
After sorting out Ron's personal situation.

Obito took the initiative to get up and come to Ron's side.

Reached out and patted Ron's shoulder.

Feel the bump in the shoulder.

A wry smile tugged at the corner of Ron's mouth.

"Dudley... You...... Are you here to laugh at me too?

Ron's voice was soft.

Like the kind of behavior he had just done, even the most basic spell words had been forgotten, which was unbelievable to him.

Is it...

Are you really too nervous?


Ron's heart was filled with bitterness.

However, Dudley said lightly:

"Ron, actually, I think you are doing a good job, at least now you are willing to open the Charms class book compared to before."

This kind of behavior, I believe Hermione and Harry have seen it!

And you don't have to blame yourself..." Hearing

Dudley's explanation, Ron shook his head bitterly again.

Although he always wanted to explain something...

But when the words came to his lips, Ron couldn't say it again.

"Well..." watched

Ron's temperament change.

Dudley took the opportunity to make the latest observation in the notebook in his hand.

After mercury entered the wizard's body, it not only had a certain degree of influence on the memory.

Even the speed of thinking, as well as personality, has a prelude to some changes.


At this time, Ron was sitting in a chair!

He stared blankly at the record book on his desktop, and finally smiled bitterly helplessly.


You obviously want to learn magic?

But why do you get angry the first time you see the "text"?

Is it...

Didn't I Ron naturally dislike spells?


Professor McGonagall hadn't returned since leaving the Gryffindor Little Wizard's dormitory.

It's time for class to end.

Hermione took the initiative to get up and hold the after-class exercises.

Harry and Hermione's side.

Ron didn't deliberately fall behind this time!

Instead, he took the initiative to keep up with Harry and Hermione.

Dudley looked at Ron, who had made the change.

A little thought in my mind....

So it looks....

Ron did have some changes in his mindset.

He wants to take the initiative to break through the shackles of his heart...

Seeing this, Dudley was very curious, and he did not interfere too much.

On the road to becoming more magical, you will definitely experience a heavy burden that many others cannot imagine.

Hopefully Ron can hold on....


"Hey ~

Harry! Wait for me~"

Ron came up from the rear.

Hermione on the side looked at Ron, who caught up, and had some doubts in her heart.

Ron volunteered,

"Have you forgotten?

It's our first festival at Hogwarts!

Harry looked at Ron and wondered

, "Ron, you said Halloween?"


"Yes! That's right!

I'm talking about Halloween, have you forgotten?

At Halloween time, you need to prepare, jack-o'-lanterns, candy, and a series of small items such as skulls.

Hermione looked at Ron's mouth.

I couldn't help but speak:

"Ron, seeing that you care so much about this, do you say..."

Do you have a relevant doorway?

Ron looked stunned:

"Hermione, how did you know?"

Did I tell you this in advance?

Hermione held out her forehead, and Ron spoke with the urge to step forward and punch her.

But Harry opened his mouth to explain:

"No, Ron, when you said these words, that expression directly revealed, you quickly ask me, I know what these little secrets look like!"

We are all friends~

Besides, Halloween is indeed very important.

I also plan to dress up as a little monster with a jack-o'-lantern and go to another dormitory to ask for candy. "


Hermione looked at Harry and was silent for a moment,

"Ask for candy?"

Harry, I think you're thinking too much?

Pumpkin heads are not standard for candy.

I read in the book that if you want to ask for candy, you need to wear a wizard hat and then smear your face black so that someone will be willing to give you candy to eat~"

"Is that so..."

"But then again, Ron, why are you still holding back."

Do you want us to ask again in your face again? "


Ron subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

"Whew.... Well, since you all see it, I don't hide it either!

I have two older Gryffindor older brothers who started before me and both love small gifts like Halloween.

If you need makeup and Halloween advice, I can take you to my brother's secret warehouse to see it.

They say that their secret warehouse has a lot of novelties from Diagon Alley!

Ron finished speaking.

Hermione looked at Ron in shock.

The same goes for Harry...


"What's wrong?"

Ron wondered.

Hermione shook her head, but finally explained,

"Ron, I really didn't expect you to trust us so much that you would tell me and Harry about such a thing!"

Harry nodded as well, and he looked at the somewhat dazed Ron and said

, "Yes Ron, I think I blamed you wrongly before!"

But I have to remind you that the Gryffindor wizard is forbidden to trade in 'wizard items'.

Especially between students and students!

This is completely forbidden on the bright side....


PS: Daily updates in progress... Today's second more complete~

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