
"Alright Harry, you come with us and get out of here quickly!

Just need to control him, naturally there will be a wizarding professor at Hogwarts to deal with it!

Hermione called anxiously.

And yet!

At this moment, Harry seemed to be completely inaudible.


His eyes under the lenses of his glasses are gloomy and calm!

The mouth seems to be unconsciously chanting:

"Dare to bully my friend..... You have to pay the price! "


The situation is very bad.

Hermione couldn't run fast with Ron in her arms.

Dudley took the initiative to step forward and support Hermione, who was stumbling:

"Okay Hermione, you don't have to worry, leave this matter to me!"

Hermione looked at Dudley in surprise.


However, Dudley looked directly at Harry's scholar and uncle kulasant's voice and said in a low voice:

"You smelly boy, what are you still doing here!?"

The moment the voice sounded!

Harry seemed to be frightened by something, and his eyes suddenly looked a little afraid...

The look also became flustered!

And the continuous casting of spells is also interrupted halfway.


Dudley looked at Harry in front of him and sighed slightly relieved.

The situation was exactly as I imagined.

Harry had just clearly fallen into an unusual mood.

This kind of time only makes him recall

The scene with a deep memory can help him get rid of that strange emotion as soon as possible.


It seems that from childhood to adulthood for more than ten years, his father Vernon Skley has left an indelible mark on his heart.


Not a good memory.

"Harry hurry up, let's get out of here!"

Looking at the ogre half-kneeling on the ground, Dudley lost his ability to move for a while, and Dudley took the initiative to beckon Harry to follow.


But at this moment, a violent sound of footsteps sounded.

I saw three dark figures appear at the door of the bathroom.

The three people who rushed into the bathroom, they were!

Professor McGonagall of Transfiguration class.

Professor of Potions, Snape.

and Quirrell, the teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

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