It will take some time for the certification tests conducted by Newt to be conducted.

After all, the exposure to martial arts has not been long enough, and among this group of students who are about to graduate, there are still a few students who have failed the test.

If they were given another two years and more knowledge, it would be a breeze to deal with such a powerful and clumsy creature as the trolls.

Newt observed from the sidelines, and Hagrid was relatively close to the troll, so that he could support the failed students in time to avoid unnecessary harm to the students.

Not only that, but Hagrid also needs to feed some pre-prepared elixirs to the trolls to help them regain their strength to ensure the fairness of the certification.

The sun was blazing, and the clock was around noon, when the last student knocked the troll down.

Not only the student, but also Hagrid, who was in charge of the strategy, but also Newt and Conno, who were watching the certification from the sidelines, were all relieved at this time.

In addition, even the trolls that fell to the ground had an extremely human, relieved expression.

This is not unreasonable, after all, the troll has been tortured for hours on end, either by a spell in the knee or in the popliteal fossa.

In short, the joints on the troll's body all have traces of being hit by the magic released by the students.

Just then, an owl suddenly came to Newt's head and hovered over it, dropping off a letter with a red stamp.

Newt opened the letter, read it more carefully, and asked, "Connought, do you have any plans for this summer?"

Conno shrugged, "Daily exercise, other than that...... I'm going to probably go to the pastry and have a little fun there. "

Have fun......," Newt couldn't help but breathe, "it's actually quite dangerous there, and the wizards of the two countries are also at war.

"But since you have plans for the past, why don't you come with me?" I just received a letter that an unknown magical beast has appeared and needs me to go and contain it. "

Kong Nuo gave Newt a few martial arts exercises, and the original wizard's body was better than that of ordinary people, and then combined with the blessing of the exercises to maintain health and nourish qi.

It is no exaggeration to say that Newt's current physical state is back to the peak of his thirties and forties, when he could eat, sleep, run and jump.

(The former Headmaster of Hogwarts, Armando Duppert, was born in 1637 and served as Headmaster of Hogwarts in the 40s and 60s of the twentieth century.)

(Dumbledore lived for a hundred years, insisted on eating sugar every day, and was physically tough enough to work overtime every day.)

Because of this, Newt, who had already lived a retired life in Dorset, became restless again.

Because the scientific and technological level of ordinary people has begun to develop rapidly in the real sense, those magical beasts who were originally hiding comfortably in no man's land have also been effectively threatened.

Therefore, Newt plans to expand the scale of the manor and launch a global rescue to protect the magical animals that have become endangered due to the intervention of ordinary people.

And this containment mission can be regarded as Newt's first mission back in the world, so he also attaches great importance to it.

Newt left after completing the certification, and he needed to use the almost half a month to prepare to make sure that he could deal with the unexpected.

Not only that, but the experimental projects that are still going on in his manor cannot be stopped, so there are still many things to arrange.

The first is the "Rewilding" project, which must be carried out for a long time, so he must find a trusted wizard to help deal with it.

And in the process of coming to certify the graduates, he found a few Hufflepuff talents, and he plans to recruit these graduates into his team and train them well.

Secondly, the expansion of the manor can also be planned, which involves a lot of magic used to create wizards' secret realms, and requires professionals to explore and draw up plans.

Conno was not idle during this time, and with Godric a person to whom he could talk to every day, he was now too happy to be happy.

Godric is a legendary wizard and has a number of titles such as "Duel Champion" and "Muggle Sword Champion".

He digested martial arts knowledge very quickly, and believed that when the next school year came, he would be able to take on the job of teaching assistant well.

At the end of the school year, Conno also returned to his seaside house in Dorset.

A few days before he could settle down, two former Aurors, Williamson and Prout, came to visit him.

Kong Nuo sat in front of the two of them with a golden knife and asked suspiciously, "So...... You two guys are really unemployed right now?"

"What was the reason for you to be fired, and you were fired for stepping into the Auror office with your left foot first?"

The last time he asked for a map of Azkaban's location, Conno heard them mention it, but he didn't expect it to be true.

It's no wonder that they will give him the location map so easily, it turns out that they have torn their faces with their old club, so they simply swing to the end.

Prout rubbed his face, "Mr. Kong, why do I think you look quite happy when you say this?"

Williamson didn't answer, and explained with a wry smile: "It's not that I was fired for such a strange reason, but ...... It doesn't seem to be that far off.

"Anyway, half a year ago, when I went to assist Gringotts in escorting work, Gringotts accidentally lost a sum of money, and the upper authorities held us accountable, and in the end the two of us became scapegoats. "

Gringotts?" Conno touched his chin, "Is that the bank managed by the goblins?" doesn't the Ministry of Magic understand the truth that 'if you are not of my race, their hearts must be different'?"

Williamson shrugged, "Even if you understand, you can't help it, those Galleons are made by goblins, a currency that can't be imitated even by magic, and the goblins have the right to speak."

Conno waved his hand, he didn't want to hear about it, but he thought it might have something to do with the underground casino.

"If you don't have a job now, do you want to come and work for me?" Help me open a martial arts gym in Diagon Alley?"

"Martial arts gym?" Williamson and Prout turned their heads together and repeated in unison, "Mr. Kong is going to popularize martial arts?"

Kong Nuo said: "Of course it should be popularized! I remember that there was a fast chanting company, wasn't it in the education and training industry, teaching those wizards to improve their ability to use magic. "

I'm much more practical than that!Do you remember the first time we met?How did you feel when you passed out in a physical coma?"

At the mention of this, the two former Aurors suddenly had black lines on their heads.

According to normal logic, it is impossible for a wizard to be knocked down by a physical attack, or even unconscious.

However, Kong Nuo gave them two punches at that time, which directly beat them into the shame of the Aurors, and even appeared in the newspapers.

"It's done!" In order to spread the horror (crossed-out) subtlety of martial arts to more people, of course the two of them are duty-bound!

Of course...... Mainly because I am unemployed now, and I have been in the newspaper, so it is really difficult to find a job.

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