle waved her hand, before Dolores Umbridge and the others could react, they were directly blown out of the School of Elemental Magic by a powerful force of wind element.

"Continue to class!"

Kate Lyle didn't bother to look at Dolores Umbridge, so she said something lightly and continued teaching.

Seeing such a scene, Harry Potter and others felt very comfortable in their hearts.

As expected of the professor in their minds, domineering!

Outside the School of Elemental Magic.

Dolores Umbridge and others fell to the ground, throwing a big somersault, very embarrassed.


"How dare he?"

"I have come with orders from the Ministry of Magic."

"He has to be prosecuted, he's a very dangerous character."

"No, elemental magic is too dangerous, and she must not be allowed to continue teaching."

Dolores Umbridge was frantic and angry, and her sharp voice was even harsher.

Facing the angry Dolores Umbridge, the Aurors on the side kept silent,

They don't know everything about Kate Lyle.

Back then, there were people like Dolores Umbridge who tried to stop Kate Lyle, but they were quickly hit and there was no way to fight back.

In front of this powerful existence, no one seemed to be his opponent.

Therefore, this is almost an unspeakable existence in the Auror office.

So, too, when Dolores Umbridge came here with them with orders, they never thought it could be done from the start.

After all, this one possesses great power and directly ignores the rules.

Dolores Umbridge went to Dumbledore angrily, explained what happened to her in the School of Elemental Magic, embellished it, and accused Kate Lyle very severely.

Dumbledore had a calm smile on his face when he heard this, and said, "Ms. Umbridge, I don't think Professor Kate Lyle has done anything wrong."

"First of all, I recognize your professional ethics and have received an order from the Ministry of Magic."

"However, I do not approve of or support your intervention in the teaching of magic schools."

"Finally, regarding the incident of the second project, a large number of audits and investigations have also passed, and a conclusion has been reached on this matter."

"Your intervening in the investigation again will have a great psychological impact on the children. As the principal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I need to be responsible for the children, so I have the right to refuse to cooperate."

Dolores Umbridge was stunned when she heard Dumbledore's words, and she couldn't believe it in her heart.


"Do you know what you're doing?"

"It's a contempt for the Ministry of Magic."

"Do you want Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to be the public enemy of the wizarding world?"

Dolores Umbridge slapped the table, almost pissed off.

He couldn't believe that Dumbledore had turned her down too, and so directly.

She was very angry. She rushed here with her people, thinking that she could give a blow to someone, but she didn't expect that she would be so embarrassingly beaten in the face in the end.

Kate Lyle still taught elemental magic in her own way. As a good person, Dumbledore even rejected her request. Her work was not well executed.

In other words, there is no chance to start at all.

"There is no room for negotiation."

"Now, please leave!"

Dumbledore held out his hand in a please gesture.

Clap clap!

Dolores Umbridge slapped the table and roared at Dumbledore: "I am a senior Hogwarts investigator appointed by the Ministry of Magic. We agree that there are still Death Eaters hidden in Hogwarts. For the safety of the students, you must Cooperate with my investigation."

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