
You can't ask other people to live the same "regularity" as yours!

Hearing Lilith's rebuttal, Hermione only felt a little mad, there

had been so much that had happened to her lately.


Ron went to the university hospital to save himself, and

he is still lying in bed...

It already made her very uncomfortable.


Nowadays, the daily routine is also disturbed by others, and

their sleepiness in the classroom in the past two days under multiple pressures

has seriously affected their learning progress.


"Lilith, I heard that there are only four people in our girls' dormitory, and

your life routine is completely different from the others

You can't let that affect everyone! "


Lilith looked at Hermione and scoffed

, "So, Hermione is the lobbyist chosen between the two of them?"

But why don't you think about it, why don't they dare to come to me and say it themselves, but instead encourage you to come? "


Looking at Lilith's meaningful expression,

Hermione frowned, and she faintly felt that things might not be the same as she imagined.

Maybe in non-wizarding school life,


It is very reasonable to fight for your due rights in a stern tone.

Is Hogwarts Learning............

While Hermione was lost in thought, Lilith closed the book in her hand and said with a light smile:


"Since you have mentioned this matter, there is no need to waste too much time on this, as long as you can tell me the personal information of 'Dudley', I agree to your request!"


Hermione subconsciously asked rhetorically.

"Yes! Please tell me all about Dudley!

Lilith spoke solemnly again.

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