Through the previous battle, he also found that no matter how swift the attack was, in front of Turner, it was not fast, as long as there was a gap in the attack, he had the ability to dodge it.

Obviously, in such a situation, that is, he can't keep up with Turner in terms of speed, whether it is reflexes, spell casting speed, or the speed of the enchantment's flight.

Instead of releasing the single magic that would eventually be dodged and chasing Turner's speed as much as possible, it would be better for him to directly use the magic of a wide range of attacks to strike in all directions, and in this case, he would not believe that Turner would still be able to dodge.

Indeed, such a method is very effective, and under this overwhelming attack, Turners really has no way to dodge.

However, this is not to say that he has no other way to cope.

For the first time in this duel, Turners took out his wand.

With the wave of his wand, a large stream of water surged out from the tip of his wand and rushed towards the overwhelming flames.

As the water and fire collided with each other, a large amount of water vapor filled the entire space in a short period of time, obscuring the sight of the two of them.

However, the conflict between the two does not end there, there is still a lot of water and fire that clash with each other and cancel each other out at every moment.

As a result, the surrounding water vapor is getting thicker and thicker, and the temperature is also rising.

Taking advantage of the conflict between the two magical powers, Turner waved his wand lightly, and an "ice burial crystal coffin" appeared around his body.

Although this "Ice Burial Crystal Coffin" is indeed a bondage type of magic, it is not impossible to learn and use it, he did not let the ice coffin release a large amount of ice power inside, but thought about releasing it externally.

In this way, Turners not only has a very solid layer of ice protection around him, but at the same time, he can also make the air around him not too high due to flames and water vapor, which will cause indirect damage to himself.

In such an environment, Turners did not believe that a wizard like Dumbledore would not take the opportunity to attack.

Someone like him, who didn't have much combat experience, knew that in such an environment where they couldn't see each other, they could catch each other off guard, let alone Dumbledore.

Sure enough, as soon as Turner's "Ice Burial Crystal Coffin" was released, Dumbledore's attack arrived.

This attack was a materialized attack, a series of sharp stone arrows that continued to shoot out of the surrounding air, constantly attacking the position near Turner.

Obviously, in such an environment, when his vision is obscured and the surrounding magic is turbulent, a wizard like Dumbledore can only roughly determine his location, and can only use such an all-round blow.

After a series of stone arrows attacked the ice coffin around Turner's body, the unusual sound quickly attracted Dumbledore's attention.

Turners could clearly feel that on the ice coffin outside of his body, the frequency of attacks had skyrocketed.

It seems that Dumbledore has already determined his position and will be able to attack him with all his might.

Turners didn't panic at all, behind him, the side with few attacks, under the control of Turner, cracked a gap, and when the gap opened to Turner's pass, he dodged and disappeared into the ice coffin.

At the same time, a path of ice spread out from under his feet, rapidly spreading out towards the front of his advance.

And the figure of Turner also slid along the ice path, quickly like in front.

Turner's speed is so fast that even with the convenience of sight, Dumbledore may not be able to keep up, let alone now, he can't see Turner at all.

However, it should be said that it is worthy of Dumbledore, although the location of Turners has been basically determined, but the blockade attack on the surrounding space has still not stopped.

Obviously, it's just to prevent the Turners golden cicada from coming out of its shell.

It's just obvious that he still underestimated Turner's means, and he didn't expect that Turner, after losing his vision and without magic as an aid to perceive, would still be able to move freely in this fog.

Easily avoided all of Dumbledore's attacks from the blockade.

In such a situation, no matter how careful Dumbledore is, he has no power to return to heaven.

Turners clearly perceived all of Dumbledore's movements through what he saw and heard, and constantly glided around him.

At the same time, some means are also being arranged to use in the end, one blow will win.

When it was almost done, Turner waved his wand and a gust of wind appeared throughout the training room.

And it was only at this time that Dumbledore really saw the situation around him clearly.

When he saw the situation around him, he knew that he had lost.

Because, when he looked over, the first thing he saw was what he had been attacking.

At this time, the ice coffin is no longer as square as it was at the beginning, only one meter square and two meters high.

Later, in order to ensure the sturdiness, Turners directly released a large amount of magic power, making the thickness of the ice coffin exceed its original appearance, and the entire area protected by the ice coffin expanded to a diameter of three meters.

Although the entire ice coffin looks no longer beautiful, the defense power has undoubtedly increased a lot.

It is precisely because of this situation that Dumbledore has never given up and attacked this ice coffin.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that Turners has not been attacked by Dumbledore's magic since he left the ice coffin, which made him think that Turners was really stuck in the ice coffin.

But he didn't expect it, in fact, it was just because Turner's perception was not affected like him, and he was able to clearly perceive his attacks, and he avoided them all perfectly.

At this time, after Turner's arrangement, a very huge magic array had formed around it, and the center of the magic array was where Dumbledore was.

And, the surrounding magical inscriptions have been carved and fully activated.

In other words, the current Dumbledore is completely under the control of Turners, and Turners only needs one thought, and he is already sure to be defeated.

Seeing this, Dumbledore spread his hands helplessly, and said speechlessly: "Could it be that in the environment just now, your perception has not been affected?"

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