After all, the resources required for such a magic array were very terrifying, and they were not something he could afford alone.

But with the magic perpetual motion machine, it's different.

This is an energy source that is said to have broken the conservation of energy and has unlimited energy.

With such an existence, it was not easy for him to form such a magical enchantment.

Even, Turner's ability is more than that, if he didn't expect it wrong, then the radiation range of his magic enchantment can even reach the whole of Europe.

It is impossible to get real data without real practice.

Therefore, all the results will not be able to get the exact data until the final magic enchantment is completed.

When Turners told Fleur about his vision, the leaders present were stunned.

They never imagined that their leader would have such ambitions to directly create such a huge super-giant enchantment.

This is not a joke, such an enchantment, not to mention how to build it, just the energy consumed by its daily operation, they can't imagine that this is not something that one or two magicians can afford, let alone these little rookies who don't even have high-level magicians.

"Turners, you, you're not kidding. Hermione was also shocked by Teans' thoughts.

In Hogwarts, although there is also such a magical enchantment, and the scope covered is also very terrifying, at least half of the Forbidden Forest is shrouded in it, not to mention Hogsmeade on the side of Hogwarts.

However, such a magical enchantment, in her opinion, was already a very rare miracle, and in her mind, it should only be the result of the joint efforts of Keke and them, and with the support of Dumbledore, it could be done.

But what she didn't expect was that the current Turners actually wanted to form such a magical enchantment in this London city, and even wanted to envelop the entire Great Eagle Country.

Not to mention them, even for a well-informed wizard like Dumbledore, who had never heard of it.

"What's wrong? I didn't build a magical barrier like that in Hogwarts, and if I could do it in Hogwarts, why can't I do it here, it's just a little bigger, and it's not a big deal, right?"

For Turner's question, everyone can only roll their eyes as a sign of respect.

However, Furong, who has just joined the leader, has grasped the key point in these words.

"Wait, Turners, did you say that you also established such a magical barrier in Hogwarts, does this mean that the magical barrier in Hogwarts is not Dumbledore's masterpiece at all, nor is it the work of your magical companions, but yours. "

Even Fleur herself doesn't believe it, but what Turners himself says now, if it's not a slip of the tongue, should be true.

Hearing Fleur's words, Harry and the others were all stunned.

If that's the case, wouldn't it mean that the base they thought was built by Headmaster Dumbledore at Hogwarts didn't help at all, it was Turner's handiwork.

Turners listened to Fleur's question, and then looked at the reactions of the others, and then realized that these guys had not thought that the secret room base was his masterpiece alone.

Turners was also speechless about this, he thought that she had never concealed this matter, and Dumbledore's appearance was obviously after the appearance of the secret room base, and he came in long after.

At that time, Dumbledore's amazement at the secret room base, Harry and they all listened to it, but they didn't expect them to all take it as a deaf ear, this is really true.

Turner shook his head helplessly, and said speechlessly: "You don't know until now, the secret room base is made by me alone." "

Everyone present was ashamed of Turner's question, and they really thought it was like that.

I knew that this was the case, and when the secret room base was established, they also went up to help, but they didn't expect that the secret room base they thought was very perfect was completely completed by Turner alone.

All they did was fill in some dispensable things after the main framework was completed, so that they could do things more conveniently.

Looking at the appearance of these people, Turners already got the answer.

He was also speechless, but he didn't continue to dwell on it, and went straight to the point.

"What do you think about the construction of the London Sanctuary, tell me. "

Hearing Turners change the subject, they didn't dwell on it, but diverted their attention, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

However, it is not easy to hear anything useful and constructive from their mouths.

In the end, it was Fleur and Hermione who mentioned some minor problems, and Turner made further changes to his plan to make the whole plan more perfect.

In the end, this construction plan can be regarded as officially perfected.

The next step was to find a suitable place to build the temple, which was not so easy to solve, and the location had to be chosen in the middle of nowhere.

Only such a place, once built, will not attract the attention of others, and, after it is built, will be able to function forever without being affected by the Muggle world.

This location is a headache for Turners.

It's not because of anything else, but the choice of this location is too troublesome.

As for the money for buying the land, the relationship between the land purchases, etc., this is not in the scope of Turner's concern.

As a time-traveler, even if he travels to the world on the wizard's side, it doesn't mean that Turners won't pay attention to the development trajectory of the main world.

In this world, even if it is a mysterious thing, there are wizards and magical creatures, but the Muggle world is the mainstream after all, and Turners has known this from the beginning.

Although their wizarding world has a certain connection with the Muggle world, they can only hide in the shadows and cannot be exposed.

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