Hermione's blocking made Ron stomp his foot in annoyance.

He whispered into Harry's ear,

"What does Harry do now?"

She doesn't seem to be joking!

If Hermione really went to report it... We may not really be able to eat in our pockets.

After all, my brothers, George and Fred, seem to have discussed the punishment of the little wizard for leaving the dormitory area without permission..." Hearing

Ron's explanation, Harry also seemed a little confused, and he didn't have a good way to deal with Hermione's implied "threatening" words.

But the thing about his duel with Malfoy...


Cousin, what should we do....

Harry instinctively wanted to ask Dudley for help, but he held back.

After all, today is his "wizard duel" with Malfoy, and if he still wants his cousin's help, Harry can't accept it in his heart...

He had already told his cousin that he had grown up!

Dudley calmly watched the pleasant interaction of the three little wizards.

He didn't intend to get involved...

According to Dudley's experience, in fact, through Hermione's subtle expression reaction in the morning, you can judge that this "girl" should have other intentions!

Smart girls always think a lot

, after all, now Hermione has also stepped out of the Gryffindor dormitory.

According to her own statements.

If you really want to report Harry...

The most correct choice is to take the initiative to find the senior wizard senior in the dormitory, instead of following his group out.

This little girl probably has other plans...

Dudley thinks.

Sure enough, Hermione's goose-egg face lifted again, and she looked at Harry in front of her, and Ron: "

If you don't want me to report you for leaving the Gryffindor dormitory privately, there is actually a 'way'..."

Harry nodded dumbly.

Ron sighed helplessly:

"I'll just say.... Really troublesome, name your request!

Hermione pinched her waist and said with a triumphant look of pride

, "Take me, I'll join you!"

Harry was stunned!

Ron was stunned.

Dudley looked at Hermione with interest.

It's funny....


A few minutes later!

Hermione and Harry and Ron ended their negotiations.

Looking at the dejected Harry...

Dudley reached out and patted him on the shoulder to show comfort.

Harry smiled awkwardly, but he nodded to indicate that he was fine.

Ron said anxiously

, "Okay Harry, we're going to hurry, if we're late, Malfoy uses this as an excuse to say that we don't lose on time, that's really wrong!"

Harry nodded in affirmation

, "Okay Ron, then you go ahead, I'll follow you..."


Ron just wanted to lift his foot, but he stopped in place a little stunned:

"Isn't that right!?"

Ron looked at Harry and said

, "Harry, your wizard duel, you should go ahead, I am the escort!"

Harry waved his hand and said helplessly

: "Okay, Ron, you lead the way ahead..."

Ron looked at Harry with a confused face:

"Lead the way!?

I need to know how to get to the storage room in the special area on the third floor of Hogwarts, and I won't talk to you just now...

Harry, you don't know how to go.

Harry looked blankly at Ron in front of him.

Then I looked at the Hogwarts moving stairs that changed freely according to different time periods...

Slowly explaining:

"Hmm.... Ron, I really don't know how to go!

After all, the Hogwarts area is too big for me to remember......."

Ron smiled equally awkwardly and said,

"Sorry Harry....

Harry and Ron looked at each other, and both saw "confusion" in each other's line of sight....

Harry was a little unwilling, and the most difficult step of leaving the Hogwarts dormitory by his own group was completed...

Nowadays, I am confused because I don't know the way.

Cousin...... Can you help yourself?

Harry was helpless, his cousin Dudley had been in the dormitory recently, and it was estimated that he was even less familiar with the layout of Hogwarts than himself.

Just when Harry and Ron were in a dilemma.

Hermione took the initiative to step forward and push the two away:

"Okay, what are you all stunned for, since you don't know the way to get out of the way, I'll lead the way!"


The admission notice for Hogwarts before the start of school year contains a description of the basic architectural layout of Hogwarts.

At first glance, you usually don't 'preview' seriously!

At this time, you know the importance of 'reading' well.

Hermione said as she lifted her foot up the moving staircase.

Seeing this, Ron pouted and muttered,

"Look! Put what you can....... It's amazing to read carefully, I really hope you become a nerd.

Harry ignored Ron, he was in a hurry, if he would miss the duel with Malfoy later, it would be himself who would be embarrassed.

What a "tough wizard duel"....

Dudley followed behind the three, seeing that Ron and Harry both had a little "resentment" towards "Hermione" to varying degrees, after thinking about it, he took the initiative to speak: "

This time is really thanks to 'Hermione', if it weren't for her, we would have to return the same way even if we leave the Gryffindor dormitory today!"

Harry heard this and nodded subconsciously in approval.

Ron swallowed the words he wanted to continue complaining about.

Hermione walked in front of her, her footsteps kept stopping, but the slender waist seemed a little "stiff"...

If it hadn't been for Ron's several reminders, she would have stepped on the stairs and fallen.

Hermione was surprised that this was Dudley actually recognizing herself?

Dudley looked at the three bear children who had recovered their harmony and shook his head helplessly.

If it weren't for Ron's mouth, the Malfoy family is a famous top of the wizarding world, and continues and practices ancient traditions...

This aroused his interest, and he did not intend to interfere with the contradictions between the bear children.

Childish contradictions always make a fuss....... The next day washed and slept and forgot..........

This interference of oneself is purely useless.

There is no such thing as an overnight feud with childishness....

The quickest way to transition from stranger to friend is to have "contradictions"...

However, the main reason why he came out with Harry today is to witness what the ancient wizard meant by "duel".

This is of great help to his research on wizards from historical backwards.

Between thoughts.

The Dudley trio was led by Hermione.

Bypassed several stairs that would move on their own.

Finally, I came closer to a wall full of oil picture frames.

"Hermione, how the hell did you do it?"


PS: Update, happy weekend, thank you for your support......

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