Dudley tugged at the corner of Hagrid's coat and pulled it down hard:

"Wait!" Hagrid

looked back suspiciously.

Dudley pointed to his right pocket:

"Mr. Hagrid, when I dug into my pocket ten minutes ago, I seemed to have accidentally lost the money my parents gave me.

Hagrid frowned a little annoyed: "Why did you tell me now?"

Dudley's helpless spread hand.

Harry was staring at his cousin strangely with wide eyes, looking

dazed and wanting to speak.

Hagrid groaned and took out the umbrella on the side, touching it lightly on Dudley and Harry, respectively.

The tip of the umbrella lit up,

and I didn't know what was chanting.

After a while, Hagrid muttered, "

Little ones give me five minutes, and I'll be back in five minutes no matter what happens."

Looking at Hagrid's figure leaving quickly, Harry couldn't help but be curious and spoke:

"Cousin Dudley, what the hell is going on?

I saw you drop your wallet on the floor and signal me not to ask.

You.... It shouldn't be done!"

Harry's voice was a little weak.

Dudley didn't care at all, he looked around and saw that no one noticed it.

The facial expression was calm and gentle:

"Harry, because of the urgency of time, from now on, you don't ask, why, and try not to interrupt me."

You just have to listen!"

Harry was stunned, and his cousin Dudley was uncharacteristic.

The other party's tone turned out to be a little solemn, this kind of expression he had almost never seen on Dudley's cousin's face!

And Dudley reached out and took out a note from behind his back and dangled it in front

of Harry: "Harry, you have taken care of this note I copied, and the text is from the History of Magic, by Bathilda Bagshot.

Harry, I have a habit of having to know everything about them in detail.

'Confused' is an extremely irresponsible attitude.

Whether it's for myself or for you!"

Harry tilted his head, Cousin Dudley's words were so profound that he didn't understand them.

Dudley saw Harry's doubts and explained:

"Two days before Weasley visited our house, I asked Weasley for this book from Bakilda Bagshot's History of Magic!

After all, the wizarding world is a "blank" for us.

I was going to tell you this sooner, but Weasley and Hagrid have been sitting in our living room for a while, and I haven't had a chance to talk to you about it.

Bathilda Bagshot's History of Magic explicitly mentions "humans" and "wizards"!

And the wizarding world blocked the news of the existence of "magic" to all Muggles.

Although the book does not mention why wizards do this, it seems to me that it is not optimistic to dig deeper.

It's too early to discuss this, but I came to you mainly because!

There are two of them.

One is your Harry Potter,

and the other is the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

In just a few words, in my personal opinion, for now, this Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, 'big problem'!"

To be honest, he didn't understand a lot of what his cousin said, and it was even difficult to understand!

Harry could feel Cousin Dudley saying something very important.

Time was limited, and Dudley did not bother to explain in detail, and had to elaborate in the most concise language:

"Harry don't think too much, you just need to write down what I say now."

I know you're very smart, and now you're going to take every word I say to heart.

When Harry heard this, his little head nodded vigorously

: "Don't worry, cousin

Dudley, I will!" Dudley said directly:

"According to my personal point of view, I will analyze problems rationally!

First, any 'history' book has reference value, whether it is rewritten or compiled, it records fragments of facts that happened in the past, and how many real events that happened in the past are still alive.

In History of Magic, I saw your name.

[Harry Potter] [A miraculous symbol of Harry Potter, he survived at the hands of the 'Archdevil' and defeated 'he' as the 'gospel' of wizarding for all people, and was praised as a "hero


And "History of Magic" is listed as one of the Hogwarts textbooks!

That means that at least most wizards in the wizarding world know about your existence.

And you are also called the boy who 'saved' the world.

Harry is in the wizarding world, at least in this setting at Hogwarts, you are

a "hero"!" "I am a hero, I

once saved the wizarding world?" Harry

looked at Cousin Dudley in disbelief.

Dudley did not explain the growing voice in his mouth:

"Harry, if you encounter a problem, you must calmly analyze!

According to the "History of Magic", you are already a heroic existence that all wizards look up to.


most direct question

, 'Hogwarts' School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, or even the Ministry of Magic, which has a direct relationship with the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, 'ignored' your living situation?"

Harry looked stunned, he didn't understand a lot of what his cousin said, or even understood the meaning of it, but one thing he could understand his cousin meant was that maybe it wasn't safe now.

"Da.... Cousin Dudley, what should we do now?" Dudley

looked at Harry calmly, and he was a little helpless.

After all, it is a child, and it is still too early for him to understand and speculate about "human nature".

But he said this entirely out of "protection" of Harry.

In biology, the first time a larvae opens its eyes, it will regard the creature it sees at first sight as its closest person during the "ignorant" period.

In contact

with the "strange" world, "calm", "reasonable" and "good at analysis" will greatly preserve themselves.

Harry couldn't understand this, and Dudley knew that he took the initiative to step forward and gently pat Harry's shoulder, rubbing the other's head with a gentle face:

"Don't worry, Harry, I won't stop you from joining the 'Hogwarts' School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, because I will be with you!

And I can't guarantee that everything I say is true,

because the amount of information we have in the wizarding world is too little and too little.

Harry, listen

, at this stage alone, the best thing we can do is to be silent.

See more, think more, think more.

Speaking of this, Dudley's body slowly leaned forward, with a faint smile on his face, and he raised a finger and gently poked Harry's forehead:

"Harry, knowledge can bring us strength."

Over the years, Professor Morrison and I have studied biology and learned that any animal group has its own laws of existence.

There is no real law of the jungle in this world.

In biology.

The most inconspicuous, really weak creature!

Not necessarily living more 'miserable', their 'powerful' is easy to ignore!

See more, learn more, think more, let wisdom fill here..."

Dudley reached out and poked Harry's head again.

The voice from his mouth disappeared, leaving only a lip shape.

[Harry, my brother, you have to learn to use your brain to think...]

And out of the corner of Dudley's eye, he had seen the figure of a burly wizard approaching from the end of the alley...


PS: Three more, huh.... Hey, cousin yyds,.... (/≥▽≤/), thank you for your support~ But today there are a little fewer people..... Grief +1, ≧_≦!

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