Not only Dumbledore, but also the portraits of the Headmaster hanging on the walls, and the phoenix on the bird climbing frame behind the door, were all awakened by the voice of the Sorting Hat.

In one of the portraits, the black-haired, green-robed wizard opened his dark eyes and stroked his goatee while muttering in a disgruntled voice, "

This is the Headmaster's Office! Not a place for you to mess around!Who is so bold!"

In a portrait next to it, the fiery red robed witch quipped, "Phineas, are you going to expel the Sorting Hat? If the Sorting Hat is expelled, no one will choose Slytherin House." The

goatee wizard seemed to be caught and screamed in pain, and roared very violently, "Hogwarts only needs pure-blood wizards!Half-bloods and mudbloods are going to get out of school!"

Several more portraits joined the argument, unanimous with the fiery robe witches, "Shut your foul mouth! Mudbloods? What a idea! Phineas! No one will treat you as dumb without talking!"

"Euprathea!" The goatee wizard's face turned red at a rate visible to the naked eye, and he didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Several wizards in green robes also woke up, "Phineas is right! those vile mudbloods, who have learned magic, but led Muggles to slaughter us, should indeed be driven out!"

"Quiet!" Dumbledore shouted, his tone unmistakable.

For a moment, all the portraits closed their mouths.

Dumbledore looked at the black cabinet, where the Griffin sword on the shelf was gone. He looked at Conno again, and the glittering sword was being held in his hand, which made him stunned.

Only a true Gryffindor can pull the Sword of Gryffindor from the Sorting Hat, and the real Gryffindor would at least be at Hogwarts.

However, Conno suddenly appeared from the mountains, which meant that it was impossible for him to study at Hogwarts, and it was impossible for him to draw the Gryffindor sword.

However, the sword was now held in Conno's hand, and facts spoke louder than words, making his head crash for a moment.

"Is this sword important? I'll just put it back. Conno returned the sword to the Sorting Hat.

Dumbledore saw that on the shelf of the black cabinet, the Gryffindor sword had returned to its place.

He asked tentatively, "Will you pull it out again?"

"Alright, alright, you can put it back again!"

Dumbledore let out a long breath ......and took out one of his favorite lemon sorbets from the fruit bowl.

Moistened by the sugar, he felt the pain in his temples on both sides lessen a lot.

"Madam Pomfrey won't be back until tomorrow, and I'll have to be patient. Dumbledore thought to himself.

Conno was indeed a very ...... The strange talent is not only shaking the horned camel beast alone, but also making a big move on the black lake not long ago.

In addition, Newt exchanged several letters with him during this time, and in the letters, he also praised Conno, saying that the research on the protection of magical beasts has taken a new direction.

There's also Connor's strange magic, which Newt has also mentioned many times. Originally, Dumbledore was still suspicious of these things, but the magic called "light skill" just now really shocked him.

Not only that, but Conno also seems to have studied potions quite well, and can tell the recipes for the refreshing potions in those silver objects by smelling them casually.

Dumbledore felt as if he was about to spin himself out, at first he was sure that Conno was not inheriting the so-called druid lineage, but now there seemed to be only one explanation.

After all, the druid's legacy is extinct, and only a few words of description remain in some ancient books.

Once you've accepted the druid's premise, there's no need to worry about Conno's true identity.

As long as all the extraordinary, all the extraordinary, shown by Connoux, can be attributed to the druid's heritage, and this can solve a large part of the doubt in his heart.

Yes, throw all the problems to the druid legacy, and all the problems will be solved.

If you count the relationship since the Black Lagoon tonight, Dumbledore found that Conno was a very good person, except for a little weird.

He also has a sense of responsibility for the new students, and will stand up to protect the new students in the face of the giant squid, and is also very polite to other teachers, and has even quickly established a friendship with Flitwick.

This...... It's much better than Snape.

During the years that Snape had been at the school, he hadn't interacted much with other teachers, and he would use his position as Dean to let Slytherin House defend the House Cup for many years.

Regarding this, Dumbledore did not know how many times he had received complaints from the other three houses.

In addition, Dumbledore also saw that Conno did not have much selfishness, and the powerful magic called "light gong" could also be taught to him without reservation.

Moreover, Conno is already an adult and has a complete set of values and worldview.

So it won't be like Voldemort back then, learning to show off his head and start running all the way to the road of eternal life and dark magic.

Dumbledore now felt that he had been able to recruit Conno into the school in the first place, which was a very wise choice.

After making up his mind, he shouted to Conno, who was teasing Phoenix Fawkes, "Come on, let's talk about the course, you can go and rest first."

Conno took a timetable, looked at the schedule on it, and then at Dumbledore, and couldn't help frowning.

...... His guess is correct, if the leader is very rolled, then those employees under him will also be forced to become rolled.

Dumbledore asked, "What's wrong?" Do you have any doubts about the course schedule?"

Conno sat up straight, holding on to the last glimmer of hope, and asked, "Is this the result of the revision?" or did you get the wrong timetable?"

"Is there anything wrong with it?" Dumbledore's face was still calm, but there was a little more doubt between his eyebrows.

Conno spread out the timetable, pointed to the traces of multiple revisions on it, and said, "I don't know how many times you have changed it, but if you look at the graffiti at the beginning."

"The positioning of the martial arts discipline should be the same as the flying lesson, which belongs to the kind of course that gives students fun and entertainment.

"And according to what I know about you during this time, that owl exam doesn't involve martial arts, right?"

Dumbledore nodded, "It's called the O.W.L. exam, and there are really only twelve of them, if you really mind, I can apply to the Ministry of Magic right away."

"It should take a year at the earliest, and you can add the martial arts subject to the O.W.L. exam subjects, so you should be satisfied, right?"

Kong Nuo felt that his head was starting to hurt, and he was expecting the teaching work not to be too heavy, but as a result, Dumbledore changed the curriculum for him, and he actually needed to teach every day!

Not only did he have to teach every day, but the class time of each class was still two hours!

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