
is a warning, I hope you will pay attention to it later.

All the students take this as a warning, don't turn heads in my class!


words fell, and Rolanda didn't care about Hermione's personal emotions and came directly to the front of the crowd.

Ron bumped Harry lightly.

His eyes glanced at Hermione and gestured at Harry:


This.... It's the end of being nosy!"

Harry smiled awkwardly.

Hermione also sensed Ron's actions, and she stomped her foot in annoyance, grievances and grief welling up in her heart.

Self.... I obviously want a higher overall score for Gryffindor....


can these two do this to themselves....

Hermione decided, she

would never deal with the two behind her again.

It's simply......

It was really too much!!

Hermione was extremely aggrieved...

Dudley on the side looked thoughtfully at the trio next to him.

He could see through Hermione's grievances and incomprehension at a glance.

You can also see Ron's nosy irritability.

But Dudley didn't want to blend in with the three.

He did not have the idea that "appearance" is justice!

After coming to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the little wizards are still in biology at this stage, infancy.

You have to learn to disguise yourself and be the same color as your surroundings...

Reducing the sense of existence and concentrating on continuing your biological experiments without being discovered is the most important thing to do.

Instead, Dudley pulled Harry directly.

He took the initiative to stand between Hermione and Ron.

Ron looked at Dudley a little puzzled, wondering why he suddenly changed positions.

But Dudley stood in the way, and he couldn't see Hermione's angry cheeks.

Out of sight, out of mind.

This kind of went his way.


Dudley between herself and Ron, Hermione's tears of some grievance and forbearance...

Stop abruptly.

"Didn't... Nothing....

I'm okay....

Hermione looked down, she thought Dudley had come to comfort her, she was a strong child...

But after waiting for a long time, Hermione didn't see Dudley take the initiative to care....

Hermione was a little puzzled.

After a while, Dudley suddenly frowned and looked at Hermione:

"What's wrong with you

, watch me do something,

I'm switching places with Ron!

It's much clearer now

..."Hermione: "!!???" Hermione's little face blushed for a moment, and she smiled awkwardly:


No... Not.. What the..... If you can't see clearly...

Dudley shook his head

: "No,

I can see clearly now!"

Hermione: "I

don't know why!

He felt that he was very unhappy.

How it felt worse than when I faced Ron...

Hermione tangled, what an outrageous day!

At the same time, at the front of the small wizard team, the short-haired lady Rolanda also stopped waving her wand in her hand.

Lines of red letters appeared in front of her:

[Rolanda Hooch]

"Hello students, I am in charge of your Quidditch class, I am your professor, Ms. Rolanda Hooch!

In the competition, we strictly regulate the production of brooms and the manufacturer of them.

In addition, three types of Quidditch balls are used in Quidditch matches, a total of four Quidditch balls,

which can be simplified to [Ghost Flying Ball], and this ball attack angers the goal to get ten points.

In addition, the Bludger is a ball that can be used to attack and block your opponents.

Finally, the golden snitch, it is quite important, as long as you catch him, you can get a huge score, you can also win directly! The golden snitch is

worth [150] points, and the moment you capture him, the game will be aborted!

Let's get acquainted with the flying broom today.

And then do the follow-up!"

After a while.

Professor Rolanda raised her eyebrows, and she looked at the little wizards in front of her with a serious expression.

Reaching into his arms, he pulled out a

wand: "Gryffindor House, Strantrin House, split into two echelons, you stand in turn!"

The words fell and Professor Rolanda's wand danced softly.

The tip of the wand lit up with a cluster of blue-blue light, and the halo spread, covering all directions.

The movements in Rolanda's hand kept stopping, and the blue halo at the tip of the wand became more and more frequent.

This move attracted the curiosity of the wizard trainees.

"Hey, Hermione, do you know what Professor Rolanda is doing?"

Ron poked his head out from one side, bypassing Dudley and looking at Hermione to the side.

