Ron was surprised that this was the first time he had learned how to use a magic broom!

I didn't expect it to succeed so easily.

Holding the magic broom in both hands, Ron looked at Malfoy in front of him with a smug expression:


how is Malfoy?"

I don't think it's a good idea anymore, from the time I give the order to the time the magic broom flies into the palm of my hand, the whole process takes only a second...

Not even two seconds!

I think...

There is no suspense in this anymore. Ron

was proud.

However, Malfoy's blond hair flicked and snorted coldly:



Do you think this will set the right side for you not being a 'waster'?

"What did you say!?"

Ron also became a little angry when he heard the smug expression:

"Malfoy, you have the ability to fight, but you dare not try...

You are not qualified to say anything about me at all.

You must have seen that I activated the magic broom faster than you, and knew that there was no chance of victory, so you would be so messy! "

Messing around?"

Malfoy's handsome face also darkened:

"What do you mean Weasley?

Who gave you the guts to question me?

Isn't it just a magic broom, it's a joke for your 'ability'.

Malfoy's voice was mixed with contempt!

"Less in that big talk, you have the ability to try it!"

Ron directly stretched out his hand and raised the flying broom in his hand.

He still didn't believe that Malfoy could really be faster than him!

Ron had seen his father ride a magic broom since he was a child...

At the speed at which his father, Arthur Weasley, awakened the magic broom.

Ron was sure that he had just behaved in a similar way to him.

Anyway, from Ron's own point of view, no matter how powerful Malfoy is, he can't be as good as his father, who served in the Ministry.

"Weasley is like this, then optimistic..."

Malfoy looked contemptuous, his palm stretched out and spread out gently, he was ready to humiliate Ron in front of all the wizard apprentices, let him remember it in his eyes of mockery and disgust!

His own Malfoy last name was unquestionable.

This magic broom, Malfoy when he was very young, the preschool wizard within the family, gave him pre-class tutoring.

From the very beginning, start the flying broom with commands.

Later, without orders, purely relying on mental concentration can arouse the magic broom on the ground.

Malfoy had known from the preschool wizard from the beginning that the spell was only meant to make it easier for the wizard to focus.

When you are skilled enough, your mental power is also concentrated enough!

Similar effects can be achieved for magical items that do not require hard spells.

He had seen the teacher perform magic like this!

Malfoy had a confident smile on his face.

He didn't say a word, but the wand on the ground slowly rose.

"Facts speak louder than words!"

Seeing this scene, Ron was quite shocked, and he tightly held the flying broom in his hand and slammed it the ground.

There is almost no doubt ......

Wait for the moment Malfoy holds the magic broom!

This time the contest was that he Ron lost...

The commotion in the crowd caught the attention of Ms. Rolanda, who was at the front of the line.

Her gaze looked around.

Brow frowned!

"Toot toot!"

A sharp whistle sounded.

Everyone was drawn to attention!

Immediately after that, the voice in Rolanda's mouth was loud, resounding in the ears of every wizard trainee at the scene:

"Attention little wizards who have successfully activated the magic broom!"

After listening to my password, every little wizard can only take his feet into the air after I command.

Remember my password!

I count one! Two! Three!

You guys can get started!

If anyone acts without permission, don't blame.... Blame me..."

However, before Rolanda could finish the words in her mouth, a commotion suddenly broke out on the scene.

"Oh my God! How did you do it!

"Oh my God, you can't !! like that."

The source of the sound is at the back of the line.

"Enough! Gryffindor, little wizards of Slytherin, I've reached the limit of my patience.

Now you all stand still and stand still.


I'd rather see who's disrupting my Quidditch class.

Such a 'daring' little wizard must be punished accordingly.

Rolanda had a gloomy face, her temper had not been very good, although she could understand the excitement of the little wizards when they first used the magic broom.

But repeatedly disrupting her class order, which simply provoked her reputation as a teacher at Hogwarts!!!

Be the best Quidditch coach!

Strictness and execution are her benchmarks.

Being able to produce excellent Quidditch contestants can be relied upon...

Rolanda says her patience as a professor is also limited.

The riots at the scene were growing.

No matter how "serious" Loranda was, the little wizards seemed to be frightened and stunned on the spot.

"Get out of the way for me!"

Rolanda stepped forward with a frown.

I saw Ron of Gryffindor holding a broom pestle on the ground with one hand.

Then the broom slowly floats upwards.

"Don't be like this! Come down quickly!

Ron was shocked and quickly tried to pull the magic broom off.

But this magic broom floats more and more powerfully.

Almost instinctively....

Ron rolled over and climbed on the magic broomstick, trying to push the broom down with his weight.

But the flying broom lifted Ron to a height of three meters in an instant.

This distance made Ron subconsciously swallow his spit.

It's over! It was the only thought on Ron's mind!

"Get out of the way!!

Get out of the way for me!!!

Professor Rolanda hurriedly separated the crowd, and she looked at Ron in mid-air and said angrily:

"Let me see who is disrupting my classroom order!"


It turned out to be a Gryffindor student.

I remember your name was Ron Weasley, right?

Listen, Ron!

You now have two options.

Get me down immediately and honestly apologize.

Otherwise, I'll deduct five points for your Gryffindor House this year!"

Little wizards who seriously disrupt the order of the classroom and do not listen to discipline will be punished more severely!!

Trust me, I have a right.

Ron was in mid-air, looking at the scene below him with some horror, his head shaking like a rattle:



Hurry up and save me.......

I.... I don't want to come up....

This.... That's really not what I did!!!

Ron was in the air, and he spoke somewhat incoherently.

Professor Rolanda frowned:

"You can fly!?

It's not easy to get down, as long as you want to come down yourself, press the front of the broom hard with your elbow, and it will land automatically.

On the contrary, it is your behavior, I have reason to suspect..."

But without waiting for Rolanda to continue.

Ron's face was already flushed, and he desperately explained,

"Professor! It's true... It's true! I can't get down, quick! Fast! Hurry up and think of a way....."

Rolanda frowned again, this situation didn't seem to be a joke, could it be that this little guy from Gryffindor, the magic is out of control?

Thinking of this, Rolanda's face changed suddenly.

Although uncontrollable magic often happens unconsciously in young wizards, as they get older and improve their mastery of magic, this situation will be reduced to disappear!

But it is not excluded that some little wizards with more "dull" talents ....

Look at Weasley's stupid look....

Most likely it's still true!

While thinking, Rolanda reached out and lifted her wizard robe and pulled out a wand from the inside.

Her eyes were fixed on Ron in mid-air, and the rescue steps had been planned in her mind.

Wand dancing!

Draw an arc in the air....

Rolanda chanted softly.

Double casting....

[Spell: All Petrified]

The tip of the wand lit up with a milky white halo, and a ray shot out, flying towards Ron in midair.

But the magic beam was not directed at Ron's body, but at the magic broom under him.

As long as the flying broom is petrified and made "stiff".

Naturally, Ron would fall from the sky.

At the same time, the wand in Rolanda's hand pointed to the ground, and the white glow shot out again.

[Spell: Swamp Mudification]

saw that the grass under Ron began to collapse, the soil layer on the lawn was soft, and a large amount of mud began to fill automatically.


PS: Update la 2 and 1~

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