In the end, Conno's idea of joining Hogwarts as an outlaw fanatic did not work out.

The three of them left the box, and the chanting of the Azkaban prisoners did not stop.

Conno clapped his palms and shouted, "Everyone, I'm ready to leave! In my absence, you must also work hard to chant and be a good person when you get out of prison!"

Dumbledore and Newt glanced at each other, and they both noticed the surprise in each other's eyes.

Inside Azkaban magic is suppressed, and even they have to use a wand with a wand to cast spells.

Conno's voice was not in front of them, but in their ears, which should have been the use of magic such as amplification charms.

But not only did Conno not take out his wand, but he also did not recite the incantation, how did he use the amplification charm?

Dumbledore couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Connor, may I ask what kind of magic you used just now?"

Conno coughed lightly, "It's like this......"

Dumbledore's voice came from Conno's clear and deep voice: "Headmaster Dumbledore, does Hogwarts take care of the food?

Dumbledore nodded in response, "Of course, the house-elves in the school are the best in the world, not only to keep you fed but also to make you eat well!"

Newt took a step back and asked in a slightly confused and frightened voice, "Dumbledore, who are you talking to?"

Conno smiled. That's it, if I don't try to control it, you can hear me in the clearest voice, and if I deliberately want someone to hear it, then the others will never know what I'm saying. "

Incredible. Dumbledore was genuinely impressed.

Newt even clapped his palms, "It's Mr. Conno, the druid's legacy is too strong!" The

chanting had stopped, and the prisoners came to their cells one after another.

"Master, what will we do if you leave!" Conno

said in a condolent tone to his subordinates, "It's okay, as long as you keep chanting, those Dementors won't be able to help you."

"Master, you must eat and drink well outside, and don't come back here!" Conno

patted the prisoner on the shoulder, "Of course, you must also reform yourself as soon as possible, and try to get out of here as soon as possible."

"Azkaban can't do without Mr. Conno, just as we can't do without Jerusalem!"

Conno tentatively asked, "Why don't I go away?"

and the prisoner, who had been crying and crying, instantly fell silent, saying that the prisoner in Jerusalem was dragged into a corner by several men and then surrounded by several people.

An inexplicable moan appeared, and the remaining prisoners shook their heads like rattles, and said,

"Mr. Conno, you better get out of this land of right and wrong quickly! We will live here well!"

"Yes, yes, we will spread your Pure Heart Sutra to the outside world in the future, and we must let your light shine on the world!"

"Mr. Conno has gone all the way! Staying here will only delay your great future!"

In such a warm atmosphere, Conno shook hands with every prisoner here and left Azkaban slowly.

Before leaving, he hammered all the smashed iron fences back to their original shapes, explaining: "This is a repair technique, as long as the strength is well controlled, this kind of ordinary damage is not a problem."

Newt chimed in, "It's Mr. Connor, it's the first time I've seen a repair like this!"

Dumbledore felt a little melancholy, Newt's performance made him feel that his previous career as a teacher had been a failure.

Newt is indeed too kind, a little too kind.

He asked, "Mr. Connoy, why do I think those prisoners are a little afraid of you?"

Conno put his hands behind his back, showing the demeanor of a grandmaster, "The so-called not fighting (physical) don't know each other, originally they thought I was a bully. So I'll show my hand, and we'll be able to communicate well. "

Oh......" Dumbledore was speechless for a moment, feeling his temples tingle again.

This should be the fastest time he regrets getting Kong Nuo into the school and making him a martial arts professor.

Why don't you find an opportunity to expel him?and

then introduce him to Beauxbatons or Durmstrang, or Ilvermoni over there, and let Conno go to the schools?"

he asked, rubbing his temples, "Mr. Conno, what are you going to teach those children?" I am a little curious. The

old god Kong Nuo said: "Martial arts is broad and profound, but the profound realm, these children should not be able to accept it, I decided to guide them into martial arts from five aspects."

Dumbledore asked, "What are the five aspects?" Conno

held out five fingers, "Benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, and faith, if they can get started in these five areas throughout their academic careers, they should be able to live well in the future."

Newt said on the side: "Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and faith? This seems to be the concept of Huaxia. Mr. Kong Nuo, what kind of teaching materials are you going to use to teach students? Do you need to go to Huaxia to order it?"

Kong Nuo raised his eyebrows, this world also has the country of Huaxia. However, for some reason, he had a strange feeling in his heart, and now was not the time to go to Huaxia.

Putting aside these complicated thoughts, he said, "I'm going to write some textbooks myself, so that they can have a basic concept of martial arts."

Newt suddenly came to his senses, "Writing textbooks and republishing them requires a publishing house, right? I am very familiar with Silent Ran Books, and I can help you get in touch." "

The two wizards in charge of guarding Azkaban were already waiting outside.

Furid asked, "Headmaster Dumbledore, are you going to leave?"

Dumbledore bowed his head and said softly, "Yes, we have investigated the matter of Mr. Connor, there is some misunderstanding between him and the Ministry of Magic, I will take him to the Ministry of Magic to mediate." "

Even in this gloomy weather outside the island, you can still see the faces of the two wizards turning rosy at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

They said in unison, "Really, I'm going to take Conno away, right!"

Dumbledore glanced at Conno with a complicated look in his eyes, and he felt that his temples hurt even more than just now.

He nodded and said, "Yes, all of this is actually a misunderstanding, so he shouldn't come back here." The

two wizards nodded hurriedly, and said in a tone of righteous indignation, "This is as it should be! All those who have been wronged should not be brought into Azkaban! Headmaster Dumbledore, you have done a great job!"

At that moment, the originally gloomy dark clouds quietly separated a loophole.

The golden sunlight shone down on Conno's body, plating him with a layer of shining gold leaf.

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