"Dumbledore, even you don't know why this horned camel can't sleep?" Newt

was half-kneeling, still stubbornly scanning the horned camel with his glowing wand.

Dumbledore couldn't help but wonder, "Newt, you're the world-famous magizoologist, and I'm just the headmaster of a school.

After scanning the circle with no results, a discouraged Newt slowly stood up with Dumbledore's support, "You are Albus Dumbledore!

Dumbledore casually reached into his pocket and took out a lemon snow treasure, put it in his mouth and chewed it slowly, and said in a somewhat muffled voice,

"There is a proverb called 'the bell must be tied to the bell', why don't we go and visit the wizard named Conno?

Newt shuddered as he looked at the bruises on the horned camel's belly and the three curl-winged demons recuperating in the distance.

"I really don't want to face him again, his presence makes me doubt life, and I can't see the origin of his magic at all. "

Aha!" Dumbledore's eyes lit up, "A wizard who can't even see the path clearly?" I'm even more interested.

Newt frowned as he paced through the courtyard, first at the curled winged demon and then at the bird snake, and then half-kneeling and caressing the gray-purple skin of the horned camel.

Eventually, he made up his mind and put the horned camel in his suitcase, "Okay! Anyway, with you by your side this time, you will solve any troubles!" -------------------------------------


eighth basement floor, the main hall of the Ministry of Magic, which is the lobby and reception area of the Ministry of Magic headquarters, which is used to welcome the incoming staff and visitors of the Ministry of Magic.

The main hall is always the busiest place, with countless people coming and going through it.

In addition to the telephone booth on the surface, visitors have the option to use the Floo Net to access the Ministry of Magic from the gilded fireplace on the left side of the main hall.

Newt carried the suitcase he had brought with him and walked side by side with Dumbledore to the reception desk in the middle of the main hall.

Dumbledore smiled as he looked at the huge fountain statue in front of the reception, and opened a lemon snow treasure and stuffed it into his mouth.

Newt tapped lightly on the front desk, "Ahem...... Sorry, I would like to ask for one thing. "

Yes...... Sir, what do you say......" The witch, who had been receiving the witch weakly, saw that the visitor was Newt, and her eyes opened suddenly, almost drowsy.

"Oh, Mr. Scamander, what do you say you want to ask, and I will be of good service to you!"

Newt scratched his head, and coughed twice more before he said, "That...... I need to check on a suspect who I remember is called Conno, and he is in charge of the case from the Department of Magical Creatures Management and Control. "

Wait! I'll help you find out!" the quill in front of the reception witch began to write quickly, and soon a paper airplane to carry a message took off from her chest.

Soon, a paper airplane flew into the arms of the reception witch, and she asked a little nervously, "That...... Hello Mr. Scamander, what is your relationship with him?"

"I subdued him the night he committed the crime, and now I have a problem for him to solve. The

reception witch's originally nervous expression relaxed, "Oh...... I'm sorry, but Mr. Conno is not in the Ministry of Magic right now, and he was imprisoned in Azkaban three days ago for attacking the Aurors and escaping the interrogation room. "

Azkaban?" Scamander repeated the words of the Reception Witch, "You said he was sent to Azkaban for committing a crime?"

The Reception Witch wiped the sweat from her forehead, nodded repeatedly, and said, "Yes...... If you are in a hurry, we can help you expedite your voucher for a visit to Azkaban.

Dumbledore grinned as he turned around, "Newt, it seems that Mr. Conno is more interesting than he thought.

Newt was not in the mood to joke with Dumbledore at this time, and nodded firmly to the reception witch and said, "Please hurry up, it's best to help me get the voucher out immediately."

"I want two! Dumbledore and I are going to Azkaban to visit Mr. Conno!" With

that, he quickly lowered his head to avoid the paper airplanes that were flying away in a hurry.


an hour later, ------------------------------------- the waters of the North Sea, an enchanted, unmappable island.

It's an island shrouded in dark clouds and fog all day long, eerie, terrifying, and terrifying, all of which can be used to describe this island.

It is a nightmare for almost all wizards, and in the wizarding prison called Azkaban, the Dementors are used as prison guards to watch over countless wizarding criminals.

Dementors are one of the ugliest things in the world and can't even be called creatures.

Born from the darkest and filthiest places, they live in decay and despair, with peace, hope, and joy as their food.

In Azkaban, the Dementors can soak up the joy and hope of the criminals. Criminals who lose these will be swallowed up by negative emotions and end up dying miserably in prison.

Newt and Dumbledore walked through the rows of gravestones from criminals, and two distraught wizards stopped them at the end of the path of death.

"Mr. Scamander, Mr. Dumbledore, please show me your visitation credentials. Two

letters with the Ministry of Magic stamps flew into their hands, and they took out their wands and tapped the stamps, which shimmered and opened automatically.

Above is a barrage of messages about the visitor, ending with the autograph of the Minister of Magic, Fudge.

The two wizards exchanged glances, and one of them, wearing a gray wizard's hat, made a welcoming gesture, "Okay...... Come with me, both of you. "

Azkaban is a tall tower that has been cast with a Traceless Stretching Charm, and its sharp body rises into the dark clouds, with no top in sight.

The occasional cries for help and laughter could be heard at the top of the tower, and the bottom of the tower was so quiet that it was as if there were no prisoners on the bottom.

Newt rubbed his nose and asked, "Excuse me...... Are you specifically clearing out the bottom and imprisoning Conno?"

The Grey Hat Wizard shook his head strangely, "Hmm...... The situation is a bit special, please follow me here. Before

they could enter the prison gate, the first thing that came to their ears was the sound of chanting, like they were reciting some ancient book or something, and the pronunciation was extremely strange.

"It's kind of like Chinese......," Newt picked at his ears, "I knew a few friends from Huaxia before, and they used to recite similar tones when I traveled there. "

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