Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 78 Werewolf, Spider, VIP

The attack of the people and horses was very intensive.

The extremely high attainments in archery also make the arrows they shoot very penetrating.

The werewolf hiding in the darkness had no choice but to flee in a hurry in the face of the dense arrows.

However, they didn't intend to leave, they hid in different corners, looking for opportunities, trying to launch an attack.

"Harry Potter, you have to take your friends and get out of here quickly, these werewolves are not kind!"

Firenze exhorted Harry Potter.

Harry and Ronald also saw werewolves, and there were more than one.

This shocked and scared both Harry and Ronald.

However, their way back to Hogwarts was blocked by werewolves.

So, they can only join Kate Lyle.

Harry and Ronald didn't know whether these centaurs would really let them go.

However, at this time, they must also leave here quickly.


"To stab!"

Just when the two were retreating, trying to stay away from the werewolf, a werewolf jumped out from the corner of a big tree and rushed towards Harry.

Ronald was anxious, reminding Harry, and hastily cast the magic again.

The werewolf was caught off guard by the sudden spike, and immediately, the spike pierced through his body.

Harry also didn't expect that a werewolf would suddenly come out and attack him.

"Thanks, Ronald!" Harry breathed a sigh of relief, then thanked.

"It doesn't matter, who let me have the magic of the earth element, I should fight back to protect you." Ronald was very happy to be able to use magic to defeat the werewolf and save Harry.

Harry smiled happily, and was going to join Kate Lyle and Hermione, and then found a figure rushing over quickly, waved his wand, and shouted: "The Wind Blade Curse!"

The wind blade flew, and the werewolf was attacked, his body lost his balance, and he fell to the ground, screaming at the same time.

"Flying Curse!"

Harry then gave Ronald and himself a pair of wings.


Harry and Ronald were flying in the air, avoiding possible werewolves.

And just as they flew not far away, they saw a huge spider spinning a web. Ronald's face changed slightly, and he quickly called out: "Harry, be careful there are spiders ahead!"

The two stopped, floating in the air, and Harry cast a Lumos.

The light beam soared into the sky, and at the same time illuminated the surroundings.

Both Harry and Ronald found that there were spiders all around, and each spider was very big and very dangerous.

"Harry, use fire to burn the spider web." Ronald reminded quickly.

"No, if a fire is lit here, the Forbidden Forest will be burned." Harry refused.

"However, if we don't burn it, we will be caught by those spiders and we will die." Ronald said anxiously.

"No!" Harry looked around seriously, took out his wand, stared at the most numerous and most dangerous spider group in front of him, and said, "I learned a new magic from Professor Kate, just try it out! "

"Is it useful?" Ronald asked curiously.

"Should be no problem!" Harry nodded and said.

Taking a deep breath, concentrating, feeling the wind elements around, the magic power surged on the wand, and shouted: "Hurricane Curse!"


In an instant, a gust of wind blew up, and the huge recoil force pushed Harry's small body directly one meter into the air.

On the other side, in the face of the strong wind, the huge spider was blown away, and the spider web was damaged.

Seeing such a scene, Ronald smiled happily: "Harry, this is very useful."

A smile appeared on Harry's face too, and he controlled his wand and turned it around in a circle.

In an instant, the spiders and spider webs were no longer a threat.

"Go and meet up with Professor Kate Lyle!"

Harry Potter said hastily.

On the other side, Kate Lyle took Hermione to the place where Harry released the beam for the first time, and saw the unicorn that was killed here.

Kate Lyle glanced at it, and directly cast the size-stretching spell, making the unicorn into the size of a fist, and put it directly in the pocket.

Afterwards, the two of them turned towards the second light released by Harry.

However, when they arrived, Harry and Ronald were not there again.

"Are they playing hide and seek with us?" Hermione said angrily, failing to see Harry and Ronald.

Kate Lyle smiled slightly and said, "There's nothing wrong with that, at least until now, they're still alive."

At this moment, a ray of light rose into the sky again.

"Let's go, Harry sent us the location again." Kate Lyle looked at the light and smiled.

Hermione complained slightly, but flew towards where Harry was.

"Hurricane Curse!"

"To stab!"

Harry and Ronald felt that they were stupid. They went around and went around, but they were spared again. Therefore, Harry and Ronald had to join forces to deal with the werewolf together.

The speed and archery skills of the centaurs are good, but these werewolves are not vegetarian.

Many horsemen have been injured.

When Kate Lyle and Hermione arrived, the werewolves were still fighting with the centaurs.

Seeing such a scene, Kate Lyle shot directly, saying: "The Curse of Wind and Thunder!"

In an instant, the wind howled, the thunder exploded, and thunder and lightning shot down in mid-air. The werewolves who were fighting fiercely with the men and horses were all hit with precision.

The screams only sounded for a moment, then completely disappeared.

Centaur, Harry, Ronald, and Hermione were all shocked by the scene before them.

As far as their eyes could see, the werewolves they could see were all fallen.

"It's amazing magic!" Firenze looked at Kate Lyle and sighed, "If I'm not wrong, you are the magical professor at Hogwarts School, Kate Lyle."

Kate Lyle smiled at Firenze: "Kate Lyle!"

"Firenze!" Firenze simply explained.

"Do you need me to treat you? My magic can help you save some potions."

When Kate Lyle said this, she was already waving her wand.

"Praise of Light!"

A melodious voice sounded, and the holy light shrouded it. Harry, Firenze and the others all felt a warm current swimming in their bodies, which dispelled the fatigue in their bodies, restored their physical strength, and healed their injuries.

Firenze and the others looked at Kate Lyle, who used such holy magic, with shock in their eyes.

From the perspective of a centaur's thinking, it is simply unbelievable to be able to cast such holy light magic.

At this time, Kate Lyle is like a holy, pure unicorn, which is undoubtedly very sacred.

"Professor Kate Lyle, you are a magical existence!"

"If possible, we are a tribe of people and horses, I hope you can become our distinguished guest and come to our tribe as a guest."

Firenze put his right hand in front of his chest and said respectfully and respectfully to Kate Lyle.

When Kate Lyle heard this, a smile appeared on her face, she didn't expect to get the centaur's kindness here. ..

Centaurs are natural prophets, and they are extremely gifted in divination.

The centaur in the Forbidden Forest would often predict the future, but it was of a vague kind.

They do not use wands to perform magic, but they are knowledgeable in healing, divination, archery, and astronomy.

It is a very good race. If you make good friends with centaurs, it may be useful for divination in the future.

"I'm very honored, Firenze." Kate Lyle responded with the same courtesy.

It's not easy to be a centaur's VIP, because centaurs don't like contact with humans.

Centaurs have their own sense of racial pride, and when humans want to use their thoughts or actions, they often make centaurs furious and become very irritable.

But being a distinguished guest of the people will save him from unnecessary troubles when he needs help from the people in the future.

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