
Ron's dazed expression seemed to have recovered some light, and he hurriedly spoke:

"Yes! Grilled fish!

Dudley, you promised to allow me to eat grilled fish every morning....."


Ron's voice fell, and Dudley casually reached out and took out the grilled fish set meal prepared in advance, and spread it out in front of Ron.

The aroma of grilled fish made Ron eager to eat.

"Hmm.... It's this taste, as long as I can eat grilled fish every day, I think sooner or later I will be able to surpass Harry, surpass everyone..."

Watching Ron's expression slowly return to normal,

he muttered some words that he couldn't even hear clearly.

Dudley didn't say anything more, but continued to observe silently from the sidelines.


Obviously, Ron's current state can be divided into three phases.

In the first stage, after swallowing the grilled fish containing mercury, Ron's will recall his goal and what he is going to do, and although the memory is a little fragmented, after all, it still has a basic ideology.

You can work towards a goal.


In the second stage, if the grilled fish containing mercury is swallowed for about half a day, if he does not eat the mercury-containing food again, his mental state will begin to be disturbed.

Conscious thinking is confused, and memory shows a state of intermittent recovery.

The third stage is not eating grilled fish for 24 hours, which will enter the blank stage of brain thinking.


At this stage, Ron's brain will basically be in a state of coagulation.

The mind is extremely inactive.

Talking and other aspects will be more inclined to Alzheimer's patients.

Saying the previous sentence and forgetting the next sentence is what happens from time to time.

After gathering enough information about Ron's current state, Dudley fell into deep thought.


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