Harry Potter’s Book of Sin

Chapter 131: Traces of the past

Toot Point's nights are always so dim and messy, yet they are fascinating.

At the deepest part of Thaimo Lane, the cluttered place consisting of scrap iron, ship boards and wooden fences hides a surprising underground world.

糙 Those rough guys who have been sailing for a long time at sea will always pay close attention to all the time on the shore and let the pounds, alcohol and women clean the smell of the sea on their bodies.

For the most part of the year, among the crew members who floated on the sea, a saying has been circulating since ancient times: Don't wait until your body is floating on the sea, then regret that your gold has sunk on the bottom of the sea.

Maca walked in the deep and familiar alley, and from time to time, she met some strong men in groups of three or five, and they were all the same, and they went deep.

But everyone won't talk to each other until they reach their destination-this is one of the many unwritten rules in Tymo Lane.

玛 When Maca came to a tin-skinned house converted from a large shipping container, he walked to the door familiarly, pushing and pushing the dozing old man who was dozing on a tin bucket.

"Baird, wake up!"

The old man narrowed his eyes and raised his head, glancing at Maca boredly.

别 "Don't push it, when have you seen me falling asleep?" The old man said vaguely, holding up the dirty wine bottle in his hand and pouring a large mouthful into his mouth.

As he drank, he opened his palms and shook at Maca. "... What about today?"

Maca took a small paper roll out of her pocket and snapped it into the old man's hand.

The old man habitually raised his finger and touched it, and then put his hand away: "Little devil, even if you are an acquaintance, the price should rise next time!"

说 He said, beckoning to Maca, begging him to get closer.

"There are quite a lot of fat today, one is the merchant ship leader of the West Bank, called Alger; the other is a nobleman of Brest, France, called Vinson or something ..." the old man hummed, mouth in his mouth. The wine squirted straight into Maca's face, but he had to keep listening, "Well, there are some guys from North Germany, although the origin is not very clear, but they are not badly dressed."

"Baird, let's focus ..." Seeing the old man still muttering something, Maca couldn't help urging.

"Okay, you little kid can't bear anymore ... the merchant ship leader brought a little girl, I looked like ... you understand." The old man grinned, "The serious business teams in the West Bank also started They have gone dark, and they did not hesitate that the old guys who killed them were paving the way. "

Maka nodded her head and groaned with her chin: "This is a big sale ..."

"You devil, you still want to do it alone? This time is a living person-"

"What about the living people, mainly depends on where they are brought from ..." Maca pondered, and suddenly hesitated, "How do I think this is a little familiar?"

The old man didn't say a word.

I walked into this pin gold cave in Taimo Lane, and I would not be able to give it up without a whole night of work, and some guys could even soak up the money in their pockets.

There was still plenty of time, and Maca waved at the old man at will, just like walking to the broken metal house.

There was a place blocked up, down, left, and right at the back of the tin house. There are a lot of people here, and most of them hover around the entrance to the underground.

Those people seemed to be much more nagging than Old Baird. Most of them were shirtless, with a pair of tattered trousers underneath. When they saw someone passing by, they walked forward, sneaked out some small paper bags from their pockets, and murmured with others.

Maca went all the way in, and those people rarely even looked at him-they had long remembered Maca's appearance, and that was not the object of their "business".

He greeted the two strong muscular knotted men standing at the exit through a downwardly inclined passageway, and then Maca stepped into the "Topoint Underground Entertainment Center" where he was living.

Here, there are a lot of acquaintances, but everyone will not take the initiative to contact each other-they all have their own things to do, it is related to the pound, no one has the effort to talk about it.

And more, it is the "Master" who came here to spend money.

In this underground place, as soon as you enter, you can see that the area is divided into five areas.

The front is a large table poker with many people participating, dice, poker, etc., all kinds of tricks are available; while on the left is the place where the wine girls greet the alcoholic, dim lights, low Tables and chairs and wine bottles full of tables, only drunk or not drunk.

How about the right? On a large stage, the lights are bright, enchanting, dreamy, and smoky, bringing many sensory stimuli to everyone.

There is a round bar in the middle. There are “masters” of wine tasting and life there. Generally speaking, the customers there are boring people with a lot of pounds in their pockets.

