Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 163 Memory Inheritor

The car stopped in Shigatse, Tibet, where Lockhart met the receptionist of the Tibetan wizarding force. A few monks with bare right arms and odd hats received them.

"Donor, we have been informed," a monk said respectfully, bending over to Lockhart. "The inheritor is waiting for you at Tashilhunpo Monastery, and we will take you there to meet him."

These people are not wizards, they should be squibs, otherwise it would be impossible to be so respectful to Lockhart and his party.

Under the leadership of several monks, Lockhart went to the Tashilhunpo Monastery in Shigatse and met the spiritual leader of this sorcerer force, the "Inheritance".


A doll sitting on the bed in the room is the spiritual leader? He really is a "spiritual" leader, right? Lockhart observed this child suspiciously. He did have magical fluctuations in him, but it was not strong at all.

"Donor, may you be safe and auspicious." The child spoke in an old-fashioned tone.

Tianshan child grandma, rejuvenation, rejuvenation of the body, eternal youth, rejuvenation of the body? A jumble of words passed through Lockhart's mind, and he looked at the child warily.

"Please sit down."

Lockhart sat down on the chair beside the bed where the inheritor was sitting, facing the Pan-chan who looked like a little baby, not knowing how to speak. The two just sat face to face.

"Why did the donor come?"

"Senior." Lockhart realized that this is not a doll, and replied respectfully, "I want to find a way to deal with the magic weapon or soul container, please advise."

"Well, drink tea." The doll's high-pitched voice came, and Lockhart noticed that there was tea on the table next to him.

Lockhart took a sip, but saw that the inheritor closed his eyes and seemed to be thinking about something. Lockhart had nothing to do, and watched the house. Atmospheric, solemn, with a touch of sandalwood in the air, Lockhart suddenly found that as soon as he entered this temple, he felt calm, as if all the outside noise had left him.

Occlumency does not have any alarms, which means that this temple, like Hogwarts, has a magical and powerful spiritual suggestion magic. Hogwarts can naturally give people a sense of belonging and cleanse people's hearts, and this temple makes people reverence and worship the Buddha.

Interestingly, Lockhart looked at the "Heir" and found that he had also opened his eyes to look at himself.

"Why is the donor looking for this kind of knowledge?"

"An evil wizard, in order to gain immortality, kills and makes a lot of soul containers to gain immortality."

"Oh?" The crisp childish voice also fluctuated, and the inheritor asked with interest, "What kind of spell can be done? Can it really be immortal?"

Seeing Lockhart looking at him vigilantly, the inheritor smiled: "Don't worry about the donor, the Buddha also said that there is no way to live forever, there is absolutely no way to not die in this world. Moreover, I am also very confident in my method of 'reincarnation', There will never be more subtle spells, is the donor interested in hearing about it?"

"Appreciate further details."

"Reincarnation is actually just a guess by people who don't know the situation. But in some respects, it can be said that every Pan-chen is a person." The inheritor seemed to feel too tired after saying this. Take a break. "The first Pan-chan, created a method of memory instillation, when the deadline was approaching, he chose a newborn child, instilled his lifelong memory in him, and arranged a loyal entourage to perform a performance. A trick of the reincarnation of a living Buddha."

"What's the difference between this and the house grab?!" asked Lockhart.

"The former Pan-chen Lama and the successor have nothing to do with their souls. The former dissipates between heaven and earth, while the latter continues to live with his own body. Except for memory, everything has to start from scratch."

Lockhart raised his eyebrows, it turned out to be the case: "That is to say,

In fact, news came out from the outside world that when Pan-chan died, he was not dead yet, he just wanted to choose a child to pass on his memory! "

"That's it!" The inheritor was very happy that the Englishman understood what he meant so quickly, "Of course, you must have a loyal follower to ensure that you ascend to the position of Pan-Chan."

"What's the point of living like this?" Lockhart actually wanted to ask Voldemort, but he had no chance.

"Cultivation, closer to Buddha..." Pan-chen closed his eyes and said a very high-quality sentence. "Now, is the donor interested in introducing me to the way of eternal life you said?"


So annoying! Lockhart had to give him a general introduction to Horcrux. Anyway, there is no spell, and he is not afraid of you going to harm people.

"How can the living Buddha deal with the Horcrux?"

"Hey... Isn't it brute force to destroy the Horcrux, what method is needed?" The inheritor said something that made Lockhart vomit blood, "Everything is destructible."

"The point is that even our strongest wizards can't destroy that thing!"

"Oh, is that so..." The inheritor nodded, and Lockhart wanted to pull him down and beat him. "I seem to have something that can deal with Horcruxes, called Soul Collector Talisman."

