"Poseidon, you only have one chance."

Michael stared at Poseidon, the god of the sea, and said in a deep voice again.

The silence of Poseidon, the god of the sea, dragged on for a long time, which was not a good thing for Michael and others.

Because, Kate Lyle hasn't shown up yet.

Or, Kate Lyle's scrutiny won't show up.

Michael took out a long sword. On the long sword, there were many patterns of angels. As Michael used power, the long sword grew wings and floated beside Michael.

Beside Michael, Sariel took out a bead. On the bead, there was a faint light, which could be seen from time to time, and the shadow of the soul flickered on the bead. ..

Gabriel held the horn in his hand and put it near his mouth, ready to blow it at any time and unleash its power.

Raguel held the pyramid, and huge energy poured in.

Raphael held the golden scales in his hand, as if the space might be tilted by the scales at any time.

Golden eyes floated in Midalene's hands, and golden lines swirled around the golden eyes.

Uriel held the golden holy sword, and the golden holy light soared into the sky.

The seven archangels showed their own abilities at the same time. Even if Apollo and the four of them were still there, they would all be finished with their current methods that are not at their peak.

The combat power of Poseidon, the god of the sea, is actually second after Zeus in the entire Olympic system.

But Athena, Apollo, and Thor are not for display.

In the contest between them, in the case of fighting alone, Poseidon, the sea god, wins more and loses less.

However, if it was a real life-and-death contest, Poseidon, the sea god in the sea, would definitely beat Athena and the others.

Not only its own strength, but also the sea god Poseidon has lived for a long time.

However, at this time, Poseidon's face was gloomy, and his heart was even more churn.

These bird people are really fucking incompetent.

To deal with him alone, he even used a big move at the same time, completely refusing to survive.

If such a big move is put down, the sea god will also be wiped out, and it is impossible to be reborn.

In order to get the whereabouts of Zeus, he threatened so much, it's really fucking hell.

However, where Zeus went, he is not very clear.

Therefore, at this time, he had no way to respond.

Sea God Poseidon stared up at Gabriel, and said coldly: "Opportunity?"

"Opportunities are never given by others."

"I don't need the chance you give me either."

"Birdman's reputation, when did it work?"

"A group of hypocritical birdmen, you can fight if you want."

"Even if you die in battle, you will not know the whereabouts of Zeus."

The sea god Poseidon's gaze revealed raging flames. It was an unprecedented fighting spirit, and it was a choice between life and death.

Even if it is death, you must fight to death.

Michael listened to Poseidon's words, and subconsciously glanced at Sariel.

Sariel responded with a look and shook her head slightly.

Once they launch an attack, the godhead and soul of the sea god Poseidon will absolutely be lost.

Just like Apollo they disappeared forever.

"Poseidon, since you want to die so much, then we will fulfill you."

Michael's eyes flickered with a bit of ferocity, and he launched an attack instantly.

Countless grid lines, densely compressed, have achieved the effect of cutting space.

Sea God Poseidon's eyes exploded with fighting spirit to the extreme, and he let out an angry roar.

"bring it on!"

"I will let you know the wrath of Poseidon, the sea god."

"Bahai Wushuang!"

Poseidon, the sea god in the form of water flow, is as transparent as water flow.

In this instant, the trident sucked in so much sea water and gathered so much energy that it exploded with incomparably strong power in an instant.

The Seagod Poseidon at this time is absolutely incomparably powerful.

Although he still hasn't returned to his peak, it's almost the same.

Just when Poseidon, the sea god, shot with all his strength to resist the seven archangels, behind Michael, Gabriel, the Raffi, and Sariel, a space rift was torn at the same time.

It was also at this moment that terrifying energy was released from the space crack.

With the powerful energy released, there are four figures.

These four are exactly the four Apollos who were wiped out.

At this moment, Michael, Apollo, Raphael, and Sariel's expressions changed drastically, and they were terrified.

At this time, they have already shot with all their strength, and they cannot launch a defense at all.

Therefore, at this time, they can only roar and can't do anything.

Apollo's holy sword pierced Gabriel's heart.

Thor's Hammer of Thor hit Michael hard on the head.

The spear of the Goddess of War pierced Raphael's chest and fell towards the sea.

Herb's bow and arrow, like thousands of arrows piercing the heart, shot Sariel into a hedgehog.

In the blink of an eye, the war turned the tide.

However, the attacks launched by Apollo and others were not stopped because of this.

If Poseidon, the god of the sea, hadn't carried it over, he would have died completely.

The roar resounded throughout the corner of the sea, the sea water was evaporated, and the land also collapsed and sank into the sea.

Everything just changed in the blink of an eye.

Raguel, Cadaron, and Uriel, the three archangels, were also very angry at this moment.

They did not expect that Apollo and the others were still alive.

The same is true, they were extremely surprised.

They clearly saw that Apollo and the others were wiped out in that instant.

But these are not important, the important thing is that Gabriel and the others were attacked.

Fighting broke out again.

Raguel and the three archangels launched an attack.

After a while, Gabriel and the other four people who were attacked were seriously injured and returned to the side of Raguel and the three archangels.

As Archangel, they have great strength, strong physique, and strong recovery ability.

Therefore, even though Apollo and the others had made a sneak attack with all their strength, they only seriously injured them.

"Why didn't you die?"

Gabriel's heart was crushed by Apollo, and a large hole appeared in his chest.

However, Gabriel still didn't die, instead, he output crazily in anger.

The firepower of the seven angry archangels directly caused the surrounding land to collapse or evaporate.


Among the many space cracks torn apart by the gods, an angry voice sounded.

This voice is very familiar.

The same is true, Gabriel and others looked at the torn space crack in horror.

A huge trident flew out of the space crack, and in their eyes, it was constantly enlarged.


Gabriel's pupils suddenly shrank and flew out.

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