
After all, Ron's expression and demeanor revealed a kind of satisfaction, it was obvious that he did not often eat products such as seafood, and he did not notice much of the details in this regard.

Breakfast time ended quickly.

Harry took the initiative to help his cousin clean up the table, and then prepared the Charms class to be used today, as well as the materials for the History of Magic class.

Ron savored the taste in his mouth as he walked:

"Harry... I really envy that you have such a cousin who can eat such a good breakfast every day.

Harry smiled:

"Ron, you think about it a lot, my cousin usually doesn't make breakfast himself, he probably thinks that yesterday, Senior Sister Allie sent too many black scale fish, so he will use it for cooking in the morning."


Hearing the black scale fish again, Ron smashed his mouth, recalling the taste that had just fascinated him.

Grilled fish.... Really nice!


"Okay Ron, since you prefer grilled fish, you will come to our dormitory every morning in the future, I have more fish here, and Harry and I can't finish eating."

Hearing this, Ron nodded subconsciously.

Only then did he react and look at Dudley's grateful expression:

"Dudley.... Thank you so much!

However, without waiting for Ron to finish speaking, Dudley turned straight and walked forward.



The shoulder was tapped, and Ron subconsciously looked back and saw one of Harry's hands on his shoulder:

"Okay... Ron, you don't need to think about it, since your cousin promised you, he naturally wants you to come to our dormitory every day to eat grilled fish.

Originally, I thought my cousin was a little unhappy with me for making friends, but... Now it seems that he still likes you quite a lot..." Looking

at Harry's thoughtful look, Ron smiled softly, and then sighed helplessly......

Harry didn't know what the problem was between himself and Dudley, and if the "contradiction" in this was clear to Harry, he might not think so!

Finally, the bottom is revealed... Or yourself.....

Always pestering Dudley!


Shaking his head, Ron stopped thinking deeply.

I hope Dudley doesn't hate himself for his frequent interruptions...

If only to put it another way....

Never mind!

Don't think much about it.

Ron cleared the mess of thoughts in his mind and took the initiative to keep up with Dudley.

Today's magic lesson passed very quickly.

In particular, Professor McGonagall of the Transfiguration class, as if there was something urgent, left the Gryffindor first year classroom after hurriedly talking about a few important knowledge points.


Harry, who was sitting next to Dudley, took the initiative to hold his homework book and came to Hermione with a serious face.

"Hey Harry, you are?"

Hermione looked at Harry, who had bypassed Dudley and sat beside her, and asked suspiciously.

Harry smiled and explained,

"Hermione still doesn't understand something about the historical overview of the Transfiguration Charm that you asked me yesterday.

For example, a series of realities such as later data, which have impressive spell rules............

Dudley looked at Harry and Hermione beside him.

I saw that Harry took the initiative to lie next to Hermione, holding a quill in his hand and seriously learning magical knowledge from Hermione.

During the conversation, Harry also expressed his opinion from time to time.

Compared to this happy duo.

On the other side, Ron looked a little restless.

"Again.... Here it is again....

This is the case again!

Ron sighed, thinking that while Professor McGonagall was gone, he could discuss Quidditch or the commissary magic snack with Harry!

You can even share that a companion in your dormitory actually snores and plays music at night...

However, without waiting for himself to speak, Harry took the initiative to go to the other side!

Looking at his serious study, and the Charms homework exercises full of notes.

Ron only felt like pins and needles...


I seem to have been neglected again.


If it weren't for Dudley as a baffle, Hermione and Harry would have seen their somewhat "resentful" expressions.

After a while, Ron finally made up his mind.

He felt very "lonely"....

In order to be able to join Hermione and Harry's chat group, he took the initiative to open the Charms class and Transfiguration class books.

Force yourself to bite the bullet and watch it.

The dense text had already had a great impact on Ron's heart, which made his whole expression seem a little numb.

After thinking about it, Ron turned his head to look at the window on the other side, and hesitated to say something.

There were spell words that had just been written down in my mind.


Hermione and Harry on the other side gave each other a quiet look!

Hermione mural drew a small fist!

Harry did the same and gave recognition:

"Hey ~ Hermione, did you see that?"

Ron actually began to take the initiative to learn!

Hermione nodded,

"Isn't that what I said?"

I have seen in textbooks before that if you want to improve a person's learning ability, you have to start from all aspects, just like the method we use now, which is called in the book!


[Team cohesion?

Harry's subconscious question!

He felt that something was wrong....

Still, he nodded in approval.


PS: Daily updates in progress... Today's second more complete... Happy winter holidays to all, the author continues to work hard in codewords....

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