"Boom! Boom! Boom! "

Rhythmic knock after knock sounded...

Ron on the side saw that Duali was only teasing his pet chinchilla... but did not speak to himself! Ron scratched his head a little embarrassed....

"Dudley.... You.... You..... You can't give your wand to your 'pets' to play with...

It's true..... If only Professor Flitwick saw it..... He will criticize you!

Ron smashed the bar and muttered softly.

Dudley didn't care!

At this time, he was thinking about something very important...

Own chinchilla....

It was possible to "learn" magic...

This is already a sure thing!


Is such behavior a common phenomenon in the entire wizarding world...

Or do you say...

However..... Don't wait for Dudley to continue to think deeply.

He saw Ron next to him stretching out his hand and pulling his shoulder...

Ron's voice was a little shocked:

"Da.... Dudley....

You.... You see...

Oh my God.... This..... How is this possible?

It's so shocking.....,"

Ron's voice stammered...

And originally shouted in the mouth of the boo... Practice, little wizards of the spell

... All stopped the movement in their hands....

They brushed the ground in unison...

I was stunned to see the scene in front of me.

Even some of the little wizards were already flushed...


You..... You hit me.

I...... Am I succeeding?

My goodness....

I've only trained for the fifth time and successfully cast the spell? "


"Hit you? Why hit you?

You...... Is it...

"Stop arguing!!!

You know this is... What's going on?

Oh, my God...... I didn't even say the spell... Feather..... The feathers flew on their own........"


"Shut up! Know what's going on... Will I still ask you? "


Soon there was silence around from the beginning....

To the noise full of shock....

It's all in a flash!

Dudley's expression was also stunned from the beginning... Then it turned into amazement!

Finally, he looked around nervously.

Look around....

Little wizards left and right....

The feathers in front of him began to levitate from the table...

One by two... This is followed by a whole swoop! All slowly suspended in mid-air.


Dudley was shocked!

In this case, maybe everyone at the scene does not know what is going on....

But he is clear!

At the beginning, there were only a few small wizards who were able to successfully release the levitation charm...

It is possible to master the art of flotation all at once....

It is obvious that the problem lies in this demon pet of his own.

All that's when this chinchilla gets his wand and starts....

The key is that the little chinchilla in front of him is still shaking the silver-white wand in his hand hard....


There is nothing "abnormal" about the tip of the wand....

There is nothing visible to the naked eye, magic gathers.

There are no beam shots either!

Or the ripples of magic shock....


Dudley is clear!

If you guessed correctly....

Maybe it's the totoro after getting the wand... Something irreversible must have happened during the release of the spell or magical power!

Whereas...... The next scene made Dudley's whole person feel nervous...

Originally, the feathers were slowly suspended in midair.

But in the next moment... One thing after another....

"Something" floats up ....

First of all, the books for the Charms class....

And then some workbooks....

Charms books and workbooks....

This is followed by the feather fountain pen....

One item after another floated in the air for a while....

Up and down....

Everyone was shocked by this scene in front of them!

Even Charms Professor Flitwick was stunned.

He taught Hogwarts wizards for decades....

I've seen countless scenes, big and small!!


It's like the first day of continuous levitation spells made such a battle....

It really made him feel very incredible!

Professor Flitwick wanted to find the "source"....

But Gryffindor and the Slytherin wizards all got up from their seats...

They were clamoring to go into the air and rip off their books and Charms notes....

Crowded for a while!

This made it impossible for Flitwick to see who caused all this....

At this moment, a scream sounded!

Then another scream followed....

I saw that the pitch-black robes on many little wizards also floated upwards...

Most of the screams originated from small female wizards....

They clinging to their wizarding robes!

For fear of being taken away by a floating spell of unknown origin....

Hermione also tugged at her collar with her hand in horror!

She felt an external force tugging at her wizarding robe...

If she let go, her robe would definitely detach from her body.

Ron's face was very panicked at this time!

He looked at the wizard's notes and the Charms textbook that had been suspended half a meter tall...

There is even a quiet time when he is in class... Stuffed into socks that are not washed in the drawer....

There are already a lot of daily necessities floating in mid-air....

Ron was a little flustered!

He looked at Dudley beside him and instinctively asked....

"Da.... Dudley....

What the hell is going on here?

We...... We...... What should I do... And my socks and some snacks stuffed in the drawer flew up!

These cannot be seen by others! Ron

was very flustered, why he complained to Dudley!

That's because after the Quidditch experience....

Ron instinctively had a trace of adoration for Dudley, thinking that difficult things could be solved by finding Dudley!

Dudley's expression was calm, and he looked at Ron and said lightly:

"I think it's very simple to want something back from you..."

I feel like you just need to stand in a chair and use your wand to go, pick your socks off..."

Ron: "!? "

How wise!


PS: It's updated, thank you for your support~

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