Harry Potter’s Book of Sin

Chapter 800: I only represent myself

Ma slightly does not like cloudy, because the gloom and depression always remind him of himself.

As the heir of the Augustine family, those who can reach him often envy him, as if an identity represents countless wealth and glory.

I only know about Mallor himself. His family is like him. I am afraid that there is nothing else to describe except this overcast and overcast sky.

Inheritance? Inherit wealth? No, don't even think about it, waiting for him has long been left with a gigantic empty shell that will collapse suddenly.

The Augustine family, which has risen since about 400 AD, may become another poor worm that has fallen into the transformation of the magic world.

Ma slightly looked up at the sky—it was time to rain.

"Ms. McGonagall, please ... is Miss Witt still out? If she doesn't want to get wet with the rain that is about to fall, I don't mind taking a few more steps and going to see her."

He feels that his performance should be considered polite enough, but what can he do if he can't wait for someone next?

After all, this action was personally instructed by his father. To this day, it has nothing to do with his personal thoughts.

"I think she will come down soon." Professor McGonagall still looked calm and relaxed. Compared with the tough style of the past, she is now a bit more Dumbledore-like peace, "wait for a Lady, the most important thing is patience, isn't it? "

"Oh, you're right ..."

Ma slightly smiled naturally, no matter how embarrassing and eager he was, the social practice and practice from childhood to age were enough to make him show a ceremonial smile on any occasion.

But he knew that the true self in his heart was actually impatient enough.

Yes, he used to think that Miss Charlotte Witt was very beautiful, and that was also the first time in his family's family planning that did not violate his heart.

When he knew that he had been regretted to be married by the Witt family, he also felt sincere regret.

He is different now. Actually, he doesn't want to disturb the girl who dared to escape the family cage. Because he knew that he, who also wanted to escape without a little action, was simply not worthy of the girl who seized freedom.

I just, maybe because of that, he's standing here now, right?

This is like a soulless puppet, leaving the family to hold hands and feet, to catch another kind of man who has broken the match.

为什么 At that moment, why on earth did you convey that deal to your father?

这一 This scene is sad or ridiculous.

The howling wind gradually increased, making Mallo's hair a bit messy, just like his vacillating heart at this time.

"That's Miss Wit! She's finally out!"

声音 A voice sounded from behind Mallor, and it was not known whether it was from the Augustin family or the Wit family. Ok! No matter which side he was, he didn't care much.

She raised her hand to block the hair that was flying up and down, and Mallor looked far away from the castle. Two figures were walking towards him side by side.

那个 One of the girls is familiar to him— 窈窕 's figure, good face, and long hair swaying like oriental silk in the wind. Who else is his fiancee, Charlotte Witt?

Alas, the other man was only as good as Charlotte in terms of height, but I was afraid that no one would dare to look down on him.

"Maca McLean."

略 After thinking the name in silence, Mallor took a deep breath.

Uh ...

"Miss Wait, please forgive me today for bothering me, just—"

As soon as Marka and Charlotte approached, they saw that the handsome-looking young man had fallen a little short of the first words of the meeting.

He was the first sentence, but Charlotte interrupted as soon as he reached out his hand.

"Sorry, if you want to talk to me about the engagement, I think it's better to change to a lesser place!" She glanced at the group of people behind him, expressing expressionlessly, "Like this That kind of thing, I don't think it needs too many witnesses. "

"This is a big event where the two families marry each other! Do you understand what you are talking about?"

For Charlotte's words, the client, Mallory, was snatched by a middle-aged witch before he could answer. Charlotte glared coldly, but the other side just snorted indifferently, as if he didn't care about Charlotte's feelings.

Maka glanced at the witch and frowned slightly.

"Are you a member of the Witte family?"

家伙 Most of the guys who came to Hogwarts yesterday didn't open their mouths, because the old housekeeper of Barnes & Noble was in front of him as the representative of negotiations.

Even if they didn't speak, Maca remembered those guys seven or seven hundred and eighty-eight. Now thinking about it for a moment, I remember that the middle-aged witch was one of them.

