The shaking from the other side of the castle woke the students who were meditating. They looked at the castle in the distance and saw a cloud of smoke and dust in the direction of the fourth floor, and immediately panicked.

"What's the sound?"

"There's a dark wizard attacking the castle?"

"It's a mystery man! The mystery man hasn't fallen yet!"

"Don't be stupid! This is Hogwarts! The safest place in the world!"

"The mystery man has long since fallen! We still have Potter the Savior!"

Conno coughed and shouted, "Don't worry about these useless details! Ask! How do you feel?" Seven minutes have passed!"

"It feels a little hot, it's a strange feeling...... But I've memorized it. The first person to answer Conno was Harry Potter, a first-year Gryffindor.

"Come on, big guy! Professor Kong needs your help!hahahahaha!" a loud and presumptuous voice rang out as the crumbling masonry of the castle fell.

Fred and George jumped up from the ground, "It's Peeves' voice! Peeves blew up the school! We don't even want to be involved in this kind of thing!"

Conno stretched out his hand and pointed back, reminding him in friendship, "You two, don't you say a word, aren't you afraid of death at all?"

The two looked at Conno's fingers, and their ears suddenly became as red as their hair. They saw Professor McGonagall in the shade of a tree.

I don't know if it's the shade of the trees, or if Professor McGonagall is really in a bad mood right now, and her face is horribly black.

"Oh no, no, I'm going to complain about my parents again!" the twins wailed in unison.

"I'm relieved to see that you're still so energetic. "Conno crossed over the heads of many individuals and came to the twins.

He pressed his wand to their necks like a trumpet, "Okay! You two boys are quite jumpy, but you have an unexpectedly good talent! "So you can have a good time!"

"What's fun?" Fred and George chased after Conno and began to run, but Conno jumped around the four college phalanxes with light skills, and they couldn't catch up at all.

The two of them simply waited in the Hufflepuff phalanx at the very edge, and when Conno put away his wand, the two came over again, "What's fun?"

"Yes, yes, yes, they have digested some of it, it seems that this is the effect of talent!" Conno stretched out his hand again and pointed into the distance. "Let you experience the magic of light work! Look in the distance, there is something fun there!" This

time all the students looked at the castle with their fingers, this should have been the most indescribable scene they had seen since the beginning of the school year.

A ghost glowing like the early morning sun was grinning with a mouth that looked exaggerated and funny.

The ghost's body rises and falls as he straddles the body of a giant magical animal.

This magical beast is also a heavyweight, with three heads covered and all six eyes and six ears covered, except for the tongue that shakes Halazi's tongue freely.

This picture, as long as the students who have taken this class, even if they think of it many years later, will say:

"I think of the day I ran under the castle, it was our lost youth!"

"Even if I die and am nailed to the coffin, I will become a ghost in the tomb and tell passers-by what happened to this day......

" Kong Nuo reminded in a friendly way:" Remember the route of your meridians, that can help you run faster, and you will be able to experience the benefits of martial arts even more!"

he added: "That's right! The academy that persevered to the end and was able to stand up can get a reward of fifty points from the academy! Let's start!"

With Kong Nuo's order...... In fact, there was no need for an order at all, and the students had already put it aside out of fear of the large and dangerous magical beasts.

"Three-headed dog! It's a three-headed dog! It's a XXXXX-class magical animal!Why is it in the castle!" The

Hufflepuff students were more knowledgeable, and they recognized the three-headed dog at once, and even knew the danger level.

The danger level of magical beasts is divided into five categories, and the most dangerous are XXXXX-level creatures, such as fire dragons of various breeds and three-headed dogs.

It represents the kind of magical beast that can kill wizards, and it is basically difficult to tame or domesticate.

As for the lowest X-level, this kind of magical beast can be regarded as the existence of cockroaches and ants in the world of ordinary people, belonging to the type that can't be beaten and can't be stopped, and it's still annoying to watch.

When the other students heard the Hufflepuff student's words, they all hurriedly asked, "What are we going to do with the three-headed dog!" "It's coming at us!"

"I don't know!" the Hufflepuff student yelled, "I only know it's a XXXXX-class creature!"

"Think about the amazing creatures of the fire dragon!they're of this level!!There's no way to defeat them with our power!".

"Merlin's briefs! the same level as the fire dragon!" The magical beast that was chasing them behind them was actually a creature of the same level as the fire dragon, and they could only continue to run wild in addition to cursing.

"Run apart!, at least a better chance of surviving!" suggested the Ravenclaw student.

"Actually, there's no need to be afraid, this is Hogwarts, and those teachers won't sit idly by. Another Ravenclaw student added.

"Cedric, you run the other way, we run this way!" said Oliver Wood of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

"Okay! it's okay to go separately!" Cedric led a group of students from the same house, and separated from a group of student soldiers led by Wood.

After some distance from the other three houses, the Slytherin students suggested, "Why don't you just go to the teacher?"

"Isn't it a little unkind?"

"Kindness?" Professor Kong taught! Glory is earned on our own! We all stand, they all lie down, we take all the glory and house points!"

The four houses also took a house-style approach.

The Ravenclaw students were broken up and ran wildly across the grass.

The students now only hate that Hogwarts is so large, that the three-headed dogs are so fast, and that Conno chose to start his class in the center of the entire meadow.

This makes it even longer and more difficult for them to take advantage of their natural strengths if they really want to run back to the castle!

"Hahahaha! My dear Weasleys! Peeves are coming!" Behind the Gryffindon multi-faceted array, Peeves burst out laughing.

"Don't you come here!" (Stepjack jpg)" the Weasley twins cried out as they covered their faces.

A huge black shadow suddenly appeared above them, and it turned out that Peeves had driven the three-headed dog to leap from the ground, and it was in mid-air.


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