When Conno returned to Hogwarts, he was still struck by the gifts that filled his office.

Since he has a martial arts golden pill to use as a backpack, the furnishings in the office are very simple, just a bed and a set of desks and chairs.

Usually, if they want to open a small stove, they will make an appointment with Flitwick and them to go to Sprout's room for a party.

Since the martial arts department is a new subject, the original teacher's office is not used. His office was built from an abandoned classroom on the sixth floor.

Even so, the Christmas present filled Conno's office, and he couldn't help but feel a warm current in his heart.

At this time, there are still three days before the start of school, and he can just take advantage of this time to open all the gifts.

Otherwise, when the group of little devils returned to school, he didn't know how to answer if he was satisfied with the gift.

Almost all of the junior students gave him gifts, such as Ron, who came from a wizarding family, and gave him some magic candy and other gadgets.

And those like Hermione, who came from a Muggle family, gave him some stationery or small greeting cards that he had drawn himself.

Many of the seniors who were already under pressure to graduate also sent gifts to Conno.

These gifts are much more advanced, with some magic attached to them, and some people make dolls, in the style of the first class, when Kong Nuo in a trench coat falls from the sky, and the cycle repeats.

Although it looks a bit ghostly, you can still get a glimpse of the hard work that these students put into the gifts.

In addition, the teacher who had a close relationship with Conno also sent him gifts. As usual, Sprout sent a pot of magic mint leaves to lift the spirits.

Flitwick sent him his magic experience, the book was brand new, and he could even smell the fragrance of ink after opening it, indicating that this was Flitwick's re-transcribed notes after sorting it out.

Dumbledore's gift was a large box full of candy from Duke Honey's candy shop, which seemed to come in all sorts of flavors.

These flavors should have been personally verified by the old bees, and belong to the category of sweets of the best quality among the honey dukes.

It took him a full day to open all the gifts and taste all the various sweets inside.

The next day, he asked Sprout for a list of herbs and prepared to refine a batch of pills as a return gift.

During his time in Kunlun, in addition to passing on the knowledge of the Martial Dao Jindan, he also asked the Qingwei Daoist for various knowledge about alchemy and medicine, which can be regarded as an improvement, and this time it happened to be useful.

However, there is also a regret, that is, until he really repairs the Martial Dao Jindan, he will not be able to see the Qingwei Daoist again.

Thinking of this, he suddenly slapped his face, what is there to regret about this!

Isn't he just a riddler who can talk very well! It's just a passive increase in favorability!

Alchemy is actually similar to potions, and it also needs to pay attention to the proportion of the formula and the time it takes to boil various ingredients.

Among them, the intervention of forces such as magic and internal force is the key to truly refining potions and elixirs.

At the same time, alchemy is also an empirical matter, because the growth year or growth environment of each material is different.

Therefore, in the process of refining medicine, the maker must grasp the heat and time according to experience.

If the deviation caused in the middle is too large, it will cause the effectiveness of the elixir to be weakened, and the same is true for potions.

Since there was no such giant alchemy furnace at Hogwarts, Conno had no choice but to go to the Potions classroom, where there were cauldrons left by the students to use.

He starts by working with a variety of materials, such as chalk, which is ground into a very fine powder, some herbs that need to be sliced, and others that need to be pounded into juice.

By the time he had dealt with this, the time had come to night. After such a long period of high-precision work, even he would feel a little sleepy.

When Conno left the classroom and the moon slowly climbed the treetops, a figure suddenly appeared in the quiet classroom.

Snape squinted at each of the processed materials, and snorted in his nose.

The size and weight of these herbs were so carefully distributed that even a potions master like Snape would be difficult to pick.

After a round of the tour, he disappeared into the darkness again, and the classroom returned to calm.

The next morning, after finishing his morning and breakfast, Conno returned to the classroom, and found Snape already waiting.

Perhaps it shouldn't be a wait, after all, Snape, who wrapped his robes tightly, always gave him the feeling that he was waiting for his prey.

Snape's words were succinct, "You asked Professor Sprout for a lot of materials, and I came over to see them in order to prevent Hogwarts materials from being treated like garbage. Although

there was not much communication between Conno and Snape, it was clear that there was a sense of arrogance in Snape.

The refining time of the Blood Qi Pill only takes two hours, and each furnace can make nine pills. According to the number of students and teachers in the school, it only takes three rounds of refining to be completed.

Of course, if you want to complete the refining in just three rounds, you need to use all the crucibles in the classroom to achieve this efficiency.

Kong Nuo smiled and took out a bucket of horned camel beast blood from the martial arts golden pill, "I'm going to refine the Blood Qi Pill, you should have seen it in the first class, are you interested?"

Snape sniffed, "Horned camel beast blood? This is the medicine of alchemy?"

Kong Nuo was a little surprised, worthy of being a potions master, putting aside the point of not showing mercy, Snape already understood the role of horned camel beast blood, which means that he at least has a comprehensive understanding of alchemy.

Without further ado, Conno began to check the magic watch, turning on the fire of each cauldron.

Snape watched from the sidelines, his eyes slightly narrowed and gradually opened, and there was also a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Conno turned on the stove in order and began to pour materials into it.

When he prepared the day before, he had already allocated the ingredients based on his experience to ensure that the cooking time of the ingredients was consistent within the same batch.

In this way, you can control the furnace fire without increasing the probability of the bad pill.

Each time he finished pouring a material, he would close the lid and send an internal force into the crucible.

With the help of this internal force, the outer perimeter of the flame under the crucible appeared golden, and the grunt inside the crucible became rhythmic.

Snape, who was standing in the corner, did not speak, but his originally lazy movements became straight, and his eyes did not miss a single detail of Conno.

While waiting for it to boil, I will also take out a small notebook to record something.

Kong Nuo, who was passing by, secretly glanced at this small book, and there was actually an unexpected gain.

There are also some strange things recorded on it, such as - November 24th, ─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─ Gryffindor Deduction Goal was completed.

It's a Potions professor, it's terrifying!

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