Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a new discipline like never before, where you and everyone else are on the same starting line.

For your safety, please abide by the following rules:

1. Carefully complete every order given by Professor Kong, otherwise there will be unforeseen consequences in any link.

2. If you feel that you can't memorize the phonetic alphabet, please find the nebulizer and add the Ba Fei Brain Awakening Agent and Talent Elixir according to the ratio of one to one, which can help you quickly memorize the Pinyin phonetic transcription.

3. Remember, if you're taking classes indoors, then all classes are safe, at best, a little ethereal, and not a big problem.

4. If you need to go outdoors for a lesson, be vigilant and choose a location close to Hogwarts Castle to assemble.

Fifth, you must follow every process of Professor Kong, and maintain a high degree of vigilance, and do not relax your guard because of the excessive relaxation and joy of the class.

6. If Professor Kong is present, then you can rest assured and bold to carry out every step, no matter how dangerous, he will protect your safety. (A line of obliterated handwriting: Although there will be some thrills in the process, but there is no need to worry about life.)

7. When Professor Kong begins to enter the various eating and drinking sessions, please be sure to maintain the highest level of vigilance, because you are about to face all kinds of unpredictable situations. (A line of smeared handwriting: whether it is a dangerous magical beast of the XXXXX level, or a strange existence beyond life and death, it may appear in Professor Kong's class!!!!)


more than ten minutes, most of the students have already finished mixing a cup of milk tea and drinking it freely.

Even those students who are facing the O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. exams can find a short leisure time in the extremely hectic study.

Just as they began to mix the second cup of milk tea, Conno walked out of the castle with a large box in both hands.

This large box looks very quaint and looks at least a hundred years old.

However, Hogwarts Castle itself has a history of almost a thousand years, so it is not surprising that such a chest will appear.

What made them concerned was that Peeves had appeared on the chest, a Peeves that had completely changed its livery.

Peeves' mouth didn't reach the base of his ears, and he looked very mischievous, and his large, slightly funny eyes revealed a mischievous joy.

When they saw Peeves appear, the hearts of these students suddenly tightened, and they had even activated the magic of the basic meridians, ready to run away at any time.

"Don't worry, Lowe won't be playing today. Conno put down the large box, and although it didn't stir up much dust, the ground shook slightly.

Through this small detail, the students immediately knew that the weight of the box was heavy, and at the same time, their vigilance was stronger.

That was the case last time, Professor Kong kindly asked them to breathe for ten minutes, and a three-headed dog popped out of the castle, and Merlin knew what would emerge from this heavy box this time.

Kong Nuo clapped his hands, pointed to the magic watch on his wrist and said, "Give you three minutes, each of you will prepare milk tea and the kind with more chocolate, and start testing in class in three minutes." When

Dumbledore saw that Conno had returned, he stepped aside with a cup of milk tea filled with sago, frowning at the large box.

This crate was originally a weapon case, which is considered an antique, and was used to store various weapons at the beginning of the school.

So don't look at the exterior it's decorated with wood, it's actually a heavy granite slab inside.

However, looking at the way Conno carried, he didn't use any magic at all, and simply relied on his physical strength to carry it, which made him feel ...... I'm used to it.

At the beginning, he thought that Kong Nuo had the potential to be a humanoid fire dragon, so now he just moved a stone box casually, and it was a completely small scene.

Everyone left the long table and formed four large squares, standing in each of the four directions of the large box.

"How many of you will know the Patronus Charm?" asked Conno as he stood in the middle, "and the student who will raise his hand." "

Very few, and only twenty or thirty of those senior students know the Patronus Charm.

By this time, however, the students had begun to become agitated, and they seemed to be vaguely aware of what they were about to face.

Conno looked at his left hand, "Come on! "

Hmm...... Hufflepuff House, you stand in front of the box, and wait until the Dementors inside appear, and then start reciting the Tranquility Sutra!" The

four college phalanxes suddenly wailed, and even some of the students who knew the Dementors very well had their little faces wrinkled, and they had an expression that would cry at any moment.

"What's there to be afraid of!" Conno patted his box, "Don't you want to learn this so that you can have a chance to deal with Dementors in the future?"

"You can imagine that image when you and your loved ones suddenly encounter a Dementor in the wild, and you just walk straight towards it.

"When everybody thinks you're not good, you just look at it and recite the Meditation Sutra in your heart.

"As a result, the Dementors were scared away, how many compliments would your family have to say to you?"

"Imagine that those people had to use their wands and chant spells to get rid of the Dementors when they encountered them." "

And you, just stand in front of the Dementors and scare them away! Think of the transcendent feeling!" The

cacophony of the students became quieter, especially the Gryffindor students, who were even a little eager to try.

Even Slytherin House was able to sketch out the picture that Conno had painted in his mind.

Whether it's casting spells without a wand or casting away Dementors, it's enough to tell others as glory.

Drawing a pie is the most effective way to do it, especially when dealing with a group of students who are still in the ivory tower, but it only makes them shake, and it needs a little sweetness.

Conno continued: "The academy that can hold out the longest, in addition to being able to add one hundred, can also put forward a request within the scope of martial arts class, I can try my best to meet it! What are you hesitating about? Do you want to disappoint the headmaster?"

As soon as these two rewards were spoken, the Hufflepuff students immediately gathered and were ready to accept the challenge.

It was not only Professor Kong who was present, but also Headmaster Dumbledore, who was watching the play and drinking milk tea in the back.

The existence of these two people will not be harmed by any means, so they are willing to accept the challenge.

"You can get started, I'll open the box now......" Conno jerked the lid to the side.

The next moment, from the perspective of those Hufflepuff students, the surroundings seemed to dim in an instant, and the bright afternoon sunlight disappeared into the gloomy ...... before the storm

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