Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 349 Farce (Part 1)

"It's nothing. Anyway, you are not allowed to touch the mysterious man!"

"Okay, don't touch it. We're just discussing enchanted weapons." Lockhart looked at Snape, "Speaking of weapons that break enchantments, I seem to have one. It was given to me by a young wizard when I went to China. Mine - to be precise, I traded him for a wand made by Ollivander, I'll find it for you."

"What, you mean that little dagger in your bag is a magic weapon? If I had known, I would have thrown it away!" Hermione angrily grabbed the small bag in Lockhart's arms.

"What happened? What did you say to her, Severus?" Lockhart was confused by Hermione's inexplicable anger.

"I-" Snape showed a rare embarrassed expression.

"He said he wanted you to look like Harry, and then he sent you to the mysterious man to get bitten by a snake. Then you took the opportunity to stab the snake with a magic-breaking weapon, and the magic deflection spell used to pierce it would kill you. The curse killed it!"

"I'm just talking!" Snape's arrogance no longer existed at this time. After all, he was going to ask his husband to take the risk to avenge himself. "It's still unclear who will be bitten by the snake, Gilderoy. , first take out the weapon you mentioned and let me have a look."

"Don't get excited, I won't promise Sev." Lockhart finally calmed down Hermione and carefully took out the enchanted weapon given to him by the Chinese wizard named Lin Feng from the small bag, an exquisite and classical dagger. , in some special occasions, this thing may be able to play a greater role than the Elder Wand. "Here, let's take a look."

Snape took the thing from Lockhart's hand, weighed it in his hand, nodded, and suddenly stabbed himself in the shoulder. As Hermione screamed, the small dagger penetrated Snape's shoulder without any hindrance, piercing the flesh two to three centimeters deep.

"Why didn't you disinfect it?" Lockhart looked at him with a frown.

"It can indeed break demons, and the effect is better than I imagined!" Snape said with a face of surprise, "I didn't even feel the existence of the Body Protection Curse just now. Let's try the effect of adding the Iron Armor Curse now."

Under Hermione's dull gaze, Snape pulled out the dagger without changing his expression, healed his wound, then picked up the wand on the table and cast an iron armor charm on himself. Then in the stunned gazes of the two people. Pricked his shoulder again.

The dagger pierced the iron armor curse, and there was a slight pause, but after Snape increased his strength, it still broke through the protection, and did not stop until the tip of the knife touched the flesh.

"Your dedication to the experiment is very touching, Severus. But it is not necessary at all." Lockhart couldn't stand it any longer. "If it is true as you said, then the magic on Nagini must only be able to block magical attacks. Yes, there is no way it will be blocked if you stab it directly with a dagger."

"Indeed, there is no need to try. Nagini cannot have magic like the Iron Armor Curse on her body, otherwise the Dark Lord would not be able to touch it or even let it crawl on him." Snape nodded, "But it is impossible except There is no protection except the deflection charm, at least to ensure that Muggles cannot kill it - but the dagger's ability to break magic is far beyond my imagination. If a piercing charm is used at the same time as piercing, I'm afraid it will lose its soul. Any weapon can be pierced through several layers of protection."

"Maybe, but the protective magic of the Horcrux can repair itself, so piercing it is useless, and one-third of the protective magic on it is physical protection, which is much more powerful than the Iron Armor Curse." Lockhart shook his head, "Otherwise there would be no need to go to all this trouble and so many people would die."

"So what do you think of my plan, Gilderoy?" Snape looked at Lockhart, "You should be able to completely simulate another person's magical aura easily with your current strength. This is your own Said."

"That's right, magic is like my own body to me now. It's easy to completely hide my aura, or simulate the magic fluctuations of a young wizard." Lockhart nodded. "but--"

"Gilderoy said that he will not participate in your plan, and I will give you the dagger.

Use it however you want! "Hermione said hurriedly, "Honey, let's go back. Stop here..."

"Okay, then, let's plan it carefully, Severus, let's go back first."

"Yes." Snape realized that it was impossible to discuss anything in front of Hermione. He stood up and opened the door for the Lockharts who had put on their invisibility cloaks, covering them and leaving the room.


"Gilderoy-" Back in the Room of Requirement, Lockhart began to think about the room they stayed in, while Hermione shook his arm and begged in a soft voice. "Don't go, I will do whatever you want to do to me tonight -"

"Okay, okay, I understand, I won't do this for Snape, okay." Lockhart pinched her nose and opened the door to the Room of Requirement. "It's almost enough time. It's time to go out and contact Scrimgeour and the others to prepare to take back the Ministry of Magic..."

"Ah..." Hermione said reluctantly, she felt good hiding in Hogwarts like this. "Stay a little longer. Are you completely familiar with your body?"

"That's almost it. Since you want to stay, you can stay for a while longer. But I will go out to meet Scrimgeour and the others in the next two days. You can just wait here for me..."

"No, I'm going with you!" Hermione shouted, then noticed someone was in the Room of Requirement. "Hey, Ginny, why are you here again?"

"I..." Ginny blushed immediately when she saw Lockhart. "Let's see if the professor wants blood. Where have you been?"

"How many times have I told you, the professor doesn't need your blood!" Hermione said angrily, "The professor will find someone else, and he will change people every day, and he will never continue to suck his own blood."

"Professor likes the taste of my blood, why don't you want it anymore!" Ginny was so anxious that she was about to cry. "I haven't sucked my blood for several days. Just take a sip, that's okay if you want."

Lockhart felt extremely regretful at this moment. He gave Ginny the aphrodisiac that day because he was worried that he would not be able to get enough high-quality virgin blood, so he wanted to at least secure a perfect target. Boys' blood is really not good to drink. He planned to use the blood of other wizards as a staple food to replenish energy first, and then drink a little bit of Ginny's blood to enjoy the delicious food - but the fact is that the girls at Hogwarts have no sense of prevention at all. As long as they are willing to be patient and stick to the target, they will do it every day He could drink different kinds of virgin blood until he was full, so drugging Ginny was completely unnecessary.

"You -" Hermione was speechless, "Ginny, tell me the truth, are you in love with Gilderoy?"

"I, I didn't..." Ginny said nervously, "The professor is your husband, how could I like him? I just want to suck some blood from him."

"Then why don't you put some of your own blood in a small crystal bottle and put it on the table here!" Hermione looked directly into Ginny's eyes, "I will allow him to drink it."

Ginny was stunned. Yes, drinking blood doesn't require physical relief at all... What should we do? She hugged Hermione.

"Hermione, I was wrong - I admit that I have fallen in love with the professor. Now that I can't see him for a moment, I miss him and feel so uncomfortable. I just want to see him, hug him, and get close to the professor. , if you can...let him suck some of my blood..."


【Recommendation ticket】

——(To be continued.)


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