Hufflepuff's second-year sister Ellie!

Denote...... I really like to explain food ideas with this white and clean junior brother in front of me....

It's just a pity.......

. Without waiting for Allie to continue thinking....

Dudley raised his palm... Politely wave at the other person.

"So... Senior Sister Allie, please be sure to use it in the evening....

In my opinion... Ten hours have passed since this batch of 'aquatic products'....

Even if...

Even if...... If you fail, please tell me tomorrow!

After all....

It also took me a long time to make this 'filter'..."


Looking at Dudley's serious expression, Allie nodded heavily although she was puzzled in her heart.

"Okay! I will, I'll tell you tomorrow if there is news~"

After saying that, Allie hurriedly opened the door of the Hufflepuff second-year classroom!

And then...... Leave quickly.

Dudley stopped at the door for a short while....

When Allie's figure disappeared completely, he turned around and left towards the other side of the passage.

Ron on the side looked inexplicable....


Ron couldn't bear it:

"Dudley... And so on....

This...... That's not right... You said before....

It's to take me to the process of becoming stronger with magical talents....


How did you run to Hufflepuff House... And I met an unrelated senior sister!

I want to....

This should not have anything directly related to me...


You...... Don't lie to me....

You promised me..."

Ron followed behind Dudley, mumbling...

He really didn't see what the point of Dudley taking himself to find this Hufflepuff senior was...

Could it be....

Don't...... Doesn't he know where he is now?

Immediately Quidditch....

And the Charms Club....

Dudley listened as he continued to walk forward.

Since Ron turned on the spit mode, he has been chattering along the way, as if there is something unfinished to say.

Half a day....

Ron found that the little wizards around him had disappeared!

Himself and Dudley came to a corner of a corridor near the Hogwarts dormitory....

"Dah... Dah... Da..." the

footsteps paused.

There was silence all around....

Dudley's small body was motionless....

At this time....

Inexplicably, "Ron" felt quite pressured....

"Da.... Dudley....

Dudley... What happened to you?

Ron subconsciously asked.

Dudley didn't look back....

His body turned his back to Ron, and his voice appeared a little flat:

"Ron.... Weasley....

I ask you....


Why should I help you 'get stronger' with your magical talent? "



Ron's expression stiffened, and he subconsciously spoke,

"You... You...... All helped, Harry became more talented with magic...

So.... I think you should also help me become more talented with magic...


Dudley didn't turn around, he remained silent.

This made Ron feel awkward....

Halfway through talking, he also felt weird... Why didn't Dudley say a word....

Can...... It's so hard to narrate myself.

At this moment...

Ron realized a problem that he had been deliberately "ignoring"....


Dudley... Why help yourself become more magical?

This has always been my own repeated mention of this matter!


It is natural for people who are subconscious to help Dudley.

Thinking of this, Ron quickly shook his head....


Not true....

What the hell are you thinking!?


My friends with Harry....

Friends should help each other....

Only in this way can we go further....

This is what parents and most of Hogwarts' magical teachers teach... Conclusion, I am not wrong ....

"Hmm.... Dudley, I....

I feel like I'm 'friends' with you....


Also...... Please help me.....,"

Ron gritted his teeth!

Though...... He felt strange that he had said this.

But he can't go looking for his parents now!

Both of his brothers had told their mother about their selection as Quidditch hitter.

And with his father's personality that likes to share joy...


His friends and family know the important thing about his Quidditch selection...

What if...

Ugly on the day of the game....

It's unimaginable!!

Parents can't....

So go find Professor McGonagall from Gryffindor?

This is even more unlikely!

If...... Looking for Professor McGonagall to confess her magical talents... She will definitely say why she didn't admit her mistake earlier, but at this time....

With the serious style of the other party... I guess I will be criticized in front of the whole school's little wizards!


Now the only thing I can rely on is Dudley, who has a way to help him "become stronger"!

Though...... Ron didn't think Dudley really had a way....

Change one's established magical talent!


There is always "hope" than "despair"!

Dudley on the side did not turn around!

According to the normal plan, this was his last questioning.

Ron's current "situation" is ultimately because of his own obsession.

Want to change the past....

Everyone's inherent "waste" impression of him ....

After thinking about it, Dudley sighed again and said,

"Ron.... I'll just say it bluntly!

I have always believed that no matter what kind of road you walk, there is one most basic 'principle'!

That is the equivalent exchange....

You want to get the spell!

Then you have to learn how to use the spell....

You want to get praise and adoration!


You're going to have to put in a lot of effort behind your back!

It's like right now...

You want to get the same "magical" talent as Harry....

Do you know the price to pay?

Ron replied almost without hesitation

, "Dudley, don't worry....

No matter what the 'cost'!

I'm all willing.... As long as it can make my magical talent stronger!!."


PS: In the first chapter, the author continues to work hard to update the second chapter immediately, thank you for your support~

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