Harry Potter’s Book of Sin

Chapter 30: Hurried vacation

As for the cause of the accident, Maca asked a few words when Kevin left. Although the other party said that it was temporarily inconvenient to disclose to the public, he still revealed a little under the inquiry of Maca.

Jain was two black wizards who had fled to the United Kingdom from the American magic world, and the search agreement had been taken over by the British Ministry of Magic. According to Kevin, it was actually a fugitive couple. The husband was a black wizard, but his wife was just an ordinary wizard.

难 "No wonder the woman has been nervous. It seems that she was just forced to helplessly." Maca shook her head.

"Even if you are forced to do nothing, it can't be condoned. The black wizard is very harmful." Kevin said seriously, "and no one can guarantee that she will not become a new black wizard in the future."

Maka believes that Kevin is really justified. Treating those groups of true black wizards, appeasing them will only make them more arrogant.

But what about it? Maca didn't want to oppose anyone, as long as they didn't provoke himself, he didn't want to proactively provoke those guys whose brains had completely broken.

Learning all kinds of esoteric and complicated magical knowledge is enough to consume energy. He doesn't have so much leisure to go tossing around.

And, this time using the spell outside the school and Auror to help him clear the record, what will happen in the future? If something goes wrong, or if there is any misunderstanding, it will certainly be a lot of trouble.

之后 In the following days, Maca took Luna around again.

Hyde Park, Tower Bridge, Trafalgar Square, Thames River, Buckingham Palace, all places in London can go. Look at the road view on the street during the day and go to the theater to listen to opera at night. This kind of life is just a kind of enjoyment.

啊 "Ah-time is never enough." Marca sighed and took Luna back to Lovgood's house.

"Speaking of you, did you tell anyone about the anomalous situation when using flying powder?" When Marca appeared in the fireplace at Lovegood's, Chenofilius Can't help asking.

"Oh yes, Mr. Weasley also asked me, but I'm not sure." Maca was also wondering about this. "He also asked the maintenance personnel of the Flying Road Network to re-adjust his fireplace, I even refurbished it myself, but that was useless. "

He has consulted many collections in Hogwarts, but the structure of the flying network and the preparation of flying powder have always been a mystery, and he has no idea about it. But this is not something you can know just by asking an individual. In the end, the matter was shelved.

"In short, it may be related to the soul, but at present this is just a guess." Maca thought secretly.

To be honest, he doesn't know much more about himself than others. Since ancient times, the deep exploration of the mystery of the human body has been the bottleneck of many researchers, whether it is a wizard or a Muggle.

"The holidays will be over in a few days," Maca said abruptly. "I plan to sort out my study notes in the last few days. I will not go out anymore recently."

"Sorry, Luna."

嗯 "Huh? No, I should thank you." Lu Na smiled slightly, "I had a great time, a very happy Christmas holiday."

Uh ...

Maca returned home the evening before the school day. He brought a lot of messy things, most of which were Christmas gifts that everyone gave him. Although it is not an amazing thing, and even some of them are snacks, it is everyone's intention.

For example, there includes a large bag of rock skin cakes that Hager gave him. Maca feels that he will not eat them in his life, but can be stored as a special souvenir-their shelf life is extremely long. Already.

In fact, after the Christmas day passed, Maca also received some late gifts. There are a lot of useful things in this batch of gifts.

Dumbledore sent him a light-wheel 2000 flying broomstick-it is obviously impossible to hide Maca from joining Quidditch.

Other teachers mostly gave books, all kinds of books, and even their own summary notes. For Maca, the gifts of these teachers really fit his mind.

I have to mention that Snape even made up a gift for him!

Hmm, even though Snape's gift doesn't look like a Christmas gift, Maca understands that the elixir he sent is obviously rewarding.

A small note from the Snape School owl.

"'Godless Shadow' ... and its cracking spell 'Quick Heal'."

Maka looked at the note, and there was a mantra on the front and back, and a simple and concise analysis of the manuscript was written in small letters.

"... This is a great gift." Maca was a little emotional.

This is an offensive spell invented by Snape. It is concealed, swift, and powerful. If there is no counter-curse, it may not be forgiven.

哦 "Oh! Welcome back, Marka." At the start of Hogwarts' dinner, Hermione waved at him happily, and she had just arrived today.

