Dudley had actually noticed Hermione's success on the side.

But seeing her urge to share the joy of success, she immediately turned her head and pretended not to see it.

Those who have a mature mind know what they need to do now, and carry the "norms" of the distant eastern world, and for now, it is the safest way to implement the "cautious" way first.

"Oh, it's not bad Hermione, I didn't see it...

Your magical talent is still a bit of a loss.

Ron looked at Hermione with a smile, he actually noticed the other party in the morning, and he was going to want to taunt two words, but there was no way!

"Hmph, I don't need you to talk about my talent!"

Hermione heard the goose-egg face look up without looking at Ron, she expressed a small dissatisfaction.

Dudley did not care about the interaction of the three, but stared intently at the magic broom at his feet.

Spread your palms and hold your breath.

As Ms. Rolanda says, focus on the broom.

"Get up..."

whispered in his mouth.

However, the wand on the ground shook slightly, and did not really fly.

Dudley frowned

, is it the wrong way to cast his magic? For his concentration, Dudley is very clear, it is estimated that no one is stronger than his concentration, it is the nature of a child to be active, inattentive so it is easy to be unable to control the magic broom, this is the summary he just observed!

Concentrate and guide the "feeling" from the palm to the

"wand"! "Get up..."

The voice was pronounced again, this time the wand began to rise from the ground at an extremely slow pace.

However, Dudley's face was very ugly.

At this moment, he could clearly feel that his heartbeat was accelerating.

Blood begins to pool at the heart location.

The heart rate is constantly rising.

This reaction....

Very similar to the high-intensity short-distance aerobics done under the "short distance" run, bringing feedback!

Dudley's face was a little pale, and beads of sweat began to ooze faintly from his forehead.

This kind of continuous magic is a "disadvantage"

! It brings a strong "review" to one's own body!


an instant, Dudley understood the difference between himself and the wizards on the scene.

At the beginning of the magic awakening experiment in the island tower, the mutual game between [Magic I (Influenza) Virus] and [Magic II (Bacteriophage) Virus] was extremely tragic.

As an ordinary person, he successfully survived and did not succeed in modifying the cells in his body!

He is awakening the hidden gene fragment inside [Heart].

And the genetic cells of the heart no matter how they divide and form, or accumulate.

According to its innate characteristics, this divisive tendency can only form a heart in the end!

Dudley knows that now he is only allowing [the invisible gene of the heart] to be developed and reproduced.

But compared to all the little wizards present....

They start with embryonic development, and their whole body is filled with cells that conform to the "magic" store

... The problem has finally been verified....

The difference....

Dudley is not frustrated when the root of the problem is found,

but very happy...

Science is like this, if there is a problem, it will overcome the problem, and if there is a goal, it will solve the goal, and it will be concentrated and efficient.

If the nature of casting a wide net would only waste more time....

Dudley, who knew this, held his hand tightly and subconsciously loosened it.

The magic broom falls down.

He can't continue, he doesn't have much "magic", there is not much room for exertion and manipulation, if he dies to face and suffers alive, it will only hurt his body.

"Harry... Your cousin doesn't seem to be able to do it anymore..... You see..."

Ron subconsciously spoke.

Harry was stunned, but he still shook his head and said

, "No, Ron, my cousin Dudley

is very good..." Ron nodded noncommittally:

"No, Harry, maybe in Muggles your cousin is very good, but in wizarding his talent must not be as good as yours..."

The magic broom, which had begun to slowly fall, began to float again...

Finally, it fell firmly in the palm of the other party.

Ron was puzzled: "How could it be ???


Harry looked surprised: "Cousin, you succeeded!"

Dudley also looked at the flying broom in his hand with some doubt!


PS: Today three changes, there are fewer people and the author continues to work hard, thank you for your support! (//▽//) .....

pleasant foursome~

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