Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 88 Hagrid, So You Are Such a Person

The Mirror of Erised fascinated Harry Potter somewhat.

The feeling of being surrounded by family affection made him want to experience it again and again.

Just like the words left by the Mirror of Erised, what I show is not your mirror image, but your inner desire.

This was what Harry wanted, so he needed to feel this way.

However, he found that he couldn't find the room where he entered the Mirror of Erised.

The place Kate Lyle took him to was in a long corridor, which was also very dim at the time, and he didn't know exactly where it was.

Wearing an invisibility cloak, he searched for many times, but was almost discovered by Filch.

"Harry, that is to say, that mirror can see what we most want?" Hermione asked somewhat expectantly after hearing what Harry said about the Mirror of Erised.

Ronald is also looking forward to it, he wants to know what he can see and whether he can achieve it in the future.

"Yes, but, I can't find him now." Harry said regretfully.

"It's just a fleeting moment, it's in the past, it's illusory." Hermione thought for a while, and said with a serious look: "Harry, you can't indulge in it, it's a waste of time, you should study hard if you have this time, now, I Time to test your herbalism."

Both Ronald and Harry were taken aback by Hermione's loud reprimand.

Especially, Hermione's expression was very serious at this time, the two of them looked at each other, lowered their heads, and buried themselves in their books.

Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Harry looked at Professor Quirrell who was stuttering in teaching, and his mind was thinking about how to get Professor Quirrell out of Snape's threat.

Harry couldn't do anything until after class.

"Harry Potter, what are you thinking?" When Harry was in a daze, Professor Quirrell came to Harry's side and asked with a smile.

Harry came to his senses in a daze, stood up quickly, and said, "It's nothing, Professor Quirrell."

"You can't be in a daze in class, learning is very important." Professor Quirrell laughed.

"Okay, Professor Quirrell!" Harry said, nodding repeatedly.

Professor Quirrell urged Harry a few more words, and left in a hurry.

"Professor Quirrell stammers, which is a bit embarrassing, but he is much more pleasing to the eye than Professor Snape." Ronald said, looking at the back of Professor Quirrell going away.

"Maybe!" Hermione said aside.

Just then, an owl flew in, it was Hagrid's owl.

Harry took a look at the envelope and said with a smile, "Hagrid, let's go to him at noon and tell us he's a surprise for us."

"I hope the surprise he gave us wasn't the food he cooked." Hermione said with a bit of fear.

Ronald said with a smirk: "Harry, you can write him back, if it's delicious food, forget it."

"Probably." Harry said hesitantly.

At noon, the three of Harry ate their fill in the restaurant before going to Hagrid's little house together.

In fact, they have no interest in the so-called food in Hagrid's mouth.

"Hagrid, here we come." Harry called, knocking on the door.

Hagrid opened the door, cautiously and mysteriously, and said with a smile: "Harry, you are finally here, come in quickly."

The three of Harry were a little suspicious, but they quickly entered the room.

"Hagrid, what surprise do you want to give us?" Harry asked impatiently.

Hagrid smiled, poured a cup of tea for each of the three of Harry, and said with a smile, "Wait a minute, I also invited Professor Kate." ..

Seeing this, the three of Harry became even more suspicious, what kind of secret Hagrid was hiding to make it so mysterious.

Ronald glanced at Hagrid's room, only a small fireplace was burning, but the whole room was extremely warm, so he asked curiously: "Hagrid, what did you do, it's very warm here."

Hagrid listened, chuckled, and looked in other directions, but didn't intend to answer.

Seeing the change in Hagrid's expression, Harry and Hermione immediately had a guess in their hearts, so they looked around and began to look for Hagrid's secret.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

There was a knock on the door, and Hagrid stood up happily, saying, "Professor Kate must be here."

Sure enough, standing outside the door was Kate Lyle.

"Professor Kate!" The three of Harry laughed when they saw Kate Lyle coming in.

Kate Lyle nodded to the three of Harry, and then asked with a smile: "Hagrid, what surprise are you going to give us?"

Hagrid laughed and said, "Of course it's a good thing. You will be very surprised when you see it."

As he spoke, Hagrid lifted a wooden board on the ground, put his hand in, and pressed it to the ground.

Magic power emerged, a pit appeared in front of everyone, and then an egg emerged from the rolling quicksand.

"Merlin's beard, this pattern, this is a rare, Norwegian Ridgeback dragon egg."

"Hagrid, how did you get that?"

"It must have cost a lot of Galleons!

Ronald's older brother, Charlie, specializes in fire dragons, so Ronald also dabbled in it, and he quickly recognized what the egg in front of him was.

Hearing Ronald's cry of surprise, Hagrid was extremely proud, and said with a smile, "I went to the village to drink yesterday, and after playing cards with me alone, I lost."

"Believe me, he must be eager to get rid of it, and then lose to me on purpose, but it doesn't matter, I like it very much."

"But, after it hatches, how do you plan to raise it?" Hermione asked suspiciously: "This is a fire dragon. According to the 1709 Wizards Conference, a bill prohibiting the breeding of fire dragons was officially passed. Everyone knows that of."

"If we keep dragons in the back garden and the Muggles notice it, it's going to cause a lot of trouble."

Ronald agreed with Hermione's words, and hurriedly said: "Hagrid, this is a very dangerous thing. My brother Charlie was burned by the fire dragon."

"I understand, what you say, I understand, but, I like this cutie, it's so... huh? What's the shape, strong? It's a good shape." Hagrid didn't care. Said.

"Yes, it is very strong, it will grow up day by day, and the speed is very fast, you can't hold it in this log cabin, and the school will not let it fly freely, the dragon's nature is very savage. ' Harry had to persuade.

Kate Lyle watched the three little guys, Hagrid and Harry, arguing about raising dragons, and the quarrel became more and more fierce.

In the end, it turned out to be Hagrid who lost.

Hagrid hugged the dragon egg, very sad and reluctant.

"Hagrid, if you believe me, you can give me the dragon egg." Kate Lyle said with a smile.

"Really? Professor Kate, can you raise it?" Hagrid immediately asked with a happy smile when he heard that.

"Hagrid, don't you believe me?" Kate Lyle said with a smile: "I just need a good pet, let it follow me!"

"Professor Kate, you have Caesar. It is very strong and brave, and no other owls dare to bully it." Hagrid opened his eyes wide. He didn't expect that Kate Lyle would want a Norwegian Ridgeback as a pet, so he said immediately.

"If you don't tell me, I'll forget about Caesar. Is it okay now?" Kate Lyle asked with a smile.

"It couldn't be better. In the house, he's almost becoming a king." Hagrid became interested, and smiled, "It's really fierce. When I bred it..."

After listening to what Hagrid told Caesar, Kate Lyle couldn't help covering her forehead, silently mourning for Caesar for a second in her heart.

The three of Harry looked at Hagrid in shock: Hagrid, so you are such a person.

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