Dudley sorted out the [genetic records of new species] in his hand.

On the other hand, after eating the cheese given by Dudley, Totoro's body suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

In an instant, it appeared above Dudley's head.

The body curled up on top of his head, half-squinted and began to nap...

Even if you transform into a new species, you can't get rid of the shackles of juvenile stage!

Dudley left the utility room of the laboratory and followed his memory to the medicine preservation area of the laboratory.

This is another set of experimental sites for him

! Looking at the wall clock, he now has enough time to analyze! In

the cryogenic refrigerator of the medicine, there are two tubes of reagents that he has newly prepared.

【Magic I (Flu

) Virus】【Magic II (Phage) Virus】


It is customary to put on white gloves and put these two tubes of reagents in your pocket, and find a disposable syringe.

While there was still time to spare, Dudley came to the front of the electron microscope again.

Replace it with the wizard virus "material" prepared in advance.


a moment and watch the details on the screen.

Dudley's brows furrowed.


is enough to show that ordinary people who want to obtain magic power the day after tomorrow, even if they pay a heavy price, may not have a chance!

Dudley extracted a little of the skin on his lips in advance,

and then injected [Magic I (Flu) Virus] into his own lip cells.


had to wait for a while before injecting the [Magic II (Bacteriophage) Virus].

The specific situation of the cells is then observed.

【Wizard Virus Experiment Report (1)】For

the first time, wait a day!

At low temperature, it automatically splits in the nutritional reagent, and 70% of it crystallizes after actively removing it from the reagent, turning into organic matter without special activity.

【Wizard Virus Experiment Report (2)】The

second time, wait three days.

Their own cells, with activity, automatically divide in the nutritional reagent, and 40% of them crystallize after actively removing it from the reagent, turning into organic matter without special activity.

【Wizard Virus Experiment Report (3)】The

third time, wait five days...

After actively removing its cells from the reagent, 35% of them crystallized and turned into organic matter without special activity.

【Wizard Virus Experiment Report (4)】The

fourth time, wait a week..... After the cells are separated from the reagent, 30% crystallize and become organic matter, without special activity.

The fifth time, wait ten days....

Now Dali looks at the electron microscope, the cells on his lips, after injecting [Magic II (bacteriophage) virus].

Crystallization is evident again, and the probability of turning into organic matter is decreasing, and it is now 20 percent.

The occurrence of this scene made Dudley see new opportunities.

According to this conclusion, as long as he is injecting the [Magic I (Flu) Virus], theoretically, the longer he lasts, the more likely the result he wants will occur.

Injecting [Magic II (Phage) Virus] before the limit value arrives can make the cells reactive

! But these are grafted in theory!

If you want to master the magic, the premise is that your body can endure the pain and torture for a long time, or resist the influenza virus abruptly.


data is still too little, there is not enough time, I haven't even verified it, what changes will happen if I inject the [Magic I (Flu) Virus] for more than a month!

But it is now June, and there are only more than two months left before the start of the magic school in September, and there is really not much time left for myself....

If you want to take advantage of this opportunity to join, [Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry].

According to school rules, only children with magical talents can enroll!

and they must obtain magic, and the only way to do this is at the moment...

Looking at the two tubes of reagents in his hand, Dudley hid them closely, which is his precious experimental crystallization!

Conveniently packed up the test bench to reset the instrument, and left after confirming that there was nothing abnormal.


London, July.

4 Privet Road, Little Whiggin District, Surrey.

Today is Sunday in London, and Dudley is still exercising as usual.

More than a month has passed since he got the two tubes of reagents, and Dudley is still doing multi-faceted tests and observations, and is not in a hurry to inject.

After all, there is only one life, and if something happens to him, he will say goodbye to this magical world.

The pace under the feet is getting faster and faster, and the two-story small bungalow not far ahead is becoming clearer.

Recently, somehow, their family has not received any letters related to "Hogwarts".

This made Vernon and Penny, who were originally anxious, feel a lot relieved.

The atmosphere of panic surrounding the family has long since disappeared.

Reaching open the door, Dudley changed into a pair of slippers!

Just in time to see Harry carrying a plate of cookies to the table.

"Good morning cousin

Dudley!" Listening to Harry's greeting, Dudley politely replied.

"Good morning cousin Harry!"

Vernon on the side shook his fat body, stretched out his hand to pick up a cookie from the dinner plate and put it to his mouth, and said as if intentionally or unintentionally while chewing:

"Hey my lovely son Dudley, do you think today is different?"

.... No, it's a lot better than London's sometimes rainy ghost climate!

You say.... Vernon

smiled and looked at Harry.

Harry nodded thoughtfully

, "Well, Uncle Vernon is very right

, I think the thing that makes Uncle happy, it must be that no one has sent a letter during this time!"


PS: "The 2+1 agreement was reached, and the explosion ~ three changes were completed today ~ the author is working hard ~<( ̄) ̄)>...."

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