Hagrid's incident was a big deal, but ended hastily.

Rita Skeeter, a reporter from the Daily Prophet, did not forget to take this opportunity to make some sarcastic remarks about the Ministry of Magic's Bureau of Fire Dragon Research and Restriction.

The Ministry of Magic has once again become a joke in the eyes of many people

"It's really hard to imagine why people would listen to rumors like that."

In the Ravenclaw lounge, Qiu was sitting on the sofa reading the Daily Prophet, and asked the boy who was flipping through the book in confusion.

"Because they are bored and happy to have some fun for themselves, people believe that the news in the newspaper is true. Watching the Hogwarts Gamekeeper being caught or losing a large sum of money, Or be imprisoned in Azkaban. Paz said without raising his head,"When you see other people's misfortune, you take pleasure in it. This is human nature.""

"I think you are exaggerating. Marietta retorted,"Is this what you think of people?""

"hypocritical."Marcos said with disdain,"Actually, Paz is right. For myself, I do hope that something interesting will develop. Everyone does this."

"Look at your expression. Everyone is the same, but some people like to accuse others of their own righteousness."It is already obvious who Marcos was referring to.

"It is said that this matter came from Slytherin, and it has something to do with Harry Potter."Marcos continued:"The thing is probably true. Hagrid hid the dragon egg. Is it just a fool from the Ministry of Magic who didn't find him?"

"How could you think so. Qiu asked."Do you believe what the reporter said?""

"Rita Skeeter is just an eye-catching journalist who writes her articles."Marcus said without thinking,"But it is said that Harry and Hagrid have a good relationship, so what he said may be true to a large extent."

"How do you know they have a good relationship? Marietta asked rhetorically

"That big mouth Eddie said it"

"I thought I heard someone talking bad about me. Eddie walked into the lounge with a book in his arms. He stared at Marcos and said,"If you lend me tomorrow's paper to copy...for reference, I will forgive you.""

"Your forgiveness is so cheap."Marcos sneered. The latter took the parchment and shrugged his shoulders, disapproving of it.

He asked:"What are you talking about?"

"Hagrid's thing"

"What do you think?"

"I thought you would care about the exam? Qiu suddenly interrupted and said,"I remember you got a bottle of Baffy's Brain Refresher from Paz last year before you passed the History of Magic.""

"No, that bottle of potion is fake. Eddie complained softly,"Otherwise I wouldn't have gotten just an A in History of Magic."

After that, he looked at Paz and said:"I think you can consider selling this, a bottle of ten galleons, those fifth grade students will definitely be very interested.""

"How much are you prepared to sell yourself? asked Marcos

"Twelve galleons, let me make some profit anyway!"Eddie said without thinking.

"Call me then!"Marcos said and looked at Paz

"Whimsical."Paz simply commented.

"Okay, you're right, I'd better copy...write my paper!"Eddie found a space in the lounge and started to get busy.

Several people looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

After a while, Paz closed the book and stood up.

"Paz, where are you going? Qiu asked

"go out for a walk"

"Going for a walk? It's almost nine o'clock now. Qiu raised her eyebrows and reminded.

"I know, it's still very early, I usually don't rest until twelve o'clock."Paz put the book back on the bookshelf.

After leaving the Ravenclaw lounge, he walked towards the library on the fifth floor. He just remembered something and needed to confirm it.

When passing by the hall, he met Gran Jay, the Gryffindor girl seemed surprised to meet him at this time.

"Potter and Weasley were going to Hagrid's place overnight, and I saw them disappearing as if they had used some kind of magic."Hermione said to Paz

"oh."Paz responded with little reaction and prepared to go to the library.

"Don't you think they are now……"

"According to Ravenclaw's thinking model, it is more in Ravenclaw's interests for Potter and Weasley to have fifty points deducted. Of course,……"Paz stopped and looked at the astonished Granger and said,"Maybe they won't be caught, but you will definitely"

"Where are you going?"Hermione had given up the idea of following him and looked at Paz and asked


"The kitchen is not in this direction. The library is closed."

"You would be wiser to pretend not to know."Paz walked towards the library, Hermione was still following behind. She watched Paz quietly open the library door, walked in and closed it again.

"Fluorescence flashes."Hermione whispered.

A light lit up in the darkness.

"How do you see in the dark?"Hermione asked curiously. She found that the boy in front of her actually regarded the darkness as nothing, and directly picked up the book from the bookshelf and started to read it. She did not think that the boy was pretending.

"Breaking the rules is not for you. Paz called softly:"Lark, send this Miss Granger back to Gryffindor Tower.""

The house elf appeared quietly and made an inviting gesture towards Hermione.

"Is there a magic stone hidden in the trapdoor on the fourth floor?"Hermione asked suddenly."I heard Potter talk about Nicolas Flamel. I found some information myself and it's not difficult to guess."

"Very smart, okay, you should go back……"Paz paused and asked:"What's the matter Dumbledore?"

"What are you looking for? Mr. Lannister. asked Dumbledore

"about���The record of the Time Reversal Curse, it would be great if you could tell me where it is."

"That magic is uncontrollable, even a brilliant wizard will not touch it!"Dumbledore reminded:"Time magic is always the most mysterious field."

"I don't think you're here to preach to me. Paz asked:"What's the matter?""

"Hagrid said that a unicorn was killed in the Forbidden Forest, and he hoped that I could go and have a look."

"Do you think I killed you? Paz raised his eyebrows and asked.

"I just came over to confirm"

"Remember to tell Hagrid that if you find a body, bring it back to me and thank you."Paz said and closed the book.

"Dumbledore thinks you killed the unicorn?"Hermione asked in surprise after Dumbledore left.

"Because he knows I will do that if necessary"

"you will not. ' Hermione argued.

"No, I do, that's good material."I never said I was a good person, Miss Granger," Paz said."

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