Harry went to open the door, but when the door to the room opened.

Vernon heard a voice that he desperately wanted to hear:

"My dear Mr. Potter, it seems that you have not been doing very well lately, and I am sorry that there was some minor trouble in the Ministry of Magic two days ago, someone entered the open attack, Gringotts..."

At the door, Arthur Weasley, wearing a suit and tie, walked into Dursley's home with a smile and waved to everyone at the scene.

Vernon's face was ugly, and he kept his mouth closed without saying a word.

Dudley took the initiative to get down from the chair, and not far away, he saw a familiar person waving to him, and saw a burly figure behind Weasley, it was Hagrid!

Haignu pouted, his face wrapped around a white gauze, a little sign of a dislocated neck spine!

It seems that the wounds caused by the unknown Man in Black spell attack in Gringotts have not recovered.

Hagrid stood in the doorway, his eyes staring at Dudley without blinking, his burly figure giving a sense of oppression.

"Okay boy, give me back what I gave you!"

Dudley was about to pretend to be dazed, but Hagrid shook his thick hair and looked at Dudley again.

"Dudley, you know what I'm talking about, huh?"

Weasley looked at Hagrid in amazement, he hadn't heard the giant from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry talk about this yesterday.

Weasley tried to step forward, but was stopped by Hagrid's outstretched hand.

Dudley sighed, he knew that he couldn't keep this thing, it was a pity,

although he had learned the truth about this Philosopher's Stone from Ollivander before.

Perhaps the "secret of immortality" that some emperor in the far east did not figure out, what could he get from this Philosopher's Stone.

But after all, this is something that belongs to Hogwarts, and he is only a small wizard who has not been strong, and it is not very rational to confront Hagrid head-on now.

Thinking of this, Dudley did not hesitate, reached into his arms, groped in it, rummaged through a gray cloth bag, and handed it back to

Hagrid! Hagrid's fan-like big hand, slammed the Philosopher's Stone under inspection, and after making sure that there was no problem, he carefully put it into his arms, and it was only at this time that he exhaled a long breath.

His gaze avoided Dudley, and then he looked at Harry, who was hiding in the corner of the wall.

Harry snuggled up behind the door frame, and he looked at Hagrid's eyes with a hint of wariness.

However, Hagrid did not care, just because of the burden caused by his burly body to others, after all, such a body size is more than twice the height of a normal person, and it is impossible to see it in London.

"I'm sorry Harry, it was so sudden today, I think as the price for not continuing to fulfill in Gringotts, the admission wizard guidance matter, this thing is a small gift from me!"

Hagrid's voice fell, and Harry's body shrunk in the corner of the wall and leaned out a little.

Dudley, who saw this scene, secretly sighed in his heart, after all, he is just a teenager, and when he sees someone coming to give a gift, he still can't hold back the excitement in his heart...

I saw Hagrid pull out a large iron cage from behind him, and inside the cage was a white owl.

The owl has smooth feathers, a pair of eagle eyes are big and very cute, its paws are buckled on the railing, a pair of eyes look ahead, and subconsciously neighs twice in its mouth.

"Harry, look, this is my new gift to you, an owl named Hedwig!"

Hagrid's voice fell, and he placed the large iron cage in his hand in front of Harry, and the owl inside blinked his eyes very cutely.

Dudley was also quite curious, and in his line of sight he could feel that this owl might be a little special.

Harry looked pleased, glanced up at Dudley, and hesitated to open his mouth to take the thing.

But at this moment, Dudley felt a tingling pain in the top of his head.

I saw that Totoro, who always liked to nap above his head in recent times, suddenly jumped up and grinned at the owl in the cage.

This frightened, the owl in the cage fluttered its wings abnormally, looking a little afraid.

"Uh.... Mr. Hagrid, if I'm not mistaken, there should be mice in the owl's recipe..." Hagrid

listened to Weasley's inquiry and opened his mouth, not knowing how to reply for a while.

A hairy mouse actually made the owl feel fear.

He often gets along with animals, and he also feels a little strange, such things seem to change from cat catching mice to mice catching cats.

"Harry, uhhh



all, things in the wizarding world cannot be judged by common sense, just like this owl, maybe its personality is more different!" Hagrid

said with an embarrassed look that he didn't believe it!

And Harry was stunned, feeling that someone was pushing him behind his back...


PS: Update~♪(^∀^●)ノ, happy weekend, the author continues to work hard, thank you for your support~

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