"No!" Conno shook his head, the Patronus had only heard of it.

So far, he is still learning all kinds of life magic, such as the magic of folding clothes, washing dishes and wiping tables, or boiling water.

For him, these spells are very practical and perfect for him.

The auxiliary nature of martial arts is still weak compared to magic, and magic can indeed make up for this shortcoming in some aspects.

"As far as we know, only this ancient magic can drive away Dementors. Fred said, "Professor Kong, are you using other magic?"

"Pure Meditation Sutra, feel it for yourselves." With that, Kong Nuo silently recited the Heart Sutra in his heart.

Suddenly, he felt that in a safe place like the Great Hall, the effect of just meditating and cooperating with internal force should not be as obvious as in Azkaban.

So he intensified his efforts, and the qi came out of his body like the sun.

Suddenly, not only Fred and George felt it, but also the teachers next to them, and even the students who were close to him in the front row.

I felt peace of mind...... Serene...... It's like taking a light nap on the sofa on a warm afternoon, and the sun is shining on your body.

George slapped his cheek hard, "It's a comfortable feeling...... But how does it feel...... Fred, do you remember?"

Fred shook his head and said, "I think it's familiar too, but I forgot where I experienced it......"

The two didn't think about it anymore, and George continued, "Haha! We're actually worried that you've really been tortured by the Dementors on Azkaban's side!"

Conno snorted, "You just cared about me?".

Fred smiled and said, "Yes! Also, we went to our friends in Ravenclaw after class just now, and it was that Flint who was spreading rumors! We'll help you tell more people the truth later!" Seeing

the twins' sincere smiles, Conno was slightly touched, he had been a social animal for so long, and he hadn't met such a person who took the initiative to clarify the facts for himself for a long time......

At this time, the steaming braised pork appears on the dinner plate.

After mixing various ingredients, the mixed fragrance is stimulated, and the caramel aroma is also mixed in the middle, and a rich fragrance suddenly wafts out.

Tempting caramel color, rich oil, fat and thin chunks of meat, and a pinch of eye-catching green onions, at least the appearance is tempting enough.

The Weasley twins' Adam's apple rolls up and down uncontrollably, swallowing several mouthfuls of saliva as their stomachs begin to growl.

They hadn't eaten at noon, and they were busy looking for Ravenclaw's classmates to get first-hand information, and then they came to find Conno.

Hearing the protest from the stomachs of the two, Kong Nuo whispered to the plate and asked, "Rabi, do you still have braised pork?"

He pushed the plate over, "Take it, take it as a comfort to you, I saw that the hourglass of the academy leaked two more squares, and Snape deducted points from his class just now, right?"

"That's all a small problem! Old bats often do this anyway!" The two of them smiled brightly again, and they were not polite, and took the plate away, "Thank you, Professor Kong!"

The two of them dangled around the long Slytherin table with golden plates, and Fred grinned and pointed in Conno's direction, saying a few words to Marcus Flint, leaving his face crooked.

Send away two Gryffindor students, and more Gryffindor students will appear.

The content of their inquiries is much the same, nothing more than three questions: how to get in, how to get out, and what kind of environment is inside.

Conno's answer was even more simple and crude: the one who beat the Aurors in and was invited out by Dumbledore had poor food.

However, such a simple and straightforward answer only made the eyes of the Gryffindor group of lions shine even brighter.

If the attack on the Aurors is real, and it is an attack on two at a time, it means that neither Auror is an opponent of Conno.

As for the third question, Conno's evaluation of Azkaban is actually that the food is not good, ......

They saw fish balls, steaming braised pork, and a fragrant egg fried rice with red and green flavors.

Well...... Not only is the food in Azkaban not good, it seems that the food that their students eat at the long table has become not particularly good.

Comparisons are odious.

There were even a few lion cubs who made rebellious remarks, the students' food was not good, and the food in Azkaban was not good, rounding off Hogwarts equaled Azkaban!

The Gryffindor students left in a noisy, and they needed to carry the few students with obvious brain circuit problems to the school infirmary's office to find Madam Pomfrey for a proper examination.

A pack of lions retreated, and a soaring Ravenclaw descended to Conno's side.

Their problem is different from that of Gryffindor, and the main concern is how Conno responds to the dementors who absorb pleasure.

Conno recounted to them what he had said to the Weasley twins, and showed them the Sutra of Tranquility.

These eaglets were very interested in this mental method that Conno intended to use for teaching, and began to inquire about the "Martial Arts Primer".

At the same time, Conno was looking at the textbook and suddenly found a fatal problem......

When he was compiling the "Introduction to Martial Arts", he forgot to do pinyin phonetic transcription about the content of this part.

Without pinyin phonetic transcription, then the "Tranquility Heart Sutra" cannot be read at all, and there is no way to teach.

He had already tried this classic when he was in Azkaban, and if they were to read it in English, it would be like an old ox pulling the plow—pulling it all the way.

That's why at that time, he cut out the phonetic transcription on the wall, used some unconventional means, and had a very cordial and friendly interaction.

This allowed the prisoners to speed up the phonetic alphabet in three days and learn to recite the scriptures.

Looking at the flickering light in the eaglets' eyes and McGonagall's serious expression a few days ago, Conno felt that kind of cordial and friendly interaction could not be used on them.

Case...... Then the content of the next class will be decided!

"Quiet! Quiet! You can go back and ask Zhang Qiu to see if she can speak Chinese, and if she can, let her teach you." "

Why?" asked the eaglets eagerly.

Kong Nuo replied, "The next class will teach the Pure Meditation Sutra, and the content above it can only be read in Chinese. If Zhang Qiu can also speak Chinese, you will have an advantage over other colleges!"

"What about the extra points?" the eaglets asked again.

Kong Nuo smiled: "I'm very generous with extra points, the old rules! If you can be ahead of other colleges, then add fifty points!" Zhang

Qiu, who came to the auditorium with his textbook, suddenly noticed the unusually eager eyes of his classmates.

"Eh, what's the matter with you, why are you all looking at me......" She began to take a few steps back, disappearing into the auditorium again.


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