Hermione frowned, flicked her brown hair and snorted coldly:

"Don't ask me, I don't know!

Ron looked at Harry's dazed expression and said helplessly

, "No need to ask Harry, he hasn't learned to cast magic yet, you will do magic among our group!"

Hermione pouted, tilting her head.

Hugh! I won't tell you.

Ron pouted:

"Look Harry, I said Hermione that her temper stinks....

And also revenge.

Harry smiled awkwardly and didn't reply.

Dudley on the side said thoughtfully:

"If I guessed correctly, this should be one of the spells!

According to the color and the amplitude of the halo, it should be classified as the [Magic Traction] of the Transfiguration Charm!"

What's the use of magic traction?"

Dudley didn't explain, but smiled lightly.

"Really stupid!"

Hermione on the side couldn't help but seize the opportunity to fight back

, "Hmph, Ron, you are stupid, Mr. Rolanda is obviously calling the magic broom stored in the Hogwarts storage room. At

the same time, above the heads of the little wizards, a wizard broom flew in the air.

The broom went from far and near, bypassing the high platform of the courtyard wall and came to the top of the clearing.

Ron looked at the scene in front of him, and then at Hermione's idiot-like look at himself.

Suddenly feeling that his heart was blocked, he looked at Harry angrily and said

, "Gee, Harry saw it..."

Someone has said before to follow the rules,

don't deduct points for Hogwarts by talking nonsense in Mr. Roland's class...

Right now.... I was the first to break the rules!" "

Uh......" Harry

suddenly felt as if there was a hint of truth.

"You, what did you say!?"

Hermione's little face flushed, and she felt like she couldn't argue.

Annoyed, she could only kick the grass hard.

Use the grass as an outlet.

A small piece of the innocent lawn collapsed....

Dudley looked at Hermione's annoyed look, and he knew it in his heart.

In the previous chat, he could see that Hermione had been born into a well-educated family and excelled in school.

Usually too good, there should be very few friends,

which leads her to like the rules in the way she says and talks.

Always a glance.

And she has never heard "ugly" words in her life.

Never heard....

Never been verbally bullied....

Most surround themselves with longing and envy and alienation.

As a result, Hermione was completely unable to gain the upper hand in the "tongue-in-cheek" battle with Ron.

Dudley quietly watched Hermione vent her little temper, and he didn't intend to say anything to stop it.

The contradictions between bear children will forget each other after a while...

Perhaps only this behavior can get to know each other quickly.

"Contradiction" and "conflict"

are, to break the original communication barrier...

But in the next moment, Duali was a little stunned.

He felt that his scientific analysis was not very rigorous this time...

Maybe for Hermione, her own logic is a little unworkable...


In Dudley's opinion, it may be that Hermione is resentful of this.

I saw Ron, who had just stood above him verbally, and saw Hermione sulking.

He suddenly grimaced at Hermione.

The mockery index is full !!


(2 and 1)

Ps: Update, thank you for your support, by the way, answer some questions!

Some people will wonder why the author wastes pen and ink writing "daily feelings" and "supporting role shaping", the author replied, because the eldest cousin is about to enter the field of "taboo" scientific research, the abyss is walking on thin ice, if there are no "supporters", willing to offer variables such as "body" or "emotion", this kind of research will be stopped.

In GAME's view, the favorability is not enough, and the "bond" is not deep enough to carry out the next research plan.

[What wizard would voluntarily lie on the operating table and let people slice?] [Lying on the operating table, what can make the 'experimental subject' break through the limits of will?]

Just like Aunt Snake can make Junmaru lie on the operating table with "brute force"?

The above is just an example, not the author wants to write something!)

I won't explain it, the fault is that the author updates too slowly, but the author can guarantee that the plot you are looking forward to will be presented one by one.

In the end, the author Sanguan Zheng, committed to developing a different world view, please don't brush your body and be soft, I have never had this kind of thought.......

Thank you for your support, the author will try to write a long ..... (*^▽^*)

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