A red glow appeared, followed by wisps of green smoke.

"Boom... Explode?

Ron blurted out subconsciously.

"How is this possible..."

Ron bumped into Dudley next to him:

"Dudley... Look at the little wizard in front of you....

He actually burned the white feathers into 'ashes'..."

Dudley didn't need Ron's guidance, he had already noticed the sudden situation ahead for the first time.

"What's wrong?

Ron...... Is there anything strange about this?

Isn't it just a magic release mistake..."

Dudley looked at Ron beside him in bewilderment...

After all, the act of releasing the spell looks like studying chemical agents at Dudley, and some "accidents" should occur during this period....

There are too many uncertainties in this....

It's like if you don't figure out the periodic table very well....

Flammable gases ... and stabilized gases ... Confused....

Chemical accidents are not uncommon.

Sometimes it's much more serious....

"It's not....

Dudley! Aren't you clear?

Speaking of this, Ron looked at Dudley next to him and explained:

"My parents have said...

When the little wizard holds his wand... If the cast spell fails... Or maybe the spell is mispronounced!

Basically, it will not be successful in casting....

To a certain extent....

It can only make yourself feel dizzy.

This is a normal magic release error....

But it will never suddenly explode or burn....

This is bizarre!"

Dudley heard this, but smiled faintly:

"Maybe..." Ron

looked at Dudley's indifferent expression, and suddenly felt helpless....

At the same time, he stared curiously at the little furry creature in Dudley's hand....

Looking at this short body... Totoro, who resembles a little mouse, is lazily napping on Dudley's desk.

This made Ron curious...

"Da.... Dudley, this is your magic pet?

And also...... When I was at a Quidditch training match...

Thanks to your help...


Ron uttered words of thanks, but Dudley turned a deaf ear.

Ron had no choice but to shut up obediently!

At this time, Dudley was pushing the wand in his hand towards the book with great interest....

In fact, Dudley now wants to do the most basic verification!

Last time....

See, Totoro can successfully control the magic broom...

This made Dudley feel that it was very likely that his own demon pet chinchilla... Has an amazing talent for magic.

Like the spell in the mouth of a wizard, it may also be learned by his own totoro...

Although this is only a hypothesis....

But...... Thinking that his chinchilla might be able to hold a small wand in the future, and then wave his little paw to release the spell...

For some reason....

Dudley... Think deeper....

I felt a little bit of excitement.

At the same time....

The totoro lying on the desk was very dissatisfied!

It pulls a pair of ears....

The corners of your sleepy eyes....

The body is half-curled up and then motionless.

Totoro feels sleepy today....

It needs a break...

"Hey~ it's time to get up..."

Dudley saw that Totoro was not cooperative and was not in a hurry....

Instead, he took the initiative to put up two fingers, clamped the back of the chinchilla's neck, and lifted it from its curled state.

Totoro stretched his limbs....


Motionless as if it were a kitten....

The beard on its face trembled, and its big ears flickered rhythmically....

I can't wake up!

Seeing Totoro so uncooperative... Dudley thought for a moment, reached out and pulled out a piece of cheese from his pocket.

The aroma of cheese immediately attracted Totoro's attention.

But this time it didn't have any more overreactions... Instead, he shakes his head to indicate that he is not interested in cheese.

"Hmph! Sleeping is more important than eating..."

This rare behavior made Dudley feel the urge to laugh...

Because the reason for all this starts a few minutes ago.

At that time, after learning the basic essentials of flotation....

He put the relevant spells... Place on the table as scratch paper.

And Totoro, who was originally alive, saw the spell written by Dudley.

Some puzzled winks....

Then Totoro saw Dali... Handing himself a pen.

Totoro shocked....

Watch Dudley reach out and poke the words on the paper!

And then there was a poke in his little head ....

Totoro suddenly felt that the whole person was full of excitement!

What does that mean?

To learn on your own....

For the first time in his rat career, he felt an emotion called 'fear'....

It's so annoying to learn something....

It hated the line in front of it....

As a free-spirited chinchilla who likes to nap and sleep....

Absolutely cannot be dragged into the abyss of "study" and "notes" ......

A scene from memory emerges....

As for why Totoro has such an overly excited emotional reaction!

That's because for a long time in the past....

Dudley is immersed in the time of work, and it can be clearly observed from its perspective.

Once Dudley started writing....

It is to sit motionless and fall into deep thought....

It makes it very boring.

Several times when I was hungry was the beginning of Dudley's in-depth learning....

As a chinchilla yearning for freedom....

He felt that he must not be bound by the terrible "spell" in front of him...

Seeing Totoro show a rare boredom...

This surprised Dudley...

Although it is not clear why Totoro is like this, it seems that he may have misunderstood something.


Totoro's furry little head shook.

Then the half-narrowed eyes, the long beard trembled subconsciously.

Little paws are raised and dancing back and forth in the air!

"Squeak... Creak...... Squeak..."

saw Totoro with a look of protest.

Dudley felt a little funny.

"How.... Do you know these words I wrote? "


PS: Update ~La~Thank you for your support~

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