"Yes." Listening to Maca, the man was slightly choked, but quickly raised his voice. "Mr. McLean, Charlotte is my niece ... I teach my niece that you want it too Anyway? "

"Well, wasn't that clear enough yesterday?" Maca pointed at Charlotte, and then pointed at Mallorca, loudly, "Today, just talking to the two of them, the others don't have to speak. . "

"Did you say?" The other person immediately smirked, "Bano's butler only said that he would pass it on to the owner, but he would have agreed without saying the owner-you know, this is just a family affair of our two families! Mike Ryan 'Professor', you're a bit too broad, right? "

That guy also called Maca "sir" before, and now he uses "professor" again.

Obviously, he was turning around to remind Maca's identity and position, and if he went deeper, it even contained a little caution.

But in fact, according to the rules of the magic world, Maca didn't really interfere in this matter.

But then again, Maca, is he a law-abiding person?

这位 "This ... uh, Mr. Witt?" He suddenly opened his eyebrows, his face indifferently said, "Since your host doesn't agree with my suggestion, then this meeting today, I think it's fine!"


I mean, Charlotte didn't know what Maca was going to do now.

Previously, she understood that Maca seemed to want to take the right to speak from her family and let her decide the future life path. However, it has not been long before the two sides met, but the situation has changed significantly.

As for our Master Augustine, he couldn't even find the time to speak.

"Relax, sister." Maca smiled at Charlotte with a slightly subtle tone, "I'm afraid the nature of this matter has completely changed ..."

As he whispered this sentence, he glanced pretentiously among the group of people behind Mallorca--in those people, he had a face that he couldn't be more familiar with.

嗯 "Hmm ... is she called‘ Millian ’?”

Union Ravenclaw's men, a witch who is good at slaying curses and sneaking, Maca followed the other way. I just don't know why, today the woman is actually wearing that black robe-is she afraid that some caring people won't recognize her identity?

Of course, for Maca, this is not the time to get into trouble. After counting more or less, he continued to say:

"Sorry, the Wit and Augustin families, sorry, please come back today!"

He said nothing, and another wizard stood out from the crowd, staring blankly at Maca. Maca doesn't remember who this person is, it looks like he should be a member of the Augustine family.

"Professor McLean," said the other coldly, "Excuse me, are you driving us away on behalf of Hogwarts? If this is the case, then we will have to leave temporarily ... just ..."

There is always such friction between the puppet forces and the forces, which has not always been a problem that can be easily solved with personal ability.

Even Dumbledore in the past can only deal with this contradiction in order to achieve the result he wants.

可 玛卡 is not Dumbledore. Although he also has a good overall view, he has never been a person who likes to plan.

"No," Marka looked at the humane. "Hogwarts is a magic school, it's just a magic school. Don't say I can't represent Hogwarts, even if I can, it can't interfere with both of you. Every move of the family. "

"I can only represent myself."

As soon as this remark came out, how could the people of the two major families not hear the meaning of it? --- Maka said that ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ basically emphasized that what he did was only personal.

This means ...

"Mr. McLean, you are too arrogant, are you?"

I don't know who said such a word, but it seemed to be the voice of everyone. Even McGonagall and Flitwick, who had been standing aside just now, cast a stern look on Maca.

But Maca's expression has not changed at all.

或许 "Perhaps arrogance!" He said lightly, "It's just some people that forced me to be arrogant ..."

Maka said, glancing at the Augustinian again. But almost no one knows that "some people" in this sentence refers to someone else.

In the crowd, Millian pulled the hood of the hood and covered her face a little more. But under the shadow in that hood, a pair of bright eyes were silently staring at Maca's face, which meant little is known.

"Maca McLean ..." She secretly chewed the name and pursed her lips suddenly. "No wonder the boss was so kind to him, just found out that I existed, and he and me Have you seen through such a long deployment? "

Milian was not sure, but the sudden change of Maka's attitude made her have to believe.

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