
"Someone must have imprinted a magic inscription near the lavatory.

In my opinion, there must be something strange about this...,"

Hermione said as her whole body began to get excited, and she felt as if she had grasped something.


However, without waiting for Hermione to continue, Professor McGonagall took the initiative to raise the monocle on her eyes:

"Okay, Hermione, you don't need to talk about it, you don't have to think about it."

I don't want a little wizard at Hogwarts to question the loyalty of the school professors in public.

This is a very impolite act.

Not only influences, but also the mindset of students.

It also affected the treatment of the little wizard by everyone...............

Speaking of this, Professor McGonagall did not say more, but gestured to the location of the gate:

"Okay, you guys leave, remember what I said before!"

I hope you will keep your promise.

Hermione's silver teeth clenched as if she wanted to say something!

After all, she feels that she has seen the problem, and as long as she insists on saying it, she will definitely be able to solve the problem.


His good friend, Ron Weasley, was also injured by this incident.

Figuring out the reason for this is also to give Ron Weasley a reasonable explanation.

Thinking of this, Hermione took a deep breath, and the scene of Ron desperately trying to save himself once again came to mind, intending to fight for it again.


Harry on the side took the initiative to stop Hermione, but was the first to speak:


Professor McGonagall, we'll get back to the dormitory as soon as possible and rest.

After that, Harry directly took Hermione's hand and was about to pull it to the exit.

Hermione didn't know where Harry came from, so vigorously pulled out the door by him.


Dudley bowed slightly to Professor McGonagall, waved his hand politely, and followed Harry.

Professor McGonagall, on the other hand, kept watching the three departing.

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