Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 368 The Dracula Clan\r

Kate Lyle stared at the crowd in front of her and was silent for a moment.

Douglas Spike, this guy, is really fierce when he does one thing seriously.

The vampires in London, England, were wiped out, and even the vampires in other cities were not left behind.

Then, the vampires in the deep mountains and old forest castles were also massacred.

Facing the aggressive bats of the werewolves, many members of the vampires gathered in Dracula's castle.

These people are all vampires, and almost every vampire has the combat power of an intermediate or advanced magician.

And the number is as many as nearly ten thousand.

The patriarch of the Dracula family, Humboldgula, sat on the throne, and on both sides were the patriarchs of various vampire families.

They gathered here at this time, and they had a fierce quarrel over the matter of fighting to the death with the werewolves.

But what none of them expected was that Kate Lyle had been hiding in the dark, watching them.

Humboldgula combed and dressed very delicately, wearing a black suit and a red cloak, facing the quarreling vampires below, he was quiet and did not speak.

The patriarchs of these vampire families are not only from England, but also from France, Germany and other places.

They were all attacked by the werewolves on a large scale, and suffered heavy losses.

"Patriarch Dracula, we need your wisdom and strength to deal with the werewolf alliance together."

"Otherwise, our living space will be continuously compressed."

"Our vampire family will become a joke."

An old vampire with graying hair and sunken eye sockets, looking haggard.

When everyone was arguing, he stood up, saluted Humboldgula slightly, and expressed his thoughts.

For a moment, the huge conference hall fell silent.

Kate Lyle also looked at Hambo Dracula, and also wanted to see how the Dracula patriarch would do in the face of the next situation.

"Bobby Muss, have your German vampires fallen?" Humboldgula said, looking at the old vampire.

Bobby Muss was silent for a moment, and said: "It's almost done. Douglas Polk turned against the Christine family, and let these werewolves gather together, and they are no longer scattered."

Hearing this, Hambodracula pondered slightly, his calm eyes flashed with sharp light, and he said in a deep voice, "Are you all ready to fight?"

Poppy Muss and other vampire patriarchs were all taken aback when they heard the words.

Is this preparation for war now?

Before they could think too much, the door was opened, and several figures walked in.


Kate Lyle looked at Voldemort who came in with some surprise, and at this moment, he actually brought his men over.

Is this an opportunity to completely win over the vampire family?

Many vampire patriarchs at the scene knew Voldemort, and they also knew what Voldemort was. There were even some people who had cooperated a lot.

So, seeing Voldemort appearing, they didn't pay much attention to it after the initial surprise.

Humboldgula looked at the approaching Voldemort, and did not stand up to greet him, but still sat on his throne, staring down at Voldemort.

Others can bow their heads in front of Voldemort, but Dracula's family can't.

Because, the Dracula family, among the vampire family, exists like a royal family.

Just like the vampire families in these countries, after suffering a crisis, they had to seek help from their Dracula family.

Voldemort looked at Humboldgula, using the international etiquette, then looked at the vampires, and said with a smile: "I'm very sorry, I took the liberty to disturb you at this time."

"But I think it is very necessary, because it is related to your life and death."

"Because, in about half an hour, Douglas Spike will lead his werewolf army to attack here."

Voldemort's words made all the quiet vampires, like a thunder in the night, blasted all the vampire patriarchs into charred skin.

"Dark Lord, are you sure?"

"That beast, Douglas Spock, dared to bring a werewolf to attack Dracula's Castle?"

"Did you underestimate us?"

"The Dark Lord who caused the wizarding world to panic, you came to my castle, what's the matter?"

"How did they know we were here?"

"Are you mentally ill? There are so many vampires gathered here, and it's not surprising that they discovered them."

"But where did they get their courage?"


All the vampires are talking to each other, like a vegetable seller in the vegetable market, making a lot of noise.

Humboldgula frowned slightly, tapped his fingers on the armrest lightly, and thought about the situation in front of him.

Voldemort also ignored the thoughts of the other vampires, but looked at Humboldgula with a smile on his face.

"Patriarch Dracula, although the time left for you is enough for you to quarrel for a while, it is limited to this. This is not conducive to protecting yourself."

"If possible, we can cooperate and help you repel the enemy."

Voldemort reached out his hand, took out his wand, and said with a smile.

"Help us repel those beasts?" Hearing that, Hambodracula raised the corners of his mouth, revealing his long vampire fangs.

"Dark Lord, you have recruited some werewolves and vampires and made them fight for you."

"But during these hours, they all died."

"Now, you are focusing on us again, do you think we need your help?"

All the vampires looked at Hambodracula, then at Voldemort, and fell into a brief silence.

They were powerless against the beasts of Douglas Spock.

Every time they attack, they can bring them great pain. In the end, they will lose their combat power while still bleeding in great pain, and then be killed.

This is simply too dangerous.

"How?" Voldemort said with a chuckle, "I won't bother Patriarch Dracula to worry about that."

"Now, I am looking forward to what you will do when you face those werewolves?"

Voldemort chuckled, and immediately led the people to get out of the hall.

After a slight silence, Humboldgula said, "What about your sincerity?"

If the vampires could not cause more casualties, it would not be impossible to cooperate with Voldemort.

Voldemort stopped in his tracks, with a smile on his face, he said, "My sincerity, of course, is not to disappoint Patriarch Dracula, but you."

Having said that, Voldemort smiled strangely.

Humboldgula thought for a moment, then said: "If the Dark Lord can severely injure the werewolf clan and kill Douglas Spike in this battle, then the Dark Lord will gain the friendship and cooperation of our vampire clan."

Voldemort laughed and said, "No problem!"

"So, let's wait and see!"

"At the same time, I also hope that Patriarch Dracula can take action."

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