Dumbledore and Snape walked towards the girls' bathroom, and he heard the troll's constant muttering, reminding, "The troll is saying, spare me, stop beating me." "

When he was young, he was very fond of studying the language of all kinds of intelligent beings. Whether it's troll, mermaid, goblin, or so on, he can understand a general idea.

"Professor Kong, I think today's make-up class can be over first, and the students can go back and enjoy the Halloween dinner, right?"

"Oh, yes, you haven't eaten the tofu brain! This is really important!" Conno nodded vigorously in front of him, "Go back! There's a tough battle to fight tonight!"

Dumbledore glanced at Conno a little strangely, not understanding why he was suddenly so happy.

When I met him on the edge of the Black Lake in the afternoon, his face was as smelly as black coal.

With the exception of Harry and the three of them, and McGonagall, who was the head of Gryffindor, the rest of them left the girls' bathroom.

Before leaving, Kong Nuo also used the repair charm very intimately to completely restore the dilapidated girls' bathroom.

Luckily, this place is very ordinary, and there are no secret passages or anything like that, otherwise Dumbledore would definitely have notified a professional repairman to come and maintain it.

When Hagrid came to remove the unconscious troll, McGonagall was reprimanding the three lion cubs.

Hermione grimaced, tears welling up in her eyes, "They're all here for me, Professor McGonagall...... If you're going to expel me, fire me!"

Harry and Ron were stunned, their eyes showing incredulity. They reacted quickly and stood directly in front of Hermione.

"Professor McGonagall......! It's all my ...... this afternoon"

When Dumbledore saw that the three of them were protecting each other, he stepped forward in time and didn't let Harry and Ron continue.

"Minerva, today is the eve of Halloween, why don't you let the children have a good holiday? Now that Professor Kong has settled the matter, why don't you just pass this matter? I believe the children have a long memory.

He looked at the three little lions, "Will you do it again?"

"No! no!" The three of them quickly shook their heads, their movements neat and uniform, full of tacit understanding.

"It's still too dangerous! And sometimes, you need to be concerned about the feelings of the other students!" McGonagall said with a non-relaxed expression.

"Of course...... Of course...... Right, boys?" Dumbledore looked at the three again.

The three of them nodded again like chickens pecking rice.

The five Gryffindors walked towards the Great Hall, and before they could get closer, they heard a passionate voice that reached their ears far away.

Conno said loudly, "Come on, come on, sit on the left side if you like sweet, sit on the right side if you like salty! Hmm? And those who like spicy, then sit at the back first! See how many people there are!"

"Uh...... There seem to be a little few people, otherwise you sit with the Xian Party? So that the number of people will be more or less balanced, and then you can exchange more opinions with each other.

"Okay! Now that your camp is decided, then the whole army will attack! I will invite the Sweet Party to speak first! Give your opinion! Professor Sprout, please help cast a amplification spell.

Connoy's voice fell, and a student's voice rang out, "Sweet tofu brain can only taste the original taste of tofu brain, that kind of fresh and sweet taste is simply incomparable! Whether it is added with sugar, maple syrup or chocolate sauce, it can be perfectly blended with tofu brain!"

Conno's voice rose again, "Okay! Very good speech, then now I have to ask the salty party to say your opinion! Professor Sprout, I trouble you again!"

Another student's voice rang out, "The satisfaction of salted tofu brains is unparalleled!" Can you experience the collision of minced meat, chopped nuts, shredded cucumber and marinade, the explosive taste experience?"

"Also! If you add a spoonful of chili oil at the end, it will be an existence that can awaken the vitality of the whole body! I think I can take on the trolls now!".

Dumbledore had already walked through the Great Hall door, and he saw Snape standing in the shadows outside the door, the corners of his mouth curled slightly.

"Severus, what are they arguing about?" Dumbledore asked quickly.

Snape raised an eyebrow, "I'm so sorry for Quirrell, he stinked his head before he came up with a plan to divert the tiger from the mountain, and it wasn't your first concern.

Dumbledore groaned, "He's not going to get anything, because I haven't put anything in there yet." I want you to help me watch Quirrell because I'm afraid he's going to hurt Harry.

Snape said slowly, in a subdued tone, "If Mr. Potter studies with Professor Kong for two more years, he should be able to push Quirrell to the ground and rub that stinking skull frantically."

Dumbledore gave a joking expression and nodded, "Indeed, the knowledge taught by Conno is very practical, and I think you should have experienced it."

Snape changed his position, still hidden in the shadows, "Professor Kong is also a master at mobilizing emotions, and it is incredible that a group of honest Hufflepuffs can quarrel because of tofu brains." "

And that kind of thing, I'll go in and see!" Dumbledore looked at Harry as he passed by, and followed them towards the Gryffindor table.

He learned what had happened from the Weasley twins.

As the students returned to the auditorium to continue the Halloween dinner, Conno introduced the Tofu Brain, which was served as a Halloween special, and explained in great detail how to eat it.

For the other three colleges, it was a completely new food, and they just had to choose the ingredients to their liking.

The choice of Gryffindor is very conventional, just according to the combination of the previous milk tea.

Slytherin House and Ravenclaw House are similar, but Slytherin is very good at matching Snape with Salted Tofu Brain, but Gryffindor prefers sweet tofu brains.

Ravenclaw, on the other hand, wants them all, and will first eat a small portion of salty tofu brain, change it to a golden bowl, and then eat a small portion of sweet tofu brain.

Such a peaceful situation suddenly exploded at the Hufflepuff table.

In this aspect of eating, Hufflepuff, who is close to the back kitchen of Hogwarts, is undoubtedly very professional and has the absolute right to speak.

Tofu brain is no secret to them for a long time, but it has always been a benefit for a few teachers, and it has never been put on the table.

Just as the students began to enjoy the tofu brain, Conno suddenly asked, "Students, do you think the salty or sweet is delicious?" and

the other students replied in unison: "It's all delicious!"

So, the excited Professor Kong began the debate.

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