I want to officially join Quidditch....

But this crappy talent of his own...

It is estimated that it will be debunked on the spot....

But I don't want to give up such an opportunity...

Dudley doesn't have a quick way to get stronger...

Just when Ron was a little desperate.

Dudley's words suddenly changed:

"I want a way to get stronger quickly..."

I didn't...

But... But I have an "alternative" solution!

I wonder if you are interested?

"Uh..... And this good thing?

Ron felt that the conversation with Dudley was like a roller coaster, and he quickly asked:

"Tell me quickly, is there any 'alternative'?"

Dudley did not say directly, but took the initiative to look to the side and said

to Harry: "Okay, Harry, you go out first, I have something to talk to Ron about alone."

Harry looked at his cousins Dudley and Ron inexplicably, not sure what they were talking about.

Does my cousin really have a way to become stronger?

How did I not know.......

However, Harry left the dormitory as Dudley had asked and closed the door.

I hope my cousin can enlighten Ron and let him not be too anxious...

The moment the door is closed.

Ron looked at Dudley eagerly:

"Okay Dudley!

Do you have any quick ways to get stronger and tell me quickly..... Please!


was not in a hurry but took the initiative to get up and look out the window:

"Ron..... Have you always wondered how good Harry's 'talent' would be?

Ron was anxious, but he had to hold back his emotions and nodded

, "Yes, Harry is the most powerful person I have ever met in terms of magical talent, but I think this should be innate...

My father told me this...

To a certain extent, the talent of wizards has something to do with bloodlines.

Dudley shook his head, he looked at Ron and said lightly:

"No.... I think not!

Ron was stunned, he didn't know what Dudley meant.

Dudley naturally took out a "cooking recipe" from the bookshelf on the side.

"When I was studying in the world of ordinary people, our teachers taught us....

If you want to be smart in your head, quick in thinking, good in sports, and strong in motor nerves, you should eat more, [meat, eggs, milk, and vegetables. 】

Good eating habits can make the body thrive! "

[meat, eggs, milk, vegetables......]

Ron heard that he felt a little "pulled"....

He had also heard this sentence from his mother.

However, it does not match the current environment!

This sentence is what his mother often complained to her father.

[Arthur, your salary is too low, a few of our children can only eat cheap meat and bread, you see Ron's nutrition can't keep up..... If he doesn't grow tall in the future, how to please his wife

..] Ron didn't feel that there was anything wrong before, after all, although he didn't eat well, he could eat enough.

Can.... Just now Dudley said it carefully, which made him a little suspicious...

Is it his magical talent or Quidditch talent...

It's really because I can only eat sweet potato rice balls every day....

And does pumpkin porridge lead to a defective talent?

Is there a relationship between diet and talent?

"Dudley, you mean that if you eat more meat, eggs, milk, and vegetables, my magical talent will become stronger?"

Dudley smiled slightly and did not explain much.

If it was a detailed explanation, Ron would not understand.

Right now...

The potential [factor] has been planted, and the rest depends on how [it] takes root.

Dudley has been careful in the process of speaking....

It is not too much to be cautious without knowing the wizarding community in depth.

"Dudley's method of getting stronger is too slow...

Besides, I can't eat big fish and meat every day...


Dudley: I don't think this will solve my 'dilemma' in a short time!

I'm going to be a Gryffindor Quidditch training match organized by Wood in two days... Is there a way...?"

Ron subconsciously reminded.

Dudley gave him a reassuring look:

"That's why I told you alone."

Speaking of which, Dudley took the initiative to extend his hand.

Ron looked at Dudley's palm in front of him curiously:

"This is the way to make the talent stronger in a short time?"

Dudley smiled slightly, his palms spread, and inside was a furry creature that was coiled up and napping.

Ron was stunned:

"Dragon.... My neighbor totoro? You.... Your magic pet? Ron

remembered the creature, which he had seen catch a fleeing chocolate frog when he was on the Magic Express!

In general, it is stronger than his own stupid mouse.

Dudley explained naturally,

"If I hadn't had a clue about how your magical talent would have become stronger...

But I think you mean just passing the 'Quidditch' test.

My chinchilla seems to have a special 'talent' for riding a flying broomstick, [I used to eat with Harry when he was at our house. I

tried it before in Professor Hooch's magic broom class, and it seemed to be able to handle the flying broom perfectly.

Seeing this, Ron subconsciously swallowed his spit:

"... It..... Is it really so talented? Listen to you better than Harry?

Dudley spread his hands:

"Maybe.... Maybe for a few years I've been letting him eat beef, fish, and vegetables.

Ron subconsciously swallowed his spit when he heard this, he can only eat some dry bread slices and potatoes on weekdays, unless it is a good day or the day his father pays the family can eat a good meal!

"Nope... But... No demon pets are allowed in official matches...," Ron


Dudley said casually:

"It's still early for the official Quidditch match, I only have this 'way' at this stage, or do you think about it again?"

Seeing this, Ron hesitated repeatedly.

Ron's heart struggled.

But he was stunned to find that his current self really had no way back.

If expelled from the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

Then the rumor that he was talented with Ron had been circulated, and those wizard classmates in the dormitory who saw him worshiped during this time would condemn and look down on themselves.

He is going to turn back into "waste Weasley".


Ron swallowed his spit.

He couldn't imagine what he was facing.

Well.... Questions after that, think about it later.

Let's use this method of Dudley now!

Solve the urgent need first.

At the same time, he also had a plan in his heart, if he could get through this crisis, he would eat more meat, eggs, milk and vegetables, and if it didn't work, he would come to consult how to eat...

"Thank you so much, Dudley..." Ron

nodded in thanks.

Dudley smiled slightly, did not say much, took the initiative to open the door and walked out.

Looking at Dudley's departing back, Ron was very emotional.

It's nice that Harry has such a gentle brother!

How nice it would be if his brother were the same as Dudley....


(Extra: Ron opened the "Door of Time" years later with his magic wand in hand, and the only thing he wanted was to stop, stop himself, and step into Dudley's room....

Because on that night he was about to open the door of 'Pandora.'" )


Look at the author's avatar, there are ≖‿≖ circle in it Oh welcome to come in~

Ps: Finally finished writing, the update is over, it can be regarded as a before and after..... Why waste pen and ink writing about the trio is because the trio and the big cousin are closely related..... Thank you for your support, the author's inspiration +1 continues to burn.... ≖‿≖

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