
"Don't be in a daze, we need to get out of here as soon as possible and go inform the professors at Hogwarts."

Hermione urged, but her steps began to tremble faintly.

This made her move quite inconveniently.

"What should we do?"

Harry was also a little flustered!

However, the cannibal in front of him, waving the huge wooden stick in his hand, had already entered the bathroom.


Look at this terrifying monster.

Dudley also confronted the creature for the first time.

Such creatures are detestable.

Sticky dirt is attached to both feet and hands.

"Everyone, get down!"

The voice from Dudley's mouth fell.


Harry quickly did so, and then rolled forward and threw himself down.

Hermione was so frightened by the ognibal's huge body that her legs went limp, unable to move at all.

This is the disadvantage of being dominated by panic in a short period of time.

Thinking of this, Dudley stepped forward and jerked Hermione to the ground.

That's when a howling wind whistled through.

Huge pieces of wood swept through!


Rock mass!

There is also a wooden lavatory toilet.

Smash it all.


Such destructive power made Harry's whole person stunned.

If you are hit by this stick.

Not to mention fractures, the body alone will be crushed into meat sauce.

Without Harry's reminder, Dudley also knew that with the strength of him, Harry and Hermione's first-year little wizard, it was impossible to cause any damage to the cannibal in front of him.

"Hermione! My wand is off, don't you know how to do magic?

Now it's up to you.

Hurry up and cast a levitation spell on this cannibal in front of you. "


Harry, who rolled over to avoid the attack of the mallet, hurriedly shouted to Hermione beside him.

Hermione also reacted from her stunned state.

She quickly reached into her arms and pulled out her wand.

Two successive violent shocks had already made her adapt to the terrifying creature in front of her.

"Hermione, this cannibal demon is huge, and his body doesn't move very fast.

If you improve your concentration, you may be able to give him a fatal blow.

You can use the Flotation Charm to lock the wooden stick to fight back. "


Harry spoke quickly.

Hermione wasn't slow either, taking out her wand and slowly chanting.

"Ordinary spells, flotation!"

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