The place where Maca originally "worked" was that area, but today, he walked through the chaotic field, walking around the bend at will, and strolling to the deepest part of the field.

The most inward area is the highest-grade place here and the highest consumption level. Generally speaking, little guys who make a fuss would not come here-the fish here are fat, but they are also shrewd! It takes a lot of effort to get the benefits here. Few people like to run here.

However, Maca has been a bit annoyed recently, and he intends to spend a little time tossing and then rest for a while.

After tidying up his overalls, Maca took a small step and looked back from time to time, posing with a frightening look.

小 A younger person has the advantage of being younger. No matter who he is, he or she will always be less alert to a child.

Of course, when doing certain things, you always have to take some risks.


经过 As she passed behind a sofa, Maca slumped under her feet and pierced her head to the ground.

He banged, and he slammed it on the hard ground. A man on the sofa in front heard the sound of his head and looked back in confusion.

Maca climbed herself, however, red blood had dripped from her forehead.

孩子 "Child, what's the matter with you?" The man looked very spirited, with a thin figure, a decent dress, and a neat blond hair, and he looked like a guy who had been living in the upper society.

"Oh, sir, I was caught here-I don't know-I escaped, but I thought, my mother would worry-" Makka said incoherently, panicked.

"Oh, this is really bad--" The man looked up and down Maca, only to find that the clothes on his body looked purely handmade, and the cloth was quite extraordinary. He should be a rich child.

At this time, while wiping off the blood on the bridge of her nose, Maca wiped something under her eyes. Soon, a tear could not stop flowing down.

He swept behind the man with blurred vision, except for some men and women similar to this man, he soon found that a little girl who was not much older than him was shrinking in the corner of the sofa, and looked at him uneasily.

"Child, if you can trust me, then tell me ..." The man's face showed a smile, but Maca couldn't help but groan--this guy should be the merchant ship leader Alger in the West Bank, When I first entered this line, the level was a little bit ...

"... Come, sit down and talk, I will help you."

The man leaned on Maca's shoulder and let him sit on the sofa. The men's companions came up to comfort Maca. A young lady took out her handkerchief and wiped the blood on Maca's forehead.

"Oh-thank you, ma'am!" Maca said gratefully, trembling her lips and said, "My house was in London. When the servant sent me to school before, I was caught by the bad guy-I really need help, Sir, my father can give you a lot of money ... "

哆哆嗦嗦 He said in a very authentic London accent, and from time to time he glanced behind the sofa, seemingly afraid that the unwanted "bad guy" would suddenly come out and catch him back.

Although his words were intermittent, the key information that should be revealed to them was poured out without leak.

"It's okay, let me introduce myself-" The man grinned and smiled softly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I'm Alger, a businessman from the West Bank. If you can trust me, then you might as well Our boat, I can take you back to London. "

But Ke Maca knew very well that the caravan of the West Bank had just arrived from Margate and would definitely not return in a short time. According to their previous routes, they are pointing to the Cantabrian Sea west of France.

哦 "Oh-thank you so much, Mr. Alger." Maca shivered with excitement, "I will let my father pay you the corresponding reward! Certainly!"

He is like an aristocratic boy spoiled by his parents. Opening his mouth and closing his mouth is money. Although it is annoying, it has a clear sense of reality.

I sat on the sofa for a while, but Maca expressed his concerns to the man from time to time, saying that some bad guys would definitely come after a while.

此时 At this moment, a fat man with curly brown hair and a luxurious body walked over to the next table.

"Alger, here." The fat man waved at Alger.

"Mr. Vinson, what's wrong?" Alger asked the young lady to look after Maca, and she walked towards the aristocratic fat man.

"Where did this little boy come from?" The fat man grinned.

"Which escape did you get from," Alger smiled. "Why, Mr. Vinson, are you ..."

瞧 "Look at the child's delicate skin and tender meat, there must be an expensive customer over there." The fat man smiled wretchedly, "It's the pound you fly in your own hand, discount it!"

"Don't want to hear that kid's identity?" Alger said meaningfully.

哦 "Oh? What's the origin?" Fatty Vinson raised an eyebrow and said, "Let me listen, if you meet the appetite of the VIP, the increase is not impossible ..."

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