Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 6 Do I have a chance to be your student?


"This Gringotts elf cart is so Damn it!"

"How can you drive at will, and drive so fast, this is more crazy and exciting than a roller coaster."

"It's so bad, I need to go to the Leaky Cauldron for a pick-me-up."

Hagrid was very pale and looked frail, which didn't match his huge frame at all.

So, desperate for a drink to refresh Hagrid, he just said it and left.

Harry took the enrollment list, raised his purse, and walked into Madam Malkin's robe shop, a little nervous.

Mrs. Malkin is a short and fat witch, wearing a purple robe, with a cute smile, giving people a very friendly feeling.

However, Madam Malkin's eyes were not on the new customer at this time.

"Oh, my God, Mr. Kate, I have to say, how handsome this robe is on you. It's just custom-made for you."

"You are the most handsome, young, and aristocratic teacher I have ever seen since the opening of my clothing store!"

Mrs. Malkin looked at Kate Lyle, who was dressed in a silver-white aristocratic suit with gold trim, full of sunshine, and praised excitedly.

Kate Lyle looked at herself in the mirror and said with a smile, "Thank you for your compliment, Mrs. Malkin."

"Of course, your craftsmanship is also very good. This suit is very suitable. There is also this black one. Please pack it for me."

Mrs. Mojin smiled and said: "No problem, it is a great honor to serve you."

"Harry, are you here to buy clothes?" Harry, who was standing at the door with Kate Lyle, laughed.

Harry heard this and smiled, "Yes, Mr. Kate."

"Well, just now I heard what Mrs. Malkin said, you are a teacher, where is the teacher?"

Harry was a little expectant and curious. The other party didn't seem very old, but the other party turned out to be a teacher, which was somewhat beyond Harry's expectations.

"Hogwarts!" Kate Lyle laughed.

"Wow, that's great. So, I have the opportunity to be your student." Harry was very pleasantly surprised, and then said with some expectation.

Kate Lyle smiled and said, "Maybe!"

"Hogwarts has four houses, you should know that."

"However, I don't know which college you will be assigned to."

Speaking of this, Kate Lyle showed a meaningful smile on his face, looked at Harry Potter, and said with a smile: "However, based on what I know about Harry, you should go to Gryffindor."

"Why?" Harry asked a little puzzled.

"Because you are brave, smart, chivalrous, and adventurous." Kate Lyle laughed.

"Thank you!" Harry showed a bit of shyness on his face, adjusted his glasses, and was a little happy.

"Mrs. Malkin, this is my friend Harry Potter. He needs three sets of Hogwarts school uniforms. Please help him prepare them." Kate Lyle immediately smiled to Mrs. Malkin who was packing.

Upon hearing that, Madam Malkin looked at Harry Potter, a little surprised and shocked, and said, "So it's that Harry. It's a great honor to see you in person."

"The matter of clothes is very simple, leave it to me!"

Madam Malkin's enthusiasm made Harry a little unnatural, but under Madam Malkin's sharp eyes, he chose three sets of clothes suitable for Harry.

Afterwards, in Madam Mojin's warm greeting, he left the robe shop.

"Harry, don't you have anything ready yet?"

"Maybe I can take you to prepare."

Kate Lyle asked with a smile.

Harry smiled happily when he heard that, "Well, that's really great, I need to see now, what I haven't prepared for."

With Kate Lyle by his side, Harry felt very relaxed, and at the same time, had an incredible sense of trust in Kate Lyle.

Harry looked at the long list of school supplies, and said, "There are so many, it seems that I need to trouble Mr. Kate."

The textbooks are: "Elementary Standard Spells", "History of Magic", "Magic Theory", "Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration", "A Thousand Miraculous Herbs", "Magic Potions and Potions", "Black Magic: A Guide to Self-Defense".

Equipment: A wand, a cauldron, a set of glass and crystal phials, a telescope, a brass scale, and either an owl, or a cat, or a toad.

Kate Lyle took Harry's house for a walk, and after a while, Harry was carrying many things on his body.

Seeing this, Kate Lyle bought a suitcase in a store and said to Harry, "Put all your things in the suitcase, Harry."

Harry looked at the small suitcase, which could barely fit three sets of clothes, and said, "Mr. Kate Lyle, this suitcase is too small, let's change it to a bigger one."

Kate Lyle smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, trust me, this suitcase can hold all your things in it."

After finishing speaking, Kate Lyle cast a spell on the suitcase, and then Kate Lyle used her wand to shake the books, equipment, and clothes on Harry's body. Seeing these things, she packed them into the leather suitcase. in the box.

"Wow, what kind of magic is this, how did you do it?" Harry, who didn't know magic yet, was full of curiosity and excitement about the magic cast by Kate Lyle.

After his things were put into the suitcase, they were shrunk ten times, and then they were very miniature, neatly placed in a corner of the suitcase.

"This is a telescopic spell, a relatively advanced spell, if you want to learn it, you can come to me." Kate Lyle smiled slightly.

"Now, you lift it up and have a look." Kate Lal gestured.

When Harry Potter heard this, he picked up the suitcase, and was surprised to find that the suitcase was very light.

"How did you do that?" Harry asked in amazement.

"Because I cast a levitation spell on the suitcase, it will be very easy when you lift it up. This magic is permanently attached to the suitcase, unless someone removes the magic." Kate Lyle laughed.

Harry saw the wonder of magic again, so he happily carried the suitcase, spun it around, and said, "That's so cool!"

Then Harry said with great anticipation: "Mr. Kate, I want to learn magic from you." ..

Kate Lyle chuckled and said, "I hope it's okay, I don't know how that old fellow Dumbledore will arrange my work."

Hagrid pushed through the crowd and walked over, still smelling of alcohol, said with a smile: "Hi, so you are here!"

As he spoke, Hagrid handed an owl snowy owl to Harry and said, "Harry, this is my birthday present for you."

"hope you will like it."

Harry Potter looked at the cute snowy owl and was extremely moved when he heard Hagrid's words. He smiled and said, "Hagrid, thank you, this is the best gift I have ever received."

Every year Harry Potter's birthday is very ordinary, Mr. and Mrs. Dursley will not prepare any birthday presents or parties for him.

So, this was also the first gift Harry received.

"Let me see, you have prepared all kinds of materials."

"Well, there's one more thing missing."

"Now, you still have one very important thing to do, and that is to buy a wand that suits you."

"Only with a magic wand that suits you, can you maximize your power."

Hagrid flipped through Harry's suitcase and smiled happily.

Harry heard that, thinking that he could have his own wand and cast magic, he smiled excitedly: "Great, I will have my own wand."

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