Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 376 Mulciber: Double Agent, Too Difficult\r

Building 4, Terry 3rd Street, UK.

A building that looks a bit dilapidated. The person who lives here is a hunchbacked old man with a weird temper. The neighbors around him don't have much contact with him.

However, what many people don't know is that this is a stronghold of Death Eaters.

Mulciber often appears in this stronghold.

Kate Lyle brought Ira Easton directly here, and walked in blatantly.

The Death Eaters who had been hiding here looked at Kate Lyle who appeared, and they all took out their wands one after another as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Kate Lyle didn't look at them, but a white light flashed, and all these people became confused.

There are many ways to deal with Death Eaters without killing them.

For example, directly modify their memories, or purify their hearts.

As a result, these Death Eaters whose minds had been purified fell into silence.

But, soon, these people looked at Kate Lyle, full of fanaticism.

Ira Easton followed behind Kate Lyle, watching the Death Eaters fall into frenzy, no longer vigilant and resisting at the beginning, with a look of shock on her face.

What's wrong with these people?

Does this have anything to do with the Holy Light just released by Professor Kate Lyle?

Thinking of this, Ella Easton was in shock and couldn't let go of it for a long time.

Until she followed Kate Lyle to the third floor and saw Mulciber, she also had to be silent.

No matter whether it was the people on the first floor or the second floor, they all fell into a frenzy.

These guys, are they brainwashed?

What kind of magic is it to complete the brainwashing of a person in such a short period of time?

Will I be brainwashed too?

Thinking of this, Ella Easton was silent again.

"Professor Kate Lyle, I didn't expect you to come here so soon."

Seeing Kate Lyle appearing, Mulciber was not too shocked, but smiled instead.

In fact, after Harry Potter had been attacked, he had thought that Kate Lyle would come for him.

But I didn't expect that two months had passed, Kate Lyle was so calm, there was no movement at all.

At that time, Mulciber thought that Kate Lyle would not come to him.

And yesterday, after he followed Voldemort to Dracula's Castle and saw Voldemort's strength, he was extremely shocked.

At the same time, he also believed that Kate Lyle would definitely come to him, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

At this time, Mulciber didn't know that the Death Eaters here had been brainwashed by Kate Lyle.

Kate Lyle found a seat to sit down upon hearing this, while Mulciber glanced at Ella Easton without asking anything.

Ella Easton looked at Mulciber with a somewhat flickering gaze.

She naturally knew Mulciber, because they had contacted before.

Kate Lyle said calmly: "I didn't want to come, but you guys like to meddle so much, so I have to come too."

Upon hearing this, Mulciber frowned slightly, unable to understand what Kate Lyle meant.

"Professor Kate Lyle, if you have any ideas, you might as well tell them." Mulciber simply said, if you don't know, you don't know.

Kate Lyle laughed when she heard the words, and said, "Since you said that, then I will say it directly."

"You stretch your arms too far."

"I'm going to teach you a lesson."

When Mulciber heard Kate Lyle's words, he paused, and then said solemnly: "Professor Kate Lyle, I know you are very strong, but our shady organization can't be provoked by anyone?"

"I hope you can take back what you just said."

Ella Easton looked at such a strong Mulciber, and couldn't help but want to give him a thumbs up.

If Professor Kate Lyle was such a threatening existence, I wouldn't be standing here.


Mulciber knelt on the ground, and under his strength, he directly knelt out of two pits on the ground.

The immense pressure pressed heavily on his body, and Mulciber gritted his teeth to support it, instead of lying on the ground.

Such a sudden scene almost made Ira Easton exclaim.

Just like at the beginning, Professor Kate Lyle didn't hear the incantation at all, and he didn't see any movement. The powerful magic had already descended silently.

"Don't think of yourself as superior. It's not so easy to be a double agent."

"Voldemort doesn't even dare to act presumptuously in front of me, and you are just a subordinate of a shady organization. Where did you get your confidence?"

Mulciber put his hands on the ground, his veins bulging, and his mind was dominated by fear.

Yes, although the shady organization is very powerful, at this time, in front of Kate Lyle, he is just a small person who can be manipulated easily.

My feet hurt, my knees hurt, my whole body hurts.

"Honorable Mr. Kate Lyle, I am very sorry for what I just said."

"I beg you to forgive my recklessness!"

Mulciber said with difficulty.

Kate Lyle snorted, and the gravity that was pressing on Mulciber's body also disappeared.

Mulciber was able to take a breather, and the whole person was extremely grateful that he was still alive.

Ella Easton was not surprised at Mulciber's begging for mercy.

The gap in strength is too great, if you don't surrender, you will die.

"What's the situation with Voldemort?" Kate Lyle's indifferent voice sounded, and Mulciber also fell into a brief silence.

"Back to Professor Kate Lyle, I don't know his specific changes."

"Many times, he is alone in the castle, and he will call us when necessary."

"Then, we act on his orders."

Listening to Mulciber's words, Kate Lyle also knew that it was unlikely that Mulciber knew anything more about the Death Eaters.

Death is too mysterious.

And Voldemort, obviously, became a puppet of Death.

After all, what Voldemort did, what he pursued, was the god of death.

The Grim Reaper was fulfilling Voldemort's request, and Voldemort was also doing what the Grim Reaper wanted to see, one person and one god, and they hit it off.

"Where is your headquarters?" Kate Lyle asked instead of worrying about Voldemort.

Mulciber wanted to refuse, but thinking of his own situation, he could only grit his teeth and say, "Washington Seven!"

Kate Lyle frowned upon hearing this, and said dissatisfiedly: "Specific!"

"It's a special place, shrouded in magic." Mulciber quickly explained, "If you want to go there, I'm more than happy to help you."

Kate Lyle glanced indifferently, stood up, and a five-star six-pointed formation appeared under her feet, and then disappeared under Mulciber's puzzled eyes.

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