Except Hermione, many people are welcoming Maca. When Maca wanted to come, it is estimated that they also have the credit for their gifts-usually they have never seen such enthusiasm.

On the guest table, the professors nodded kindly at him. Marka smiled a little bit at Dumbledore, and couldn't help but think it was better not to go there.

He greeted the professors from afar, and he was on Hitchpatch's long table.

"It's about to start again!" Charlotte squeezed Hermione, who was sitting next to Maca, and thumped on Maca's back as usual.

Maca reluctantly allowed her to shoot, because refusing to speak would only make her shoot more vigorously. .

Charlotte's "beginning" naturally refers to Quidditch training. Although he received the light wheel 2000 from Dumbledore this time, he felt that it would be too time to take it out before the game, and there was no need to show off everywhere.

After all, not to mention the effect of confidentiality, it is better to keep a low profile, isn't it?

In the following days, although it has been raining, the young queens of the Quidditch team are still full of energy. They are known for their hard work and do not stagnate because of a little trouble. Maca, the lazy little sister-in-law, was squeezed in the middle by them, and could not help but show some energy.

In order to make himself look more serious, Maca also proposed a few creative tactics. His ideas were fully affirmed and supported by the team members during the practice.

Maca regretted this for a while, because then, the amount of training has increased a lot.

Of course, apart from Quidditch training, Maca has a lot to do.

Recently, he has been using various potions to nourish himself and enhance his efficiency. The effect is quite amazing. Too many potions can be used, after all, there are still side effects of precipitation of various drugs, which cannot be used for long-term support.

Fortunately, a series of related research is coming to an end, and, unsurprisingly, a new potion is about to be born.

研究 The inspiration and cause of this research all started from the sudden accident of the Christmas holiday.

For every wizard, the wand he has is part of his life. Although wizards can replace their wands after accidental damage, it is common knowledge in the wizarding world that a wizard cannot carry two wands at the same time.

Once the wand is associated with his master, it will be exclusive to other wands. When the two wands were held by the same person, the man had no other result than a pair of chopsticks that were thick, long, and stiff.

What if his wand is taken away? Maca didn't want to face that situation again.

比较 After comparing the possibilities, he decided to work on the potions he was best at.

Generally speaking, most potions are used by swallowing. Because once most potions come into contact with unknown substances in the air in excess, their properties will undergo quite complicated chain changes, and the consequences will be quite unexpected.

Therefore, Maca abandoned the original idea of ​​trying to study the volatile hypnotic potion, and turned to the simple and rough research and development direction.

Some materials of a single nature will not undergo chain upheaval. The by-products generated in past experiments are a good example. On this basis, Maca tested a highly volatile flammable liquid medicine, and tossed out a quite dangerous liquid potion-this thing really explodes!

As long as there is a little bit of fire property material as a primer ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it can burst into a very strong adhesion magic flame in an instant.

玛 According to Maca's judgment, the difficulty of this kind of magic flame is almost a weakened version of Lihuo curse; but its burning effect on those objects with magical power will not be weaker than Lihuo.

It's just a pity that the safety of carrying this gadget can't be guaranteed, it is a disadvantage that cannot be ignored.

Maca gave this trial a similarly rude name-Lihuo Bottle One.

中 At noon the next day, while Maca was sitting in the library during her lunch break, writing a long strip of potion formula into her notebook, Hermione walked in hurry.

"Maca, I found it!" She said, "I found Nick LeMay!"

"It's not easy, it is said that he is now back in France." Maca laughed.

呃 "Uh, I mean, I found Nick LeMay's profile!" Hermione whispered, "I found his name in the Guide to Medieval Witchcraft!"

"Oh yes, that's it." Maca nodded. "So, you already know what's hidden behind Hagrid's three-headed dog?"

"I think so-it's a magic stone!" Hermione lowered her voice.

得到 After getting Maca's approval, Hermione left happily. Maca looked at her back, but her heart was coming soon.

In fact, he also considered whether he should go for a lively event, but after some thought, he still decided to let it go. For the time being, his absence will not have much effect, and maybe it will disrupt Dumbledore's plan.

In the final analysis, this is always a matter for Harry and Voldemort. Why should he go wrong?

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