"Really! Where?" Lockhart was excited, trying to get it at all costs.

"Naturally it's in a safe place," the inheritor said again, "Actually, that thing is useless to me, and it's not that I can't give it to you."

"So?" Lockhart knew that the other party would definitely make an offer.

"I heard that the donor is the second wizard of the United Kingdom," the inheritor also heard the rumors, "You should understand that the most fearful thing for people like us is to be killed before passing on the memory, so what I am best at is defensive spells. ."


"You want to fight me? With all due respect, try again in ten years." Lockhart advised. "Your current magic power is simply not enough to fight."

"No, the donor only needs to try all the spells you know on me." The inheritor shook his head and said, "Of course, it is not for the donor to use all his strength, I just want to know more ways to attack."

"Okay, then, which one to start with." Lockhart was also unequivocal, and drew his wand directly, "Breaking the energy in one breath."

A blue light shot past, half a meter away from the inheritor's small body, was blocked by the emerging golden light, and then broke through with great effort, shot at him, and was blocked by the magic power of the body protector.

"What a domineering defense-breaking ability!" The inheritor said in surprise, and Lockhart was also very surprised. Although he only used a little magic power, he was definitely not able to stop the magic power of a four or five-year-old child. However, the fluctuation of magic power attracted the attention of the followers outside. The door was opened at once, and several powerful lamas rushed in and aimed at Lockhart with various instruments.


"Go out! By the way, bring the Soul Collector Talisman from the treasure house." Pan-chan ordered without question.

"Yes!" The loyal lamas didn't think much of it at all, and immediately put away their things and left the house, and closed the door.

"Donor, let's continue, that gave me a big surprise just now." The inheritor said happily.

"The next move, or physical attack, was invented by a friend of mine." Lockhart raised his wand, "Shen Feng Wuying!"

A huge white light flashed, smashing the defense of the first golden light, and was blocked by the second golden light.

"Not bad power, let's change the pattern."

"Passed out." This time, he didn't even break through the first golden light.

"Out of the body!" This spell did not touch Jin Guang's defense, and hit the inheritor directly. The inheritor's expression suddenly became suspicious, and it took a while to recover.

Without the slightest anger of being attacked by the Unforgivable Curse, the inheritor was very excited: "Sure enough, it was someone outside the world. The attack just now gave me a lot of knowledge. The donor didn't hide his secrets. He was really open-minded, and the little monk admired it! way of attack?"

"Basically there are no tricks, nothing more than changes in attack form and speed and strength." Lockhart put away his wand and took out a dagger, "But I have a dagger that claims to be able to break demons. Do you want to try it?"

"No need, I believe that I will not be approached by anyone." The inheritor smiled and shook his head, "The soul collection talisman is sent to the donor, there is only one, the raw materials are rare, use it well."

"Thank you, senior!" Lockhart said in surprise, "I wonder what defense spell the senior used just now?"

"Vajra cover." The inheritor did not hide his secrets, and directly demonstrated it again, "Unfortunately, it is useless for you to learn it. I use it to look strong because I have completely mastered this spell, and this is required. accumulated over time.”

He didn't talk nonsense, Lockhart is also proficient in magic, and it can be seen that this is a simple defensive spell that emits magic power, and it cannot be used proficiently.

"How many days will the donor live? You can practice with my followers. Some of them are quite good."

"Thank you for your kindness, senior, my time is limited." Lockhart declined, it was already August 10th, and Dumbledore seemed to have something for him to do.

"Then I won't hold back anymore. The donor is free and can come to Tibet from time to time. It is very interesting to discuss with the donor. The donor will always be a friend of my Yellow Sect." In the hands of my disciple, remember to close the door."

"Farewell, thank you senior!"


Lockhart didn't expect that the spiritual leader of a large group of wizards would be so good at talking, and he didn't expect things to go so smoothly. He took a simple leather talisman from his disciple outside the door, with some strange symbols inscribed on it. , faint and strange mana fluctuations came from above.

I finally got something, and I almost came to China for nothing! Lockhart reunited with Lin Feng and Pandora excitedly and returned to Lhasa. They returned to Beijing through the teleportation array.

"Are you leaving China soon?" Lin Feng said reluctantly. The order given to him by his superiors was to keep him as much as possible.

"That's right, I'm done, I'm going back right now." Lockhart nodded firmly, "I hope to arrange it as soon as possible, can you, after all, I'm going to contact our Ministry of Magic for your government, don't I? "

When it comes to establishing diplomacy, the efficiency of Chinese wizards has suddenly become extremely high, and they can leave in the afternoon.


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