
Professor Quirinas thought to himself!

When the time of crisis comes, he will come to the rescue.

During this time, he also pre-designed a ranged magic to interfere with Harry and the group's psychological defenses.

Let them be frightened enough to forget to cast the spell.


Wait until Harry is completely conquered by the horror of the cannibal demon.

I reached out to him in class and taught him the power of darkness under the pretext of protecting my friends.

Lure Harry into the abyss of the dark wizard.

Let him believe in the vital truth that only "power" can change everything.


But for now, it seems that his strategy has failed.

And the reason for all this was due to miscalculation of Harry's personal strength.

Legend has it that Harry Potter was a child who defeated the Archdemon head-on.

This has always been a rumor, and Professor Quirrell thinks so.


Even if he saw Harry in person, he was very close to most young wizards and was no different.

Stopped speculating.

It is clear that his plan has failed.


And this time the cannibal incident will definitely find a lot of strange things if it is deeply traced.

You must use the Philosopher's Stone as soon as possible, otherwise you will wait for the Great Demon King to wake up again!

He must face not only Hogwarts' questioning, but also the punishment of the Archdevil.


For those who are not good at doing things.

Quirrell knew very well in his heart that abandonment was only a thought for the Great Devil.

Thinking of this, Professor Quirrell decisively turned around and walked towards the other side of the teaching building.

Over there is the storage room on the third floor.



In a separate office in Gryffindor.

Professor McGonagall was bowing her head and carefully writing proposals related to today's record.

Hermione and Harry on the side looked at each other, and they both showed a hint of happiness to each other..........

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