Harry Potter World.

LD, Charing Cross.

A room on the second floor of the Leaky Cauldron.

A 17-year-old black-haired boy is conducting a brutal magical experiment on a poor guinea pig.

I saw the young man take a deep breath, imagining the three elements of success over and over again in his mind.

Confident, calm and determined.

And with a little spoofing of the way, of course.

He raised his wand and uttered the spell.

"Blind and deaf

", "nonsense

", "running belly

", "mouth and eyes crooked",

"enchanting dancing",

a set of five consecutive spells were issued.

The guinea pigs in the cage suddenly began to dance wildly, and the dancing posture was quite enchanting.

Don't ask how rats are enchanting.

That's not the point.

The point is that the rat dances enchanting over and over again, and chatters and barks over and over again.

The mouth is also crooked, the eyes are slanted, and the ground is full.

Looking at the ink dust is also disgusting.

After a while, the mouse kicked on both legs ... No, one kick on all four legs....


ended its life of humiliation as a guinea pig.

"Well, good."

For this set of 'Five Companies of Social Death', the young man nodded with satisfaction.

If this is done in people, it will ensure the death of the society.

"Okay, now it's time to practice real killing!"

The boy took out another guinea pig and raised his evil wand.

"Sword through the heart!"

No response.

"Sword through the heart!"

Still no response.

"Sword through the heart!"

Still unresponsive.

The guinea pig raised its head and "chirped" a few times, as if mocking the teenager.


Can this be tolerated?

The young man raised his hand and fired another "sword through the heart"!


The mice were pierced by an invisible blade.

Another guinea pig ended his humiliating life.

"Sure enough, with a little killing intent and anger can you succeed."

Throwing the dead guinea pig aside, he began to practice other spells.

"King Kong is not bad".

"God hides the harvest".

"Bullet time".

"Shrink into inches".


The practice lasted four hours and didn't stop until 12 noon.

Unfortunately, the latter spells are also like "sword through the heart", and the success rate is not high.

"You still have to work hard!"

The boy sighed.


At this moment, the call of an owl came from outside the window.

There was still a letter in his mouth.

The boy opened the window and took the letter from the round-faced chicken's mouth.

Threw the guinea pig that had just died next to him to the round-faced chicken.

This is called waste utilization.

The round-faced chicken flew away with a happy flapping wing.

This is a reply from Bokin on the black market of Overturned Alley.

The teenager opened the letter.

"Phoenix blood has just arrived, come quickly!"

The short line of words made the teenager very excited.

He walked out of the bar with his wand and money.


The boy's name is Mo Chen.

is a crosser.

Unlike the other peers, they all crossed at the age of eleven and went to Hogwarts happily.

Either punching Dumbledore or kicking Voldemort.

One is better than the other.

And he was 17 years old when he crossed, still wearing!

So he has no magic, but thankfully, he gets a plugin that gives him magic.

But his plugin is a bit special.

It's not so much a plug-in as a book.

The Nature of the World.

Listen, just by listening to the name, you know that it is awesome.

The content of the book is also really awesome.

The whole article is about the nature of the Harry Potter world.

What is magic....

What is a soul....

The relationship between magic and the soul....

How magic works....

Why spells can cast magic....

Wait a minute.

Ink dust is like a treasure.

When he finished reading the book, he found that the world of Harry Potter seemed to have no secrets for him.

However, everything is not perfect, and everything has some flaws.

The Nature of the World is no different.

Then he can no longer use existing magic, and if he wants to use magic, he can only create his own originality.

This is where there are gains and losses.

Fortunately, there is a detailed process of magic creation in the book.

So Mo Chen began a vigorous journey of magic self-creation.

The previous 'Five Companies of Social Death' are the results of these days.

Why create such a mortal magic?

Because according to the theory in the book, magic is actually interference with reality.

The slighter the interference, the easier it is to achieve and the shorter the time it takes to create.

For example, it's much easier to make people run away than to tear people apart.

In the beginning, naturally you need to get some simple magic.

This is one of them, but there are more important reasons.

Harry Potter is 17 years old.

Yes, 17 years old.

This means that Voldemort's general trend has been formed, and the entire wizarding world has been in dire straits.

There are red flags everywhere.

At this time, how can Mo Chen have time to create those profound magic?

Magic like Phantom Appearance and Divine Blade Without Shadow, he thought too.

But time does not allow, and those can only be left behind.

He now desperately needs a set of magic that can be used and put down the target, and in turn quickly increase security.

As a result, this set of 'Five Companies of Social Death' was created by him.

"Blindness and deafness" can make people unable to see or hear, and naturally cannot cast spells without a goal.

"Gibberish" can make it impossible to pronounce spells, and naturally cannot cast spells.

"Running belly pulling thin" ... This does not explain.

"Crooked mouth and eyes", the same as 'blind and deaf', unable to see naturally can not cast spells.

"Enchanting dancing", dancing is very hi, naturally unable to wave the wand.

These five magics have been fused together by him, and the spell is "Five Companies of Social Death".

He believed that except for big guys like Dumbledore and Voldemort, no one else could stand it.


"Mo, is this going out?" As soon as he went downstairs, Tom, the owner of the bar, stopped Mo Chen.

Mo Chen looked back and saw that Old Tom frowned, as if he had something to say.

He asked, "What's wrong, Tom?"

"Well, you know, it's not good now, and I've been feeling more and more dangerous since they captured Ollivander the other day, so... I wanted to close the bar and hide in the countryside for a few days.

Tom was a little embarrassed.

After a few days of getting along, Tom still likes this big boy in the East.

"I see, I'll move when I come back in a while, thank you for taking care of you these days."

Mo Chen nodded with a smile, then went to the back door of the bar and entered Diagon Alley.

Gotta hurry.


There is a narrow entrance at the entrance of Diagon Alley, through which you can reach the infamous Overturned Alley, which is also the black market of the wizarding world.

The wizards here are all scum who have no jobs and spend all day in the dark wizarding circle.

If it weren't for the phoenix blood he wanted, he wouldn't have stepped into here.

As soon as he entered the alley, Mo Chen felt the darkness of the alley.

The sun is shining in Diagon Alley outside, but it's eerie and it's not in the same world.

Mochen didn't like it here very much, and he didn't want to intersect with the people here, so he quickened his pace and went to Bojin's shop.

But sometimes, you don't want to intersect with others, but others want to bother you.

An old witch dressed in dirty paint and pus stopped him, baring her mouth full of rotten teeth and smiling darkly.

"Lad... Do you want to go to my house..."

Five times in a row! Before the old witch finished speaking, she was killed by Mo Chen.


The old witch was directly spread on the ground, convulsing and dancing again, her facial features were also viciously twisted together, and her mouth was still talking nonsense.

What 'Overturned Alley she is the most beautiful chick', what 'Dumbledore was her licking dog when she was young', what 'Borgin licked ××××××', the more outrageous and disgusting the more you said.

Finally, accompanied by a foul smell, the whole person is like a crazy bedbug, like a crazy demon on the ground.

The graphics are quite stunning.

The wizards around him were stunned.

Qi Qi took a step back.

What kind of spell is this, it's so brutal!

Mo Chen nodded, although it was the first time it was used for people, the effect was more satisfactory than he